Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,. 5. John SiMa (Rk). ClSC 2S0 EXP, I. Mosher (Sul.); 5. Matt hew Payne (Yam). Larry Townlng (CZ); 2. Andy Blackbum (Oss); 3. Davkl Boydstun (Ric). ClSC 250 INT I. Ma,. Maynanl (Oss): 2. l ynn , Wdlw.. (CZ); l. PhiHp 1loyt<01 ~ . Charl .. Keeoer(Ou); 5. RickMercer (Hon). CLSC 250 NOV: I. Ilkhonl Ande""" (H",); 2. William luas (AjS); 3. Gonlon Pe"o'" (Su%); ~ . Charles Goman{Oss}; S. Clar enc e Dunaway (Yam). ClSC 500 EXP: I. Ron R.bolri (B5I\); 2. Wesley Poole (Trl); 3. Chad I1ll (Yam); S .J:tme$ Smith (C-A). SPTHN 12S INT I. Dovkl Evans (Hod); 2. John : RJnkenbe'l (Hon); 3. M,ke Stu'devant (Hon); ~ . Kurt SPTHN 1 NOV I. Johnnie Gilman! (BuI); 2. J 25 , eff Willoughby (Kaw); 1, Shawn SIddell (Hen): 4. Christian Huber (Hod); S. Oayton Montgomery (Suz). SPTMN 250 EXP: I. 11mothy w...... (Bul); 2. Tom Nash(Hus); 3. Rhen Smnh (CZ); ~ . Eric Muffley (](aw); s. John VasqUO$ (H",). SPTMN 250 INT I. james Wrl (Suz); 2. Ted Keating : (H",); 3. Dovkl Romine (Su.); ~ . Joe Keily (Hon); S Brian . Newberry (Yam). SPTMN 250 NOV: I. Kevin Outland (C·A); 2. Kev;n Smith (CZ); 3. James Wills (Yam);~ . Michael Keg (Hon) ; S . TeW (Yam). OPEN AGE EXP: I. 11mothy_(BuI); 2. Michael Nendasky (Hon); 3. Wesley Poole (Trl); 4. jason Stanber; (Yam); S Chris RIchardson (CZ) . . OPEN AGE INT: I. Mari< Roler (Hus); 2. R.k Smert (Yam). +60 INT I. C"" Kennelly (Pen ); 2. Jerry Boyd (Ma;); : 3. Teddy Undo" (Pen) ; • . ~ Sing\e< (BSA); 5. Bob Adams(CZ). +60 NOV; I. Bob Shook (CZ); 2. BiI Decks' (8SA); 1 Ild>on Mo;Gn,gor(1ld); 4. DMlWrttc (Pen); S. Neol E-. (Hon) + 70INT, I . ~ Singler (BSA). +70NOV, I. Larry E Smith (Hu». . AHRMA Northwest Malco & CZ/Pro-Flo Post-Vintage Motocross Series Neeley, Piper Double-Dip in M id-Ohio Mud onds by the tim e the Checkered flag fell. Keller again used Husky power to blast into the lead at the start of moto two. Keller maintained the top posit ion unti l ost -Vintage motocross particiPiper powered his big Maleo around the pants wer e greet ed w ith an leader by taki ng the faster outside line in a extrem ely so ggy M id-O hio long, sweeping tu rn on the second lap. track on July 18 as they readKeating was lurking in third place, until he ie d for their portio n of t he decided to pass Keller wi th the same AMA Vin tage Mo torcycle D ays schedule. move that Piper had used earlier. Th e top The ri ders welcomed a few changes three positions remained unchanged for from the previous day's track, especially the rest of the m oto, with Piper earning t he removal of the notorious water crossthe class title with a 2-1 tally. ing. N um ero us lines developed, and the Piper also took top honors in the track appeared to get w ider with each lap Ultima SOOcc Int erm ediate class. H e was as the racers searched for better tra ction unstoppable, as he won bot h motos over and fewer ruts . Many portions of the D avid Blauman, who fini shed second track were more than 60 feet across by overall with 2-2 finishes. the end of the day. H usky pilot Joe Kelly checked out in O scar Gaetan powered his Suzuki into bo t h moto s of t he Gran Prix 500cc the lead at th e start of t he +40 Expert Inte rmediate class, leaving J.T. Southern class, ahead of Robert N eeley, Do n Lewis and Mark Thompson battling for runne rand Kevin Kline. Neeley blasted into th e up honors. South ern and Thompson trad · lead on the second lap, with Lewi s in to w. ed positions and paint nume rous t imes Ne eley maintained a two- seco nd lead during the closing laps of the first moto, th ro ughout t he m ot o, as Lew is and wi th Southern hold ing second place at the Gaetan con tinued to battle for t he run· flag. The top three ri ders finiShed in the ner-up posit ion, whiCh Lewis managed to same o rder in t he second moto, w ith hold at the finiS line. Neeley dominated h Kelly finiShing the day I - I , Southern 2-2 moto two for a wire-to-wire w in. Lewis and Th omps on 3-3. again held off Gaetan's Charges to collect Richard Anderson snatched the lead in second in the moto and second in class. the opening moto of the + 40 Novice Neeley's weekend win streak contino ued w hen he topped both motos in Gran • class, follow ed by Mic k Milakovic, Scott SChroeder and Kenneth Ely. Milakovic Prix SOOcc Expert. Steven Smith followed overtook the lead on lap two, holding Neeley to the finiSh line in both motos to that position until the final lap, w hen collect second overall for the day. Anderson repaid the favor and re took t he Mitch Keller pulled a huge holeshot in top spot , w hich he held to the flag. t he opening mo to of th e + 40 Inte r · Milakovic grabbed the holeshot in the mediate class. He unfortunately used a lit second moto, close ly followed by tle too m uch throttle in the fourth turn, Anderson, Scott Schroeder and George resulting in a dirt.sampling loss of the lead. Kutskel. M ilakovic suffe red bike problems Ted Keating then took ove r the top spot , on the second lap, hand ing the lead over wi th J.D . Piper hot in his tracks . Keller to Anderson, wh o maintained it to the finmanaged to upright his H usky to re-join ish for th e moto w in and overall class title. the race in t hird place. The top three Jimmy Jerles made the maiden ride on re mained unC hanged t hroughout the his newly acquired 1983 Honda CR480 a remainder of the moto, although Keating successful one by winning both motos in increased his lead to more than 20 secSTORY AND PHOTOS BY BOBBY M . DAVANPORT P Davis (5uz). GP500 EX I. Robe" Neeley (Yam); 2. Steven Smith , (Yam); 3. Beder (Hus); S Kenneth Ely (Hon). . +50 EX, I.Jimmy Jeries (Hon ); 2. Ron Wmget (M';). +SO INT I. Lany SOOpe (KTH); 2. Mari< Thompson : (M';); 3. Alf

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