Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WhitE BrothErs World Four-StrokE MX Championship SEriEs Round 3; Washougal Motocross Park PHOTOS BY ClJ\Y UGHT Cavanaugh Cashes In! By CLAY LIGHT WASHOUGAL, WA, JULY 2 onda -mounted Josh Cavanaugh was the top perlormE!f" in the premier Open Four-Stroke Pro class at round three of the White Brothe~ World Four-Stroke MX Cham pionship Serie s, held at Washougal Motocross Park . He easily won the first moto and placed second to Oregon's Ryan Huffman in moto two to win overall. Riding the Jo hn Burr CyclesfTroy Le e/Pro CircuitNP Fuels-backed CRH50R, Cavanaugh progressed through the field in both motos , w ith his best performance coming in the first moto. Jaso n McCormick an d Ryan Hu ffm an jumped ahead of the H -ride r field at the start of moto one, but neither rider would fare well H in the 30·minute m ot o, as t he t w o lon gt ime r iva ls tangled at t he to p o f the up h ill and Konnrad Kuest assumed the le ad . Cavanaugh assumed the lead o n lap thr ee and neve r looked back in what would be an impressive win fo r the Go lde n State rider. Washington's Greg Crater followed Cavanaugh a nd fin ish e d second, followed by Ho n d a - mounted Nick Foister, Kuest and another Wash ingtonian , Bob Melloy. Montanan Cameron Weaver, Do n Bisce glia , Travis Murphy, Brandon Thomas and Rory Sullivan rounded out the top 10. " I'm pretty sure that both Huffman and McCormick have something for me in the second rnoto," Cavanaugh said . Both Huffman and McCormick did im proved on their mote-one results , as the two led the field around tum one in moto two. That's about the best th ings got for the rider from Vancouver, Wash ington, though ; McCormi ck would be plagued by mechanical problems and began a gradual descent backward through the fteld. Huffman took command after outjumping McCormick and appeared to be well on his way to an easy victory - that is, until Cavanaugh came knocking . Cavanaugh worked his way up from a seventh-place start and closed the gap on Huffman midway through the moto. Cavanaugh got up on Huffman's rear wheel and , as the race entered the later stages. made his first of two passes on Huffman . However, Huffman had an answer for Cavanaugh's challenges and won by a slim margin. A 16th-place finish in moto one, though, spoiled a top overall finish for the rider from Roseburg ; Cavanaugh was content to finish second in the moto, knowing that it was good for the overall win. "I th ink that he [Huffman] was just messing w ith me, " Cavanaugh said from the podium. "He ke pt looking back at me afte r he 'd pass me back, like, 'Come on , race with me: but I just didn 't want to take any chances." Cavanaugh's overall win was worth $2 300. He was t railed ove rall by Crat er (2-5) an d Weaver, whose consiste nt 6·6 platings earned the rider from Boze man , Montana, th ird overal l. Me llo y (S- 7), Fo ister (3- 9) , Sullivan ( 10 -4), Huffman (16-1), Tho mas (9-8), Bisceglia (7- 10) and Murphy (8- 12) rounded out the top 10 . AHA National and supercross regular Ryan Abrigo was the key player in the 2S0 F Fo urStroke Pro class , The Fly/Dunlo p/Everett Powe r Sports-backed Abrigo easily won both mo tos , leading Sullivan (2-2) , Philip Ehnat (3-4) and David Rose (5-S) overall. eN WASHOUGAL MOTOCROSS pAJll( WASHOUGAl, WASHINGTON RESULTS: JULY 3, 2004 (ROUND 3) OP EN 4·STRK PR O: l. Josh Ca vanaugh (Hon) ; 2. Gres Cnt ~ (Hon); 3. Cameron Wea ver (Yam); ... Bob HeIIoy (Hon) ; S. N1ck Foist... (y""); 6 . ""'Y Sun...., (Han); 7. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 8. Brandon Thomas (Han); 9. Don Bisceglia lHon); 10. Travts Murp hy (8 ·1 2); II. J.R. Vie lle (Yam); 12. Terry lee Ham ne ss (Hon); 11. Trevo r Brooks (y",,~ 14. Id "'-t (Hon~ IS . MkhaeI Hori>an (y",,); 16. Philip Ehnat (Hon) ; 17. Le;ghton ..... (Hon); 18. Juan Thomu (Han); 19. .....hony eem..; (Hon); 20. Ryan Emk (Yam); 2 1. Doni WoN, (y",,); 22. Jacob Kenwc<1hy (y",,); 21 . Ju an McC onnick (KTN); 24 . Keith Ford (Yam) ; 25 . Donald 5heustey (Hon). lSOF 4- STRK PRO : I . Ryan AbriB<> (Han); 2. ""'Y SuIivan (Han); 3. PhI;p EhNt (Hon); 04. Heath Robemon (Yam); 5 . Da'rid Rose (Kaw) ; 6. Ch ris Kaestner (Yam); 1. D e vin Watson (Ya m ); 8 . C ourtney Geenlu (Hon) ; 9. M.on Rombo (y",,); 10. Ryon Ennio (y",,). Ohio Cou nty Fa irs Mot o Cha m pio ns hip 5e rie s Round 6 : Marion County Fairgrounds Two Tonys Tops at Marion Fair BY RUPERT X. PElLETT MARION, OH, JUNE 28 A cou ple of "To nys" had good nights of racing 1""\;,., the ,1 ar io n fairg ro unds, as th e h igh- flying, KTM-mounted Josh Toney ra n strong and snatched the win in 12Scc B co mpe tition, while Tony "The TIger " Robinson was all about taking all th e money in the Pro classes. Ric k Custard - t ho ugh adm ittedly no t a "To ny" - also had a great night of racing. Th e hardy Vet rider was absolutely the qu ickest elderly conte stant of the evening, taking three class w ins and dest roy ing the ho pes of t he other o ld guys along the way. Custard whipped up on t he Over 2S A, Over 30 and Over 40 classes , storming home first in eac h of these single-moto -fonnat competitions. In the kids' classes, Larue, O hio 's Aust in Prim ave ra was totally un st oppable , blast ing around the trac k on his Suzukis and navigating S4 his way to three class wins, in the 65cc class and both BScc (7- 1I) d ivisions. R ESULT S MICRO (4 -6) ' I. John Allender j,. (KTH) ; 2. ~ D• .,;, (Yam); 1. Bra ndo n landis (KTM); 04. N ick Well s (Yam ); S. Col by Sonln(KTH). MICRO (4-8), I. Caleb H.,."... (Cob); 2. Dylan Voltz (KTM); 1. J ohn Allend er Jr. (KTM); 04. Nick Wells (Yam); S. Hayde n Justice (KTH ). MICRO (7-8): I. Gunn..- FIovel' (KTM); 2. 1;ler CnwfO«l (KTM); 3. No""" Yod..- (!gg (KTM); 4. C base KilbMge' (KTH); S. Bo.ton Upp (Kow). 80 (7- 11), I. """'" -........ (Suz); 2. Mmhew ilium (SuI); 3. Dybn WoIk... (SuI~ 4. Jeff...,. Gr.>gg (KTl'1); S. Boston Upp (I

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