Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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American Classic Racing Vintage and Vet Championship s Hurricane Hills Sports Center ACR Vintage MXers Hammer Hurricane Hills! By JIM P. SANDERSON CLIFFORD, A PA, JULY 24 mer ican Classic Racing is a me mber- ~wned organization that' s dedicated to the spo rt of Vintage motocross and off-ro ad racing. ACR co nducts AMA-sanctioned eve nts in the northeastern region of the United States. ACR, with the help of sponsors Surf and Turf Racing, Boyesen. Metro, Engine Ice, Hugh ' s Bultaco , Vintage Iron InternationaJ, Dunlop T ires, Wo rld W ide Bearings Inc ., Ou ry Gr ip and Wor ks Shoc ks, ho sts the best Vintage motocross serie s in the Northeast. Hurd Motorsports hosted the ACR's annual visit t o the be autiful Hurri cane Hills Sports Center. ACR Vintage racers, as well as Veteran an d Youth motocrossers on mode rn bike s, took to t he loamy Hurricane Hills tra ck for some of the best racing of the year. Mother Nature certainly had someth ing to do wit h the relatively small turnout of racers. The local forecast called for rain the day prior to the event and more rain (or the day of the event, but apparently Clifford, Pennsylvani a, never rece ived what everyone else in t he Northeast was getting: torrential downpours and th understorms. Unfortun ately, the damage Hur ley (594) leads the start af the second combined mota at Hurrica ne Hills Sports Center. consistent 4-4 finishes on his Kawasaki. Taking th e fifth-overall spo t was Chad Gray (5-5), on his KTM. RESULTS SO SHA FT: I. l ouis Saxby (Yam); 2. Came ron Ellington (Y am); 3. Jack Ballard (Yam). SO O PEN : I. Just In Cooper (KT M); 2. D a niel Be r ti ( KT M): 3. Tanner Harshberger (KTM). SO ( 7-8) : I. Austin Littler (KTM); 2. Angelo Curro (KTM); l . Josh Lambert (KTM). 65 (7 -9): I. Sean Ballard (KTM); 2. Blaze Raible (Yam); l . Dylan Wolfe (KTM). 65 (1 0.11 ), I. H ;,h.e1 long (KTH) ; 2. Zod""y ung (KTH); J. Andrew Beck (Kaw). 85 (7- 11): I. Sal Ca lamita (Yam); 2. Casey Myrick (Kaw); l . Tyler Wozney (Yam). 85 (Il-Il) D·l : I. Jeremy Medaglia (Hon); 1. Jeremy Be rge ron (Kaw); 3. Mike lacerenza (Suz). 85 ( I l -Il ) D· l : l. Alex Gillespie (Hon); 2. John vergatue (Kaw ); 3. NiaeI She. (KTH); J. Sean Ballard (KTM); 4 . Blaze RaIble (Suz); S. Kevin Hicks Jr. (Kaw) . 85 MIN I (7 -11) : l. N ick Deside r io (Suz); 2. Anthon y Peregrin [r. (Suz); 3. James Doolittle (Suz); 4. Ryan Francis (KTH); 5. Blaze Raibl (Suz). 85 (1l·1S): I. Jesse e Kuzbyt (Suz); 2. S. Bowen Moore (Suz); 3. Jam ie Kriger am). 125 (Hon) ; 4. Pres ton Propes (Kaw): S. Jake Kosik (Y AM: I. Sean Wallace (Suz); 2. Marshall Hurd (Suz); 3. R.J. ReynOlds (Hon ). 115 NOV: I. Dre w Matterer (Han) ; 2. Ste....e Kosik Jr. (Yam); l . Timoth y Bunting (Kaw); 4. Brett T inn a (Han) ; S. Jeffre y Spagna (Yam) . 1 50 AM : 1. R.J. Reynold (Han). OPEN AM , I. Sean , (S uz); 2. R.J. Reynolds (Han ); l . Marshall Hurd (Suz); 4. Cha d Johnson (Y om). 25+ EX, I. Dmyl Sm;th (Han). ] 0+ EX, I. Donyl Smith (Hon); 2. Kevin Hin.k (Yom); 2. GMy H" k.H (Han ); J. jim Sondenon (Su, ); • . G_ Bcechard (Han); S. Eric Krisa (Han ). 40+ EX: I. He nry l ucia (Suz); 2. AI Co llioud (Yam); 3. Mike Shatt uck (Hon ). 45+ : I. Tom am) Bottoms (Y ; 2. Elde n Ho usinger (Ha n). 50+: I. Eric He inec ki (Ha n); 2. Tom Bottoms (Y ; l . Pet e Kuzbyt am) (Yam); 4 . Elden Ho usinger (Han) . EVa 200 N OV: I. Michael Sedlak (Han); 2. Raymond Vassallo(Hon): l . Robert Vassallo (Han), EVa 200 1NT: I. SCOtt Jones (Suz); 2. David Pecor (Hon). EVO 100 EX: I. Ken Napolitano (Suz); 2. Michae l Marchica (Ha n); l . Tom France (HOI); 4. Je rry Canton e (Suz) . EVa O PEN N O V: I. Broo k Ro be rts ); ): (Hon); 2. Ralph Ferra ra (Yam l . Thomas Webste r (Yam 4. Fra nk Decker (Hon ); S. Ronnie Goeffrion (Suz). EVO OPEN INT: l. Daniel Pullen (Hon); 2. Timothy Lugar; l . ). Fred Kostenbader, 4. W. Hunter Hayes (Yam EVa O PEN EX: I. Ken Napol itano. PRE·1975 115 INT: I. Jody Zero (HOI); 2. Mike Piesckl (Hon); l . Joseph BoI\.ard (Y am); 4. Joe Peragine (Yam PRE-1975 11 5 EX: I. Tom France (Hus): ). 2. Ste ....e Clare (Ha n). P RE- I 97 5 150 N O V: I. John Endreson (Suz). PRE-1975 OPEN EX: I. David Hurley (Yam); 2. H ike Hi trione . PRE -1975 30 + NOV: I. J.P. Banyacski. PRE-I 97 S 40+ NOV : I. Hi

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