Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA S out her n All-Stars MX Tour Tennessee S ummer S hoot o ut Series Rounds 11/3: TM T Motocross Park PHOTOSBY GARYCRIDER Osborne,O'Banion Overcome the Ooze By GARY CRIDER MONTEAGLE, TN, JULY 4 o und II 01 the AMA Southern A11-Sta.-. MX Tour at TMT MX Park did double-duty as round three of the Ten nessee Summer Shootout Series. And be cause the race date happened to lall on the Fourth of july, the promoters made extra plans for the weekend . On the night be fore Sunday 's event. there was a supe rcross race under the lights, followed by a big lireworks display. Total entries lo r the weekend topped the 400 mark . Sunday's race was billed as a warm -up event for next month's AMA Amateur NationaJ Championship event at Loretta Lynn 's. Loretta's is jus t a t wo -h our dr ive from Monteagle, and the tw o tracks are similar in many ways. (TMT track manager and forme r Loretta Lynn's Natio nal Champion Kelly Foutch likes to say, " O ur dirt is just like Loret ta's!") To enhance those similarities, TMT hired Loretta Lynn's race announcer Erv Braun for the weeke nd [perhaps hop ing they could daim that "O ur sound is just like Loretta's!"). All the top -flight preparations were in place, and the en try list for Sunday was impressive, with representatives from 16 states. But the weather failed to cooperate. Early morn ing rains turn ed the track into a soupy mess . To co mpensate , th e trac k's bac k section was eliminated , a nd the day 's p rogram was shortened to a one-mota format. All SOccbikes ran on a separate track . Because o( the difficult conditions, approximately 35 of Sunday's 220 e ntries opted not to ride. everyone who raced got plenty 01 mud -riding experience , which may prove invaluable at Loretta's. Virginia's Zach Osborne seemed to have very little trouble negotiating the mud aboa rd his Champion Cydes KTM, outdistancing the pack in R both the 85cc (14- 15) and Supennini divisions. De sp ite the con dition s, Kentucky 's Shane O ' Banion managed to lo ok swift and stylish aboard his Suzuki e n route to wins in both the 125cc and 250cc B contests. Chuc k Palmer looked as strong as any other rider in the mud on this day, wi nning the Over 40 class by a wide marg in. james justice of Oh io demonstrated how to pilot a 60cc machine quickly through the muck. He finished fi"t in the 65cc Modified (7-1I) class, ahead of North Carolina's Shane McElrath. justice returned to win the 85cc (7-11) contest, wh ile McElrathcame back to win the 65cc (7-9) class. In the 250cc C contest, Denny Gant and Brent Sipe raced side by side until they tangled and crashed. Gant remounted qu ickly and held the lead until he stalled In the deep mud on the final lap. Gant slogged o n to the w in. over Chris Harpe r and Nick Roberts. Gant had to settl e lor fourth. In the 12Scc Youth class, Benjamin Hamilton grabbed the hole shot but crashed back to fourth during the lirst la p. By the t ime the checkered nag came out , Hamilton was again in the lead, taking the win ove r Jaco b Patterson. We sley Keller stayed upright and won t he 125cc C class , ahead of seri es points leader Hank Grant. eN (Above) Zach Osborne won the 85cc (14·15) and Supermini classe s at round 11 of the AMA Southern AIISta rs MX To ur. (Top right) Shelby Role n won the Women's division and placed fourth in 8 5cc (14-1 5) a ction. She leads in th e AII·Stars poi nts race in both cla sse s. (Right) Brent Sipe (599) won the 250cc C contest after Denny Gant (811) suffered multiple spills at TMT MX. Max Tannenba um (KTM): J . Tyler N utter (KTM); -4 . Justin Wolford (KTM); S. Mkhaeljones (Kaw) . 6 5 (10. 1 1): I. Brent Jernigan (KTM); 2 . Coby Coleman (KTM); J . Trenton McMiche n (Kaw): -4. Hu nt e r Rolen (Suz) ; 5 . c.J. Ph ip ps (Suz). 65 MO D: I . Jame s Justice (KTN); 2. Shane Mc8 rath (KTM) ; J . TykY Nutter (KTM): -4. Mikie Payne (KTM): S. Kyle Gibson (KTM). WMN 60- 80 : I. She lby Rolen (Han); 2. She lby DONey (SUI); J . l e ila Mullens (Suz). 85 BEG: I . Chase Stevens (Ha n); 2. Ro be rt Kee ble (Kaw); 1. C had Nap ier (Yam); 4. Cody Smith (KTM): 5. Rikkl Mittw ede (Han) . 85 (7-11): I. James Just ice (KTM) ; 2. Jon athan Fo skey (KTM): J . C lay Co mbs (Han); -4. Coby Co leman (KTM); S. Gr ant Ransd ale (KT M). 85 (9 -ll): I. Dere k Rogers (Suz): 2. Cody Hane y (Suz): J . Alix Free man (Suz). 8S (12-ll), I. Derek Ragen (So2)' 2. Matthew McKinney (SUI): 1. Alb; Fre e m an (SUI.) -4 . Eric G rah am (Yam); 5 . ; Na than Ho lma n (SUI.). 85 ( 1<4-15): I. Zach O sbo rn e am) (KTM): 2. Josh Roberson (yam): 1. Dustin Robinson (Y : 1. Shelby Rolen (Hon); 5. :laM Rollins (Hon). SlM IN I: I. zath Osborne (KTM); 2. Derek Rogers (Suz): J . Matthew McKinney (SuI) ; -4. Zane Rollins (KTM); 5. Nickolas Phipps (Han). 12 5 YTH : I. Benjamin Hamilton (Hon ); 2. Jacob Patterson (Kaw); J . Rya n Anderson (Kaw) ; 1. Tyler Rice TMT MX PAR K MONTEAGL1, TENNESSEE RE SULTS: JULY 4, 2004 (ROUNDS 11 / 3) 50 (<4-6) : I. Harrison Wes t (Co b); 2. Alan Sparks (Cob); J . Rache l Do rs ey (KT M): -4 . Tre vo r Campbell (Cob) ; 5. Christian S. Thomas (KTM). 50 (7-8) : I . Jord an Quarles (KTM); 2. Taylo r David son (Co b): J .jos h Ross (KTM); -4. leila Mullens (KTM) ; 5. Austin Vaughn (KTM). 50 SHAfT: I. Rachel Doney (Yam): 2. Harrison West (Y am): 1. Dam ian Tho mas (Yam); -4 . Braden Bunker (Yam). 50 O IL-INJ : I . Alan Sparlu (Yam); 2. Eli Moo"on (KTM). SO HON: I . Abby Vaughn (Hon) . 65 BEG: I. Jaco b Wallin (Kaw); 2. Josh Ross (KTH); 1. Peyton M....,. (Kaw); 4. Kale!> Woodcock (!Caw ); 5. Tanner Picke tt (KTM). 6 5 (7-9): I. Shane McElrath : 2. ~ (Yam); 5. Dusty Rowe (Suz) . 125 A: I. Phillip Myers (yam); 2. Ryan Stanesu (Sut.); 3. J.T. Smith (Kaw). 125 B: I. Shane O 'Ban ion (SUI.); 2. Dust y Rowe (Suz); J . Micha el Ha wk (Yam); -4. [csh Mayberry (Yam): 5. Benjam In Ham ilton (Hon) . 125 C: I. Wesl ey Keller (KTM): 2. Hank Gran t (Suz); J . Dylan Muehlberger (Kaw); -4. Dan Vaughan (Yam); S. Brent Sipe (Y am). 125 BEG : I. Jimmy Fe tterman (Yam); 2. Eric Fulbright (Sul.): J. Chaz Akers (Hon): 4. Marie Akers (Hon); 5. Jeffre y Wolfe (Yam). 25 0 A: 1. Phillip Myers (Yam): 2. Ryan Stanesu (SUI.). 250 B: I. Shane O 'Bania n (Suz): 2. Michae l Hawk (Yam): 1. Jack Brooks (Suz). 250 C: I. Bren t Sipe (Yam): 2. Ch ristopher Harper (Hon); J . Nick Robem (Hon ); -4. Denny Gam (KTM); S. Frank Jeffreys (Yam). 250 BEG : I. James Goosie (Yam): 2. Mike Brown (Sul.); 1. Terry Hollon (Kaw ); -4. Dan Manter (Kaw). <4-STRK: I . Brendan Jacob

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