Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By th e luck of th e d raw, Estelle and Legault me t ear ly in th e prog ram , w ith Legault in gate one and Estelle in two. Legault parlayed his good fo rtu ne into a win that was to prove critical, as that extra point was the slimmest differe nce between them as t he y to p pe d t he sc ore rs in t he quali fying hea ts. Joi ning Pars o ns. Est elle an d Lega ult in t he m ain eve nt was a greatly impro ved Josh Carr. In the finale, Legault had t he all-important inside gate, and the young Canadian launched pe rfectly from the line, too k the holeshot go ing into tum one , and that was it . Parsons , fro m the outside, was second off the line but went w ide. allowing Estelle and Carr to slip inside and take second and third, respeaivety. Other Division O ne riders w ho impr e ssed include d N ew Yorkers Brian Hollenbec k and Adam Mittl. Hollen bec k sta rted slowly, finished stro ngly, and was th e only ride r to beat Legault an effort that clinched his place in the Conso lation main. In the Co nsi, Ho llenbec k looped at the gate but then came thro ugh SERIES eLAS ES: 25+ Expert 30+ Expert from the pena lty line to take a wel l-earned se con d beh ind 35+ Expert winner Mini, who showed a surp rising tum of speed o n a track that he hadn 't seen befo re . In D ivisio n Two , 13-yea r- ol d New Yo rk er Mike Bu man swe p t t h r o ugh t he p ro g ra m unbea t e n , wh ile C a nad ian newcomer jean Bouch ard show ed good gate sens e and looks pr om ising. The most insp iring performance of th e night wa s that o f l-t-year-cld Katalin Davis. w ho passed two adu lt males on SOOs wh ile riding a 250cc Yamaha to eam a standing ovati on at th e finish line . 40+ Expert 45+ Expert 25+ B RESUL TS 0 · 1: I. Kyle Legault; 2. Craig Estelle; 3. Josh CMr ; -toJe remy Parsons 0· 1 CONS': I. Adam MrttI; 2. Brian HoIIenbee:k: 3. Alex Heath; 4. Marc Gauthier. 0 ·1 : I. Mike Buman; 2. Jean Bouchard ; 3. Shawn Morri son ; .. . Jocelyn l esH!u 0 ·2 r. CONSI, I. PhlipLeMay; 2. 0... _ , 3. 1VwJy P.ndich • . Lee CIwbnd Red Bud Saturday Natio nal Weekend Red BudMX Ayer s an Animal at Red Bud Monsoon By BART NEWMAN BUCHANAN, MI, JULY 3 red ictio ns of a nightt ime mo nsoon d idn't deter some 450 MX-<:razed ride rs from suiting up for the ann ual und er-the lights celebration he ld on the eve o f t he Red Bud MX AMA National Mo,ocross. SiKty riders signed up in the 12Scc C class. requiring three divisions . In Division O ne , it was T-shirt- dealin' john Ayers ou t front and styling aboard his KTM. An on -again/o ff-again ra in had ' he surface slick, 50 a good po rtion o f th e fie ld was getti ng an upclose look at th e Red Bud track. Ernie jen ks loo ked good in sec o nd and he ld off a last-lap ch arge from Tim Webber to lock in the top th ree. Division Two saw Steve Izatt take th e win going away as he laid dow n some great laps under the lights . Benjamin Dishong was second throughout the contest. and jeffrey Thomas came up though the pack to snatch third at the flag, ove r Charles Bloomer. In th e t hird d ivisio n, there was a ru naway win by jayme Reiners, with Evan Kriege r riding home in second, just ahead of third-p lace finishe r Robbie Solori o. W he n t he final jetted off the line, Aye rs roared down the inside of the sta rting lane to sneak insid e of the pack and grab the lead. Ayers q uickly opened up a lead he wou ld carry to the checkered flag. C had Spo ffo rd was working hard to close the gap on Ayers, but the monsoon hit as the final was being lined up, and the track became a virtual skating rink. making sta ying upright almost as impo rta nt as going fast. In th ird, Tho mas was hold ing tough despite getting all kinds of pressure from Weber and Ronnie Mead , as th e laps went into the soggy books. With one lap to go. Ayers was in con trol, and he we nt on to grab an uncontested win, which also gave him the overall w ith a to tal sco re of two . Second wen t t o Spoffo rd , b ut h is first -mo to seventh mean t fifth overall was as high up th e latter as he could climb . Th ird went to Thomas (3-3). who used cons iste ncy to lock up second o ve ra ll. Fo urt h w ent to We ber (3-4). bu t that was enough to make the last ste p o f the pod ium his. Mead (S-5) took the last spo t in the top five o f t he final. P / R ETA I L PRICE $3.9S/COPY ...... I l'!'ilfu>yl1l otYm, Minmum onkr _.", 5 c~Mftl "1.tu~fiIl"Orll" · R« me I moothIr imooice (or of copies Keep at copies (Ioot-e-r thokr priu) ,1's" Dealer Mof gin Call our Dealer Sales Ma nage r at (7 14) 7 51-7433 • 24 Hour FAX O rd e r Line (7 14) 75 1-6685 E-Mail: CYCLE NEWS • AUGUST 11,2004 61

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