Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The O ver 40 Experts we re dominated by British Col um bia's Kevin Ferguson, with five wins in five tries, but close behind was the lady from Oregon , Susan Smith, who 's bec o ming one of t h e top Experts . While Fergu so n c hecked o ut in the first two mote s, he was followed in second by fellow British Columbia riders Sta n Stanowski in mota one and Gregg Eiswald in mota two, with Smith placing third in both mo tos. Smith finishe d out the weeken d with seconds for a hard -fought second overall in tough competition. Brit ish Co lum bia's Do n Toc he r to ok t ime ou t from his dut ies as host to clobber the competi t io n in the Ove r 50 Ma st e r cl a ss , scoring (our firsts and a second (or the overall. Ga r ry Roeste l (rom Washington and Brit ish Columbia's Ga ry Haw rys to ok second and t hird , re spe ct ivel y, bu t Tocher showed his mastery over his home t rack to take the win. good use , dom inat ing t he 4S0cc race. In the Premier class, Biava and Casey Yarrow battled all race long, with Casey prevailing. For more ra ce informati on , visit www.supennotousacom on the World Wide Web. Brit ish Co lumbia's John Verdonk w on his usual five-for-five in the Master A class, saying he missed having Eric McKe nna to d ice wit h. McKenna remains the series points leade r. RESULTS RESULTS 4 0+ NOV: I. Ross Kepner; 2 . Darry l Inancsi; 3. Rob Mason; 4. Brian Swanson ; 5. Billy Slusse r. 4 0+ AM: I. Mark Voegele; 2. Dale Martinson ; 3. Tom Boorman ; 4 . CliffHanger ; 5. Mike Ga rdisky. 40 + EX : I. Kevin Fe rgus on ; 2. Susan Smith; 3. Stan Stanows ki; 4 . Steve Bader; 5. Mike Downe y. 50 + NO V: I. Richard Thompson; 2. Doug Parlee ; 3. David Wi lz. 50 + AM : I. Bob Mead o w s; 2. Jame s Pet e rson : 1. Mike Gorei; 4. Randy North; 5. Jo l1 De M iston . 50 + EX: I. n Tom Jesmer ; 2. Jerry Winkelba ue r; 3. Barry Anderson; 4 . Dan Tramm ell; 5. Tim Kennedy. 50 + MSTR: I. Don Toche r; 2. Garry !\oes tel; 1. Gary Haw rys. 60 + NOV: I. Don Ne lson: 2. Uoyd Jones: 1. Scon Walker Sr.; 4. Bob Switze r. 60+ AM: I. Harry Mo rse : 2. Jam es He rsh man; 3. Bo b Sw itz e r ; 4. David Seal; 5. Dick Graham . 60 + EX : I. Jim Lamkin; 2. Laure nce St . Pie rre : 1. Ed Perritcn : 4. Joe Corder; S. Bob Harr ison. 70 + NOV: I. Bob Mou nt; 2. Dan McCarthy; 3. Dave Scon . 70 + AM : I. Nate Hou se . 70 + EX: I. Zoli Berenyi; 2. Max Goode: 1. Gene Higginbo tham . 80 + NOV: I . C har lie Bur ch inal. MSTR A : I . Joh n Ve rd onk ; 2. [arl Heinonen ; 3. Je ff Odom: -4. Mike Boyce. MSTR B: I. Mile s Cole man: 2. Tony Allen. Saturday OPEN : I. Team Ve t; 2. Gow in Racing: 3. Team Hillbilly. LJW: I. McAlliste r Racing: 2. Super Moeo Fre aks: 1. Foc al Poin t Racing. IRO N MAN: I. Mic hae l Hen nas: 2. Mike Mond o; 1. Josh Jackson . O/A : I. Team Vet (Hen): 2. Team MM (Hon) ; 3. SupermotO Freaks (Hen ); 4. Foc al Point Racing (Suz); S. Gowin Racing (Hen) ; 6. Team Hillbilly (Hon); 7. 12 For Fun Racing (Yam): 8 . Yarrow Racing (Yam): 9 . Hennas Rad ng (Hen ); 10. Jep Tech Racing (Hon ). Sunday S/ 50: I. Gage McAllist e r ; 2. And re w Snow : l . Ale x Snow: 4. Josh Serne ; S. Jessica Serne. SR 50: I. Joe Bennett; 2. Miles Hansen ; l . Tom Turne r; 4. Shane Barne r; 5. Bryan Haycoc k. MINIMOTARD: I. Jake Thompson : 2. Dave Ke il: lGregory Beck : 4. Mark Anolik; S. Michael Conley. MOD MIN I/PROD MINI : I. Anson Malone y: 2. Jake Thompson; 3. Fran k Gowin ; 4 . G regg Mitch ell. S/MINI : I . Gage McAlliste r ; 2. Bre anne Mitchell: J . Andre w Sno w : 4. Josh Ser ne ; 5. Ale x Sno w. 450: I. Michael Hann as ; 2. Ca lvin Andlo ve c: 1. Andre w Dickso n; 4. Mike Mo nd o : 5. Tyler Sno w. SPTSMN : I . Jo sh Jac ks o n; 2. Br ian Pe co re ; 1. Brandon Sno w: 4. Tyler Snow ; 5. Arman do Miranda. VET: I. Don Beva : 2. Paul Orl and i; 3. Brian Pecore ; 4 . Allen Yarrow; S. Mar k Ano lik. OPEN NOV: I. Re be rt Seay; 2. Danny Giguer e ; l . Q uinte n Fry; 4 . Mike Mo ndo: S. Ric ky Snow. S/lIW: I . Cameron Bea ubier; 2. Jake Thom pson : 1. Anson Malo ne y; 4. De vin Ho ga n . L/W: I . Ga rr en W illis; 2. Cameron Beaubier: 3. Richard Perrin : 4. Don Hayler; S. Jake ard Thompson . HIW NOV: I. D.J. Sharkey ; 2. Ricl1 Perrin; 3. Jared He rm an; 4. Don Hayler ; 5. Kevin Co nd on . U/L: I . Casey Yarrow (Hon); 2. Don Biava (Hon ): 3. Michael Hannas (Hon); -4. Calvin Andlovec (Hen) ; S. Jeff Beaubier (Hen ). Wisconsin Observed Tria ls Association Round 5: Quarry Trials Villand Targets a Quarry Win By CRAIG GERNHARDT gl HIXTON WI, JULY 18 , w ~ riders competed in the Advanced class, making it the largest class of the day. Pat Do ll moved up to the Advanced class and scored 52 dabs. "The stuff is much harder than I e xpected," Do ll admitted, " but I finished, and I am rea l happy I didn't break anyt hing." Brya n Moensson won the Interm e diate class, with Steve Bowman placing second . Ron Rivenburgh too k to p honors in the Novice class. Jim Blou nt wo n the Minnesota-only Supersport class, and Mark Ditt man ca me in second. Gregg Hugge nvick won the Vintage line on Sunday. O n Saturday, W OTA and UMTA hel d a Steve K. Backyard Vintage Classic, with Steve Kirschner, Rod Villand and Moensson winning the Exp e r t , Jun io r and No vices cl a sse s , respective ly. This event drew 13 competitors and included (our loops of e ight sections. O n Sunday, Hixto n's C&j Raceway owner Chris Halverso n took a break from his busy cho res at the ever-changing raceway and stopped by to try his hand at trials. Halverson finished fourt h in the Novice c la ss. Many motocrossers w ho now ride trials were glad to see him join in the fun o n this uncharacteristically nonrainy WOTNUMTA eve nt . The ne xt WO TNUMTA event will be held in Duluth. As t rong fie ld of 49 ride rs (Includ ing nine Champ ride rs) co nverged on Hixton for the ~ an nual Qu arry Trials hosted by the Wisco nsin a: O bse rve d Tria ls Ass o ci atio n (W O TA) and ~ Upper Midwest Trials Association (UMTA), wit h o both clubs offering points for each district . Ryan b Young Prod uct s/She rco USA-spo nsored tr ials :I: c, pilot Brad Villand co ntinue d to set the tempo for all other Midwest riders to follow. He blistered the sect ions, scoring 15 cleans and amassing a mere five dabs on two loops of eight sections each . His team mat e Patrick Smage held the runne r-up positlon, with loop scores of 12 and 13, totaling 25 dabs on the day, w ith five cleaned sect ions. Dan Hofstrand had five cleans Casey Yarrow (2) and Don Biava (51) back it in at the end of the front but had a 25-point loop and a nine-poi nt loop, straight at Nevada's Reno-fernley Raceway, site of the two-hour endurance to ta ling 34 dabs. Th e program called for four race on Saturday and round three of the SupermotoUSA Nor-Cal loo ps, but w ith the time limit and with so many Championship Series on Sunday. ride rs on the course, it was reduced to two . Paul Philbrick put on a show on the Expert line, SupermotoUSA Nor-Cal Two-Hour Endurance Race scoring halfthe points of his closest competitor, Jim SupermotoUSA Nor-Cal Championship Series Ultemus. Philbrick had no loop score higher than Round 3: Ren o -Fernley Raceway seven, totaling 21 dabs. Ultem us had 4B dabs on the day. The Experts rode fo ur lo op s of eight sectio ns (time was not a (actor for th is group) . Philbrickhad 18 deans, Ultemus had 14. RESULTS In the Advanced class , Minnesota Sherco NOV: I. Ron Rivenburgh ; 2. Jason Zeeh: 3. Jay Drycz:;4. many of the heat races and mains, as the pack rider Wynn Earlwine didn't have any t rouble Chris Halverson ; S. Jean Goh lke. INT: I. Bryan Moe ns.son; 2. By BREn SAUNDERS closed down to e nter the narro w opening to Steve Bo wman; 3. Mar k Doll: 4. Amy Gillesp ie : 5. Dennis wi th t he cou rse or the c om pe titi on - he fERNLEY, NY, JULY 17-18 Oak es . ADV: I. W ynn Ear/w ine ; 2. Tyler Malin; J . Tyler de mol ished both. scoring se ve n po int s. H is t he hard- pa cked d e se rt d ust. In 25 0c c Hendrickson; '4. C raig Gernhardt; 5. Ste ve Anderson. EX: I. upe rmo to USA has o pe ned up a brand-new Lightweight, the mos t exciting race of the day, closest competitor, Tyler Malin, sco red 20, and Paul Ph ilbrick; 2. Jim Ulte mus; 1. Ste ve A1hers; 4. G riffen venue for supermoto racing ~ the sprawling W'8ley; 5. Randy Kimmick . CSHIP C L.: I. Brad Villand; 2. Tyler Hen deri ckso n sco red 29. The Advance d 5harkey got the holeshot on his new Honda Patrick Smage: 1. Dan Hofstrand ; 4. Dave Rohrschneider; 5. Re no-Fe rnley complex, located about 30 miles C RF250R, but he overcooked it coming into the class rode th re e loops of eight sections. Ten Andy Bowm an. east of Re no , Nevada. The track is long and dirt section and cras he d in fron t of th e pack . flowing, wit h an eno rmous backstr et ch and a Willis, also on a CRF250R, ran over Sharkey and technical dirt sect ion that proved to be the bane went dow n as well. Th e re st o f t he racers of many. On Saturday, I I team s had compe ted passed them by, as Will is and 5h a r ke y in a punishing two -ho ur endurance race , w hile desperately tried to refire thei r bikes. Willis got Sunday saw 13 classes race in the desert heat . his going fir st and pic ke d up t he chase in In that punishing and surprisingly close two second-to-last place. American Suzuki's Richard boor endurance race on Saturday, the father-andPerrin cap italized on the first-lap crash , as he son team of Allen & Casey Yarrow took off to a led Cameron Beaubie r in the early laps. quick lead on their YZ4S0F, only to score a DNF However, Willis was no t to be denied his with a broken chain after 54 laps. Team Vet, made place at the front , and he burne d furi ously up of PaulOrlandi & Don Blava, took the lead and, through the backmarkers. At the halfway point, eventually the checkered flag, though a frightening , Beaubier had taken the lead from Perrin , while highside by Orl andi almost cost the m the race . Willis rapidly caught up to them, O n the secondTe am MM, co m pr ised of Bro k McAllist e r & to -last lap, Willis passed Beaubier on the brakes Garren Willis, finished second, and the SuperMoto at the end of the long back straight , and he went Freaks team of D.j. Sharkey & jeff Beaubier took on to take the well-deserved checkered nag. the last podium spot. Micha Hannas topped the el Several other classes had epic battles that Ironman co mpetitio n as t he to p so lo rider, th rille d th e crowd. In the Spo rtsman co ntest, Cyclel'rc's Brian Pecore came back from a firstfollowed by Mike Mondo and josh jackson. lap dirt -sectio n p ileup to finish seco nd to Sunday 's spri nt races provided the crowd Patrick Smage was followed by a very large crowd of spectators a ll day at Jac kso n , who rode a pict ure -perfect race. with lots of act ion, as the dirt section claimed round five of the Wisconsin Observed Trials Association. Michael Hannas put his road-race experience to victim after victim. First-lap mishaps occ urred in ~ Willis Is Back at the Front of the Pack S S2 SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 4 0 t h Anniver s ary

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