Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULTS SO JR: I. Logan Dagne r (Pol): 2. Dylan Goehl (KTM). 50 SR: I. Zachary Loe hr (Co b): 2. Hayden Edwar ds (Cob): 3. Keele Carver (l em); 4. Tyler Pikul (KTM); S. Dust in Smith (Lem) . XRSO: I. Mark Herri n (Hon); 2. Ashlyn Dillow r (H on). 65: I. Zachary Loehr (Kaw) ; 2. Willi am Goeh t (KT M) ; 1, Ja ed M iller (KTM); 4. Tyler Pikul (KTM). 8 5 I R: I. Blake Schilli ng (Suz). 85 SR: I. Brian Jaeger (Kaw); 2. Tucker Thrower (Kaw); 1. Dustin Anderson (Hon): 4. Patrick Gilliam (Suz); 5. Tyl r Trotter (Yam). 125 A: I. Jaco b Lustig (Suz). 125 8 : I. e Anthony Giacalone (Yam); 2. Brandon Burrow (Hon). 125 C: I. Trent Halstead (Yam): 2. Mitche ll Herrin (Hon) ; 1. Ke nne th Thompson (Kaw) ; 4. Tyler Trot ter (Yam). 250 A: I. Dust in Lustig (Yam); 2. David Schautler (Yam). 250 8: I. Grady Jones (Hon); 2. Ryan McGehee (Ya m). 250 C: I. Greg Gill (Hon). W MN: I. Nikki Duranczyk (Yam); 2. l..a cey Duke (Kaw). MINll (12 - 15): I. Patrick Gilliam (Suz). SC H8Y: I. Micche« Herri n (Hon) . 25 + A: I. C had Merry (KTM). 30 + A: I. James Dillow (Yam): 2. Chad Merry (KTH ). 30 + 8 : I. Grady Jones (Hon) . 35 + : I. Gary Adams (Hon) ; 2. Michael Bailey (Yam). 40 + A: I. Gary Adams (Hon ). OPEN/4 -STR K A: I. Jacob Lustig (Suz); 2. Dustin Lust ig (Ya m); l . David Schautler (Yam); .of. Scott Dixon (Hon ). 4· ST RK B: I. Damn Croo k (Hon) . Intern a tio nal Old -Timers Annua l Race Series Round r 0 : Agassiz Motocro ss Park Old-Timers Invade :ai~~:l~.t,v. AGASSIZ, BC, CANADA, JULY 17-18 f you are from Californiaand casually ment ion to your nonracing friends that you are dr iving to Canada fo r the wee kend to race motocross and plan to return by Monday afternoon, you receive looks of incred ulity But that's what we did: Two of us . took off w it h three bikes (helping out a buddy by hauling his bike so he could fly up, while he helped w ith the gas), and 25 hours later we were at the trac k. The lure of British Columbia and the track at Agassiz (about 80 miles east of Vancouve r) is enough to make the long trip wort hwh ile. The pits are under trees 50 feet high, making for solid shade all day. The Brit ish Co lumbia Chapte r (headed by Don Toch er, with lots o f help from memb ers , including tr ack wizard Lawre nce St. Pierre and beautiful scoring guru Joan St. Pierre) has a great annual event, with food for all on Saturday evening and a great raffle with lots of helmets and boo ts. The perfectly gro o med trac k rolls through the trees and features tabletops, a straightaway that puts a drag strip to shame, a few doubles. and some awesome whoo ps at the finish line. Don Nelson from Washington and Oregonian Uoyd Jones had a real battle in the Over 60 Novice class, with Nelson getting his first overall win of this season. Jones had a problem in the first moto and end ed up fourth, while Nelson was second. The mot a win we nt to newcomer Bob Switzer from British Columbia, who won so handily he moved up to the Over 60 Amateu rs for the , next mota . Jones won the next Novice mota, but with Nelson's second , the latter held the points lead overn ight. Nelson seem ed to enjoy the status and won the next mota, Jones did his best , but his finaJ-mo to win, with Nelson right behind him, was not enough to overcome Nelson's points lead. Lurking in third place was Scott Walker, last year's champion, who ke pt the m both honest. I Overall Over 40 Expert winner Kevin Ferguson clears a tree-shaded tab letop on his way to one of his five aut of five moto wins at Agassiz Motocross Pa rk in British Columbia. www.cyclenews .com CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1,2004 Sl

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