Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Petz was honored to receive it. Although he's only been racing th e past year, this young man has a very competitive attitude on the track , raci ng w ith some of the SOcc Experts who've ridden since they were children. orr the tra ck, this youngster is one of the most polite kids one could meet. This wee k's SOcc race was another edge- ofthe- sea t eve nt, with De nnis Tren tman and Briar Bauman co mpe ting tum after tum for the front spo t. Bauman, ano ther racer w ith o nly a year of experience under his belt , rod e with everyth ing he had to beat Tre ntm an. However, in the main ev en t , Tren tman went do w n between tur ns th ree and four, and Bauman , with nowhere to go, w e nt do wn w ith him. Bau man won , w ith Trentman as runner-up. Baum an's litt le bro t he r Bron son show ed everyone in the 65cc B division the fast way arou nd t he track, riding the cushion aro und the o utside . Th ose girls in t he Po wer purr class are no powde r-puffs! They rode this tr ack eve ry bit as fast as the guys o n th e same -size bikes. Miche lle Silva to ok the lead out of the first turn and just kep t go ing. Brandi Monasmith put in her best effort to catch Silva, but it just d idn't hap pen. Getting th e holeshot in th e Vet A eve nt , John Larso n led the first few laps but gave that lead up going high into turn three, allowing Mike Paulson and Mark Biscardi to get by him. The Open A class got everyone out of the ir chairs to watch. Jimmy Lewis, who had won the prev ious week, was back for more fun o n the cushion , an d he wo n again th is wee k. He worked his way through from the middle of the pac k to be in position fo r the mov e to first . Ente ring tum tw o, the re was just eno ugh room for Lew is to wiggle his way unde r Steve Hill and C huc k Mon asmith for the lead . O nce out in fro nt , Lewis neve r loo ked back whi le he rode to the chec ke rs first. RESULTS PP: I. Miche lle Sllv~ : 2. Bra ndi Mo nu m ith; l . Sara h Aguirr e . 50 STK: I. M i r~ nd ~ Garc ia 65 B : I. Br on son Bauman. 65 C: I. DominK CoIlindres; 2. Mitchell Anderson; l . Ty Hickman. 85 NOV: I . Miche lle S i l v ~ ; 2 . 8r~ndi Monasmith ; J. Weasel Hickman . 85 EX: L Briar 8auTwl; 2. Dennis TrentrTWl. 100 STK : I. Denni s Tren trTW1; 2. Chm Ferrcm: 3. Ricky Din ; ~ . We a$el Hickman ; 5. l e ah Faro. 100 MOD C: I. Ricky Col lindres ; 2. Chris Ferroni; 3. Ricky DIU ; ~ . Sarah Aguirre ; S. Deems Tre ntman. 25 0 NOV: I. Jess Garcia. BEG: I. William Wallace . OP EN NOV: I. Stev e Pattee; 2. larry Clover; 3. Joe y Meyer ; ~ . Howard Dingman . OPE N EX : I . Jimm y lew is; 2. Fra n kie Garcia: 3. Gr eg Sode re r; 04 . Austin Helwig. VET EX : I. Steve Hill; 2. Clay Chambers; 3. M ~rk Biscard i; 4. Ctwies Mon a.smith . SR C: l. Duane Bo w ling . O fT N OV : I . Rod Ha lst ea d ; 2. Sco tt Taylor. O fT EX: I. Mike Pcclscn: 2. Mark Biscar d i; 3. John larson. O P EN 1 -STRK: I . Cody Silva; 2. Briar Bauman; 3. Just in De ge r ; 04 . Weasel Hi ckm an ; 5. Bron son Bauma n. OP EN 4 -STRK: I. Chris Ferr oni: 2. Ricky Diu . VINT EX: I . John larson . Landon Curr ier (36) was a double-class winner at Washougal Motocross Park , site of round four of the AMA District 27 Summer Motocross Se rie s. 25Occ/Open A ride r, w inning bot h motos ahead of jaso n Matthews and Joe Brockway. Washingto n's Jo sh Hill was on e of th e day's top B-cla ss perfo rme rs. posting th e ov e rall 125cc and 250c c B w ins. Hill's o nly challenges cam e fro m Honda ride r Mile s War ren , w ho g r abb ed t he le ad in bot h 125cc B m o t o s; howeve r, Hill o ut jump ed Warren ea rly in bo th motos and th e n ea sily won. Wa rre n, Sam De Atley, Haberlock and Weston Potter complet ed th e to p five , Warr en also briefly challenged Hill in the 25Occ/Open class , but Hill p revailed . Guy To w, Sam , D an iel Krick and Kory Huffm a n tra iled Hill overall in the 17-rider class. T he day's large st class was th e 12Scc C class, with 28 ride rs. Forme r minicycle r ide rs Byr on Young and Bryar Perry ne tt e d th e top two ov era ll positions . O rego n' s Ry Kautz handily won the o pe ning moto, but a secondmo to 18 th- place finish lef t th e Suzu ki r ide r nint h overall, ope ning th e door fo r Young to take the overall after winning mo ta two. RESUL TS 51 (4- 8) OIL.I NJ: I . Tanner Morna (KTM); 2. Ril y Brist e (KTH); 3. Just in Habe..-Icxk (Yam). 51 (4- 6) STK: I. Corner Dennis Trentman (lOT) and Briar Bauman (310) competed throughout the night at the Sliding Sideways event at the Chowchilla Fairgrounds. AMA District 27 Summer MX Series Rou nd 4: Wa s hougal MX Park Currier Clobbers 'eml By CLAY LIGHT WASHOUGAL, WA, JULY 3 amaha.mounted Washington ian Lando n Cu rrie r clobbered the competition in the SScc (7- 11) and Supermin i (9· 11) classes at ro und four of the AMA District 27 Summer Motocross Series, held at Washou gal Mot ocross Park. Currier, from nearby Brush Prairie , wen t fou r for four in his sweep of both classes o n the day. Shawn Habe rlock took command of the first comb ined SScc age-grou p mota, but the Honda rid e r 's le ad w as a br ief one . Habe rlock 's machine ove rheated sho rtl y into th e opening lap, and that was it for the rider from Vancouver. In Haberlock's dem ise, Oregon's Danny Gub ser took the point pos ition and pulled aw ay fro m the rest of the field, and th ings appeared to be go ing well for t he Ya m a ha r ider. G ub ser, how ever, tangled with a lapped rid er, and both Currier and Cal ifornian Gared Steinke got Y around Gubser before he co uld remount. It w as a ll Gub se r in moto two : Gubse r gr abb ed the lead at th e drop of the gate and stayed there to th e finish. Cu rr ier and Idaho's Kyle Evans filled the two and three spots. Gubser scored an overall 8Scc ( 12- 15) class win, w hile Currier, w ho foll o wed G ubser at the finish, netted th e 8Scc (7- 1I) class victory. Evans and ano the r Idaho rider, Matt De Atley, finished sec ond and third ove rall in the 8Scc (12- 15) class, while Austin Ullrich and Austin Rose completed the to p three in the 8Scc (7- 1I) division. Hab erlo c k' s r e s ult s impro ved in t he Superm ini ( 12- 15) class, winning both mote s. Gubs er trailed Haberl oc k in bot h motes to net seco nd overall , fo llowed by Steinke , Evans and De Atley. Cu rrie r' s do uble -class swee p w as complete after dual wins in the Supermini (9- 1I) class, again lead ing Ullrich and Rose . The Pro turnout was down substantially due , to the Wh ite Brothers World Four -Stroke event he ld here o n the same weekend. Washington's Ryan Abrigo thu mped to I- I wins in the 12Scc A class. Abr igo, wh o no rm ally rides Suzuki tw ostroke machinery, piloted a Honda to his 12Scc win, ahead of Brett Boehm and Kenny Webster. Honda r ider N ic k Fo ister was t he top Mitche ll (Co b) ; 2. Se n ne tt Ferr is (KT M); 3 . Tris un ChMbonne>u (Cob) . 5 I (7-8) STK, I. M~ Hmi. (Cob) : 2. Colt on Scott (KTM); l . Daren Sanayei (KTH). 65 (7 -8): I. Just in Hill (KT M); 2. Matthew Bisceg lia (SUI) ; I . Devin Harriman (KTM). 65 (9- 11): I. Hud son Knoll (KTM); 2. Hunter Knoll (KTM)_ 85 (7-11): I. Landon Currie r (Yam); 2. Alm in Ul1rk h (Hon ); 3. Austin Bose (SU I). 85 ( 12- 15): I. Danny Gubser (yam); 2. K Evans (Suz); l . Matt De Atley yle (SU . S/M IN I (9- 11): I . landon Currier (Yam); 2. Austin I) Ullrich (Hen): 3. Aust in Rose (Suz) . S/M INI (12- 15): I. Shaw n Habe rloc k (Ho n); 2. Danny Gub ser (yam); 3. Gared Steinke (Yam). 115 A: I. Ryan Abrigo (Hon ); 2. Brett Boeh m (SuI) ; 3 . Kel'VlY webster (Kaw). 125 B: I. JO$ HIli (Yam); 2. h Mites W~rren (Hon) ; 3. Sam De Atley (SU . 125 C: I. Byron I) Young (Ho n); 2. Bryar Perry (Ka.....); 3. Silane Sk.le$ (Hon ). 125 0 : I . Derrick Rothertwn (SUI); 2. Erik Ostandet- (Kaw); 3. Kashl eon (Kaw). 250 /0 P EN A: I. Nick Foist er (Hon); 2. Ja>on MAtt""", (Hon ): J. Joe Brockway (Yam). 1S0/0PEN B: I. Josh H.II (Yam); 2. Miles Warren (Hon ); 3. Guy Tow (Hon). nO/OPEN C: I. Tyl r Heu be rger (Hon) ; 2. M ~tt e SuIlNafl (SuI ); 3. John Boyles (Hon) . 250 /0PEN 0: I . Un$e)' Ridion (Yam); 2. Ryan Fullerton (Suz); l . Brad Bake r (Kaw). W MN : I. Jen ny Krick (Hon); 2. Henssa Coblentz (Y~m); 3. Michelle Coblena (Kaw). BTH B: I. josh H.lI (Yam); 2. Sam De Adey (S.,,): J. Guy Tow (Hon) . 15+ IVB , I. Ja>on""", (Hon ); 2. Robert Burtis (Hon) ; l . Eric King(Yam). 15 + C: I. Jxk Gilmore (Hon ); 2. )ason Redding (Hon); J. Bill Baldwin (Yam). ]0 + A: I. J~ Matthews (Hon ); 2. Mike Hamneu (Hon ): 3. 0Mryt Zums tein ~). 30 + B: 1. Robert Burtis lHon ); 2. Matt Urson (Hon ): 3. Denny H.tugen (Hon) . 30 + C: I. Kyle Hewlitt (Hon); 2. John Boytes (Hon); J. Scott 8ak0$ (Yan"I). 40 + A : I. Darryf Zumstein (Hon ); 2. Dave Eakin (Hon); 3. Tom Ecke rs o n (Hon). 40 + B: 1. Chip C hapman (Yam); 2. Jim Parks(Hon) ; 3. Scctt Bergren (Yam). 4 0 + C: I. Dennis McAtee (Hon); 2. Bilty S1uuer (KTM); 3. Jim (Hon ). AMP Oklahoma Outlaw Summer Series Rider Appreciation Night Pra ctice Round : Tulsa Xtre me World A.J. A-Okay at AMP DFCI By BOB OERTLE TULSA, OK, JULY 3 acto ry Team Suzuki riders A.J. and Dann y Eslick added a touch of the big time to th e blend of fireworks , fire-roasted hot dogs, and the sweet, thunderi ng sounds of pro fess iona l motorcycle racing at AMP's Rider Appre ciation Night. Dirt -track racing is American-made! Jo hn Calvert added an additional $60 to the Dash Fo r C ash kitty. T he Open Pro Single s Das h Fo r C ash fou r-lap w inne r w as Tea m Suzuki's A.J. Eslick. Kacee Frazier too k home the NEXT BMX bicycle presented by Daley 's Speed Shop in Tulsa. The Ope n Pro Singles ma in e vent wa s a totally awesome showdow n among Nation al numbe r 16, A.J., his teammate and brot he r Dann y Eslic k. a nd Motorcyclist Post/New Engla nd Ha rle y-D avidson rider and N at ion al number 64 , Aaro n Creamer. Dann y led it fro m the green to the chec kered , after a hard-fought bat tle w ith A.J. , whil e C reamer got sq ueezed out on the start. Creamer was able to get past Jeff Bostic on the front straight. F Steve Lyman , aboard his Lyman's Cre at ive De signs Honda, won the 12Scc/2S0cc con test. Jus t in Elsw ic k, r id ing the Hu nt Brothers/ AMP/Daley 's Speed Shop entry, finished se co nd. Tulsa's own Kevin Ellingsworth sailed to the win in the Vintage Pro 6005 on his Ron's Cycle Land Spec ial, fo llowed by Roy Hinkle and Mike NeWlon. Ian Washburn won the Open Amateur class. Washbum rac ed his Icky's Racing Team Hond a up from last to first place in the 12-lap main even t. C reame r's bike suffered a bro ken fast en er d uring the heat races. AJ .. Victo r McAnally and Hen ry Bollinge r - C reame r 's oppo ne nts - all pitched in, working on his bike, to he lp get him into the main event . RESULTS J"'''' 115{.1Sl> I. s,~ 4rron(Hon): 1. EhwKl<(Hon): J. Dylan Mann (Hon), • . Fred Mattox (Han ). 600 PRO VINT, I. Kevin Ellingsw o r th (Hon) ; 2. Ro y Hinkle (Y~m) ; 3. Mike Newton (Yam); 4. Derek MarioYrt (Yam);S. Stew Pooler (Yarn) . OPEN AM, I , "" w..hbum (Han): 1. Carlo>VemI (Y>m J. ); Dalton Mann (Hon~ HAD DOG, I. AJ. £ski< (Sw) ; 2. I (y",,). OPEN PRO SG,-, I. £ski< (Sw): 1. AJ. £ski< (Suz): J. AMon e - (Rot); • . Voctoo t-IcIv»Iy (Han ): S. Jeff 80>", (y",,). oFC, I. AI. E" . k (Suz): 2. AMone - (Rot). CYC LE N EWS • AUGUST 11, 2004 59

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