Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In 85cc Junior act ion, Kenny Bass won the EX: I. Ty4er Nordquest (Yam); 2. Darin Anderson (Yarn); l . .-STRK EX, l . Shane Leavrtt (Yom 2. ); Ken ny Co u rt ier (H o n); l . Sa m Jo ne s (Yam) . 4 -S TRK UNDER EX : I. Damon Gill (Yarn); 1. Joshua Hamn (Yam). 30 + : I. James Summers (GG); 2. Richard Hersh (KTM); 3, Bre nt Bush (Hon ). 15 + EX : I. Tr.llvis Eppe rso n (Hus); 2. William O'Ha ra (KTM); l . Curtis Moon (Ho n) . 40 + : I. Da vid Wilson (KT M); 2. Tracy Sta nto n (Ho n); l . Kenny Hed de n (KTM). 4S +: I. Jimmy Jamieson (KTM): 2. Jesus Jesse Canepa (Kaw). all-important second moto to grab the overall , over Codfe Bylsma. Kiernan Malarne y was third in both affairs, as he chased the to p tw o riders all night long . Fo urt h overall went to Jaco b Behringe r, who carded a ninth in moto one but the n cam e back to sco re a solid fourt h in the se cond go -arou nd . Round ing out the top five was Chase Horne , w ho, after placing eighth in me te o ne , ca me bac k str o ng in moto tw o to lock down fifth, bo th in the moto and overall. Ramo. (Yam). O PEN AM' l. Donald Jackoon (KTM) 2. John ; Morale s (Kaw); l . Raymond He ilig (!on (KTM) 2. 01" ; Nurkin (Hon); l . Zack Livreri (Yam). )5 + AM : I. C liff Wicks (Yam) ; 2. Ke ith Jon e s (Yam) . 40 + AM : I. Jame s Farnan (Y am); 2. Mark Weaver (KTM); 1. Griff Davis (Hon). 45+ : I. Robert Cole (KTM); 2. Jim Danner (Hon) ; 3. KevIn (KTM) OPEN NOV, l. Jeff B""'e (Kaw); 2. Tayloo. Waggone r (KTM 250 NOV: I. Adam Etdridge (Yam); 2. ). Justin Bicknell (Ho n); 1. Adam Heuschkel (Kaw). 115 NOV: I. Omar Rasmussen (Hon) ; 2. Degan Stewart (KTM); 1. Kipp Syme (Yam). 4 ·STRK NO V: I. Mason Cowley (Yam); 2. ""'ON Klint Kimball (Hon). 4- STRK UNDER NOV: I . Travis Lewis (Yam); 2. james Austin (Yam) 30+ NOV: I. Mike Daugherty . (Hon) ; 2. RIck Lcvetere (Yam 2. Scott Kichline (Hon ). )5 + ); NO V: I. Eric Funnan (KTM); 2. Pasquale Cafarella (Kaw); 3. Phil MendOla ( H on). 45 + NOV : I . Josh Klei n (KTM ) . WMN: I. Krista O' Hara (KTM); 2. Caroline Santoro (Hon ). RESULTS W O BBl ER: I. Wade Thomas (Yam); 2. Dalton Diehl (Yam); l . Kyfe Rasmussen (Pol); ~ . Derek Stout (KTM): 5. Brytoo McOonakl (Yarn). 50 (4 -6) SHAFT: I. Ashton Hayes (Co b ): 2. Broc Wright (Co b) : 3 . Jacob Ediso n (Co b): .. . Brod ie Taytor (Yam); S. Hunter Burn ham (KTM). 50 (7 -8) SHAFT: I. Cody Madsen (KTM): 2. Jacob Spaulding (KTM): l . Tyfer Johnson (Hon) . 50 TR L: I. Pierce Eyre (KTM): 2. Chelsi Siefker (Hon): l . Ch and ler Stu mler (Yam); .. . Jake Fuerst (Y ); 5. Dustin Gatewood (KTM). 50 JR: I. Ashton am Hayes (KTM): 2. Brodie Taylor (KTM): l . Broc Wright (KTM); 4. Brandon Holmes (KTM); 5. Joh n Tate (KTM). 50 SR: I. Cody Price (KTM): 2. Seth Ham ishfege r (KTM): l . Jarr e d W illiams (KTM): 1. Dillo n Finley (KT M); 5. Mitch Ouafin (KTM). 6S BEG, l. Lukas Cobiah (Kaw); 2. Zad..,), Ma>ch (KTM): l . Ryan Brinc.kman (KTM); ... Sam Spaulding (!anonski (Yom 1. Cart Larsen (Hon); • . ): Jon-Erik Burleson (KTM); 5. Troy Derr (Yam). 2SD P EN C: /O I. Rob ert De r r (Ya m) ; 2. Mat t he w Zi elke (KT M); 3 . Christopher Shipley (Yam); ~ . James Saline (Kaw); 5. Per ry Tomlinson (Hon). WMN JR: I. Sara Roberts (Suz); 2. Keld Bassa,ge (!

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