Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mark "Nude" Nud e lman (72) leads a chase pack around Seco nd Creek Raceway, site of round six of MRA action in Denver, Colo rado. the se ries crowded each oth er in the ho use turn on the first lap. When the light w ent gr een , Turp in was off like a colt on branding day. Close behind w er e D an "O ti s" Turn er, Ryan Bur ke , Dennie Burke and Rich Deem ing. If it wa sn't for D eem ing's conserv ative edge, th ey w ould have been fourwide going int o th e first re al turn of the race. Turner, on the inside , sandwiched Ryan into his Uncle De n n ie , on t he outside. The senior Bur ke took an outside line off the trac k and stayed upright, while Dee ming swerved off to the inside . Turner was able to co ntinue without leav ing the tra ck , lo sing many places in the field, but it was the younger Burke , Ryan. w ho ki ssed the paveme nt . D ennie and D ee m ing r e- e nt e r ed t he raceway after the pack had passed and took a lap or two to get back up to spee d. Deeming w as a man on the cha rge , p icking up five positions midway through the race , on a single lap. And w he re was Ricky Orlando during all this? O rlando got an unusually bad start - one that he was thankfu l for after the turn -one me lee. T he frac as landed Orlando in second, behind Turpin, w here he stayed for the duratio n. Turne r, having worked his way back through the pack, converted the mishap into a th ird-p lace finish, after coas ting along (having given up on the seco nd-place spot he ld by Orlando). At t he finish it was Turp in, O rland o and Turne r. Mark "The Mile Mo uth" Wood ward had assumed it wa s young Ryan who caused the mishap at t he beg inning of the race. Showing true sportsmanship (as is common among those in the MRA), Turner corrected Woodward and made a public apology to Ryan for his aggressive racing. W hile anyone co uld see it wa s just a racing mishap, it was st ill refresh ing to see someone not only take responsibility but sincerely apologize publicl y fo r any misgiving. Turner is another class act in the MRApaddoc k. and built a 10· bikelength lead , but he lost t he fron t end in t he apex of tur ns thre e and fo ur and lowsided ou t of the race. Zitur, riding his Gen eral Enginee ring Honda, held off Kevin and Jake for his first Pro -class win since 1997 . Zitur w as t he Dist rict 23 Pro Ch amp ion in 1976, 197B, 1989 and 1997. Afte r a few years off, he 's getting in to uch with his new Honda 450 by making changes every wee k to help cut his lap times down. The class with the most entries was the Pit Bike Open class. The 14·rider field was to pped by Pro riders Kevin and jake. The race was vel)' en tertai ning, as it included a variety of pit bikes and featured t he most crashes of the night. Th e fair race is always spec ial for the District 23 flat-tracke rs. This is the o nly day race at the short t rack , which poses prob le ms regarding track conditions. O n Track Prom ot ions had it all covered with a water truck . brush machine and vibro packe r. T he track was in top shape , w ith a nice groove. Many rider s co mmented on how fast it was : A radar gun clocked so me Pro ride rs at 60 mph on the straightaways. Rachael Brisb in did an excellen t job of announcing, and there were many drawings for the fans throughout the day. The ne xt O n Track Promotions race is on August 28. R ESULTS 50 OI L· IN) : I. Zach Letendre (Cob): 2. Cole Andenon (KTM); l . Dust in H udek (KTM); 4 . Matt hew Elliott (KTM): 5. Roche lle Paul (Y am). 50 SHAFT: I. Roche lle Paul (Yam); 2. Amber Letend re (Yilm); 3. Tristan Co burn (Yam) ; 1. Emily am). 50 MICRO CHAIN: Gilman (Yam); 5. Dust in Mudek (Y I. Cole Anderson (Ka w) ; 2. Zach Le t e nd r e (C o b) ; 3. Matthe w Elliott (Po l); 1. Ethan G ilman (Co b); 5. Am be r Lete ndre (Pol). 65 MINI: I. Dust in Paul (Kaw); 2. Manhew Ellio tt (Kaw); 3. Ethan Gilman (Kaw); 4 . C harlott e Mo rr is (Kaw): 5. Logan Anderson (Kaw) . 80 OPEN: I. Jory Morri s (Kaw); 2. Jor dan Schleicher (l<4lw): l. Nicholas Mataya (Yam); 4. Lacy Letendre (Kaw); 5. Dustin Paul (!!>< (Hon ): 2. John Conant (Rot): 1. Joe Blockwell (H. D). RESUL TS GTU NOV: I. Da ve Van De weert : 2. To ny Ewan ; 3. William Steffens ; 4. Jake Latime r; 5. Ant hony Ross. GT U AM : I. D avid Gallant: 2. Tony Ewan ; 3. Pat rick Lansu; 4 . Greg Greenwood; 5. Jake Latimer . GTU MO RN VINT: I. Chuck Shertsline: 2. Randy Ray Miller: 3. Simon Luciow: 4. Troy Miller; 5. Donna Bowden. GT O N O V: I. Dave Van De Weert: 2. Dean '¥Vhitinger; 3. Tony Ewa n; 4. William Steffens: 5. Anthony Ross. GT O AM : I. Marv Rosencrans; 2. Doug itinger. Lyle ; 3. Corbin Swan: 4. David Gallant ; 5. Dean "Wh GTO MO RN VINT: I. Aaron Petrie; 2. Karl Fra kes; 3. Randy Ray Mille r; 4 . Erik Peat ; 5. Simon Luciow. M/W SlS PT: I. Martin Sims ; 2 . Bra d H e nd ry; 3 . Dav id Ga llant; 1 . Pedro Bravo ; 5. Greg Greenwood. H/W S/S PT: I. Robert Jensen ; 2. Mike Applegate ; 3. Crash Lowe ; 4. Corbin Swan ; 5. Jeff Grace . OPEN S/S PT: I. Robert Jen sen ; 2. Rich Deemi ng: 3. Mike Appleg ate ; 4 . Den nie Burke ; 5. David Gossett. M/W 5 /81{: I . Ped ro Bravo ; 2. Mart in Sims; 3. Crash Lowe : 4 . Brad Hend ry ; 5 . David Lam bert. H/ W S/B K: I . Mike App/eg3te ; 2. Mart in Sims; 3. David Lambert; 4. Jim Brewer; 5. Jeff Grace . OPEN Sl BK: I. Shane Turpin; 2. Dan Tumer; 3. Ricky Orlando ; 1 . Ryan Burke ; 5. Rich Deeming. ROR: I. Shane Tu rp in ; 2. Ric ky Orlando : l . D an Turn e r ; 4 . Shane Cahill; 5. Mike Applegate. Jory Morris was the w inner of the ascc Mini and aocc Open classes at the Isanti County Fairgrounds in Cambridge, Minnesota. 'sa nti County fairgrounds Jory Gets the ~::zt CAMBRIDGE, MN, JULY 25 S ilve r Lake 's jol)' Morris wo n bo th the 85ee Mini an d 80cc Open classes at th e Isa nti Co unty Fair race in Cambridge , Minnesota. In t he 85cc Min i race , Morris t o ok the holeshot, over points leader Co nner Anderson, and never look ed back. Morris used a fast entry into the corners and a hard d rive ou t to sea l the victo ry o ve r Jo rdan Schleic he r an d Nicho las Mataya. with Anderso n running in fourth. The 80cc Open race st arted as a car bo n co py of the previou s race , exce pt w hile running in secon d , try ing t o c hase d o w n Mo rr is, Ander son cras he d in t urn thre e , sto pping the race . Ande rso n retired to the pits, while Morris 70 t o o k th e le a d o n th e re star t and he ld o ff Kawasaki- mou nte d Schle icher a nd Yamah amount ed Nicholas Mataya. T he tw o victories for the 12-year-old Morris we re his first since the indoor season earlier in the year. Kevin Anderson scored a convincing viaory in the O pe n Pro class, w inning both his heat and the main. T he Honda rider looked stron g as he took t he holes hot and ke pt a goo d lead over th e 10·ride r fie ld. Early dicing between Jake Mataya and josh Koch sen t the m backwa rd, and ve ter a ns Da n Z it u r and Billy H o fm e ist er se cure d secon d and th ird, resp ec tive ly. New Market , Minnesota's Wil lie Brote n t ook his Cro w n Fund ing Ya m a ha into fo u rt h after tangling wit h Ho fme ister in turn two on the first lap, w hich made Bro te n go high and off th e pace. To the delight of the crowd, Kevin did a huge victory w hee lie after taking the checkers. In the SO Scc Pro class, Zitur was handed the lead wh e n t he hard- charging Bro te n crashed out on lap seven . Brote n had taken the holeshot SEPTEMBER 1,2004 • CYCLE NEWS Plea5 ure Rider5 Hil/c1imb McKay More Than Okay at Cayugat By BUD NORTHRUP CAYUGA, IN, JULY 25 D espite a painful crash, jared McKay had a good weeke nd at th e Ple asure Ride rs' doubleheader week end. He was a do uble-class winne r o n Sat urday night , taking the w ins in both the 600cc and Open Stock classe s, but Mar k Sch roe de r r uined his pe rfe ct night by beating him in the 250cc class and taking th e Fast T ime aw ard . McKay was second, beh ind Schroeder, in both the 250cc class and the Fast Ti me contest . H e also cr ashe d ha rd o n his CRF450 R in t he Open Stock class , pa infully 40th Anniversary twist ing his knee and damaging his bike bad ly enough that it cou ld not run on Sunday. O n Sunday, McKay was obvious ly st ill in pain as he walked - we ll, limped · arou nd, but you couldn't tell it fro m the way he rode. First, McKay wo n the 2S0c c class w ith a 4,430·secon d time on his YZ250 • just e nough to e dge Schroed e r, w ho had to se tt le fo r second wit h a 4A40 ·second run o n his Yamaha. Riding his KX540 in the 600cc class, McKay won again, w it h a 4.23 1·second ride in th e second rou nd, overta king "Fast Andy" Fortner, w ho had post ed a 4.2 79·s econd class-le ad ing fast time in the first round . The time wo uld also hold up for the Fast Time of the day. McKay wasn't quite done yet, howeve r, as he cam e bac k to win the King Of The Hill shootout for the 10 fastest ride rs. giving him three class wins and the Fast Time - a perfect day! Schroeder d id get a w in o n Sund ay to go w it h his Fast Ti me w in of the night befo re ,

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