J . Austin Lambert (Hon); 4. T immy Thompsen (Yam); S.
luke Breh m (Sux). 125 ( 16 .1 5), I. Urry Reese J, (Han); 2.
joe Schryver (Yam) ; J . Kris Armbrister (Hon); 4. Bran don
Av ale s (Yam); S. Ryan Withouski (Hon) . 12 5 BEG : I.
Bran don A... rcs (Yam); 2. Wi llie Wo o (Kaw ) ; J . Ra ul
He rnande z (Hon) ; 4. Shawn Renfro (Yam); S. Ryan Wlthouski
(Hon). 115 NOV, I. Joe Sr (Yam); 4. Tim Kriger (Hon ); S.
Robert Bart on (Yam). SR A:. I . Greg Meeder (Yam) ; 2. RIck
Barrett (Hon) . SR B: I. Brian Broadwel l (Suz.); 2. Jim Frank
(Yam); 1. Greg Shine (KTM); 4. Kev\n Bailey (Hon ); S. lance
Bailey (Hon) . 4- 5T RK: I. Cody Dumng (Kaw) ; 2. Robert
Barton (Yam); 1. Steven Onisko (Hen); 4. Cody Good (Han).
Northern Cup Motocross Series
Round 2: Denmark Sports and Competition
Zambon Spotless in Denmark
e sse Za m bon o f Bar k Rive r. Mic h igan,
absolute ly cleaned house during round two of
the Northern Cu p Motocross Se ries . Zambon
won eve ry single moto on the da.y as he sw ep t
the 12Scc A, 2S0cc A and Open classes aboard
his Zambon's North Coun try Sales Y
Za mbo n took th e first 12Scc A ho leshot,
w it h Jake La Count and Matt Maier batt ling it
out for second in the l-t-ride r fie ld. Maier slid
past La Count for second on the opening lap,
w hile Za mbo n quickly separate d himse lf from
the pack. Four-strokes litte re d the eighth -lite r
class as Zambon's YZ2S0F too k the openi ngmo to win ahead of Maier, Tyler Smulders, and
Jesse's brothe r Andy Zambon.
"I heated up the tire while I was on the line
[cement start] , and I just leaned back when I got
o ut of the gate as the bike just hoo ked up for
me," comme nte d Jesse. "1 went a little high in
the first comer off of the embankme nt, and I got
a little sideways, but I came out pretty good ."
Ma ier fo ught hard for his second - p lace
finish, but once Jesse pulled a little distance on
th e pack, it was tough for the Suzuki ride r to
mo unt any challenge.
"I got a pretty good start , but you can't let
Jesse get out front like that: ' co mme nted Maie r.
"I got around La Count in a few come rs, but it
was pre tty dusty out the re , and I let him go
away too quickly,"
Ge rrit Orderman (7 18 ) passes Ben Ritter (3951 in the w hoops d uring the
12 5cc Pro-Am contest a t Mapleshade MX in Sugar Grove, Pen nsylvania.
Annual 125 cc Pro!Am Race
Mapleshade MX
Orders Up a
Victory at
e rrit O rdelman got the ove rall victory at
the annua l 12Scc Pro/Am Race he ld at
Mapleshade MX in Sugar Grove, Pen nsylvania.
With its $4000 purse, this yearly even t attracted
20 Pro riders fro m all over Pe nnsylvania, O hio
and New York, and from as far away as California. Maple shad e is an AMA Dist rict 4 an d 5
tra ck owned by Do ug and Sherry Lawson.
Pro pr act ice st art ed at 12:30 p .m ., w ith
t rac k crews o pe ning up the Pro section. The
t rack wa s also runn ing a reg ular race-day
schedu le, which was sto pped when time came
for the Pro activities. Sammy R. Holland loo ked
ve ry fast du ring practice , as did Californi an s
Dylan Lord and Kyle Mace.
Lord got the holeshot in mote one and took
off, with O rdelman in tow. Steven On isko was
third , and Th omas Ad d y a nd Ben Ritt e r
rounded out the top five. O ne of the favorites
to win, Holland, we nt down hard on the first
lap and did not finish the race . The top three
stayed the same throughout most of the mot o.
When th e white flag came out , O rdelman "!1ade
a spectacular charge for the lead, passing Lor d
in the dow nhill GP sect ion. Lord didn't give up
and stayed right on O rdelman's rea r fender, and
as they came out of the last tum, it was a dash
to the finish line, with Lord crossing the line just
inches ahead of Ordelman. O nisko held on for
th ird , with Brandon Kuhn ge tting fo urth and
Kevin Hoge finishing fifth.
The gate dropped for mota two, and Ritte r
snare d the holeshot . He led for a good portion
of the first lap until O rdelman made a pass in
th e whoo ps . Ritter t he n fe ll and was in last
place by the time he got going again. O rdelman
got some breat hing room, leaving quite a battle
be hind him as Mace and Hoge swapped seco nd
place back and fort h severa l times, with Kuhn
and Addy close behind t hem . Fans also enjoyed
so me great raci ng as Ritt e r worked his way
th ro ugh the pack, turning a fast lap time of two
minutes and 35 seconds. Ordelman he ld on for
the w in, with Mace taki ng seco nd . Bad luck
stru ck Hogue on the last lap, and he logged a
DN F. Th ird we nt to Kuhn, fourt h we nt to Addy,
and Mike Wajda took fifth.
O rde lman (2- 1) won the overal l. Kuhn too k
seco nd overall, and Addy was third. Local rider
Tim Scouten finished fourth ove rall, and Ritte r
bro ke into the top five by work ing his way back
up to eighth afte r his secon d-moto crash. Mike
Koz ma got sixth , O nisko was seve nth, Fran k
Shultz was eighth, Lord was ninth, and finishing
10t h was Brian Patte rson .
Jesse shot ou t o f the gate in t he se cond
mo t o , with Smu ld ers and Ma ie r in t o w.
Smulders wo rke d arou nd Maie r and se t his
sights on Jesse. Smulders started to ree l in Jesse
at th e ha lfw ay po int , bu t Smul ders mad e a
mistake near the finish-line co rne r, and Jesse
co nt inued to distance himself fro m th e pack.
Jesse took the second -mot o win and the overa ll
with a perfect I-I score. Smulde rs (3-2) too k
secon d, over Maier (2-3).
"I go t some great starts toda y," Jesse said,
" but Smu lders ga ve me a good r un in t he
second moto and he kept me real hone st. "
Jesse also swept the Op en class aboard his
amaha YZ4S0F. Smulders againgave him a good
run in the second moto, but it was Jesse's day to
shine, and he won by the narrowest of mar gins.
Jesse won t he first 2S0cc A mo ta, but it
wa sn't ea sy. The Suzuki-mounted Maier took
the ope ning-mo to holesh ot , only to fall in the
third corner, in a rocky sect ion. Maier definitely
wo uld've given Jesse a run for his mo ney. but
Jesse was pe rfect on the day. going six fo r six it couldn't have bee n any better than this!
P/W JR : I. Brandon Holmes ; 2. Th omas We irich ; 1.
Sea n Reis mann; 4 . Easton C re v ie r; 5 . Zac hary Carlso n .
PfW S R: I . Chri st o ph e r Ben avides ; 2 . Tyler Skcdras : J .
Cody Seve rs insen; 4 . Lukas C obian ; S. Colin Hess. MINI
6 5 (1 -11): I. Hunte r N ystrom; 2. Phelan Stillman ; 1. Aaron
Remt er, 4 . luke Sanvine; S. Chri st oph er Benavides. MIN I JR
(7. 11): I. Dylan Ciriacks ; 2. Cody Jones ; J. Phelan Stillman ;
4 . Anth o ny Grah am ; S. KailMcCormack. MIN I SR ( 12- IS):
I. Brand Ofl Crevier, 2. Brian Anton iak; J. Ben Peterson; 4 .
Vaughn Mays ; S. Ant hony West ergaard. 12S JR: L Zachary
Kenning ; 2. Ste ... n Ebe rhard t; 1. Bryon Servi ; 4. Bra nd on
50 (4-6): I. Maccoy Shine (KTM); 2. Set h Badeau (Co b).
SO (7-8) : I. Kr'e W. Pichler (Co b); 2. Justin Hushon (Cob ); J.
Nick Zentz (Cob); 1. Seth Huber (Cob ); S. Corey J. Black
(KTM). 50 (4-8) : I. Seth Huber (C o b); 2. Se th Badeau
(Cob); J. Allison C oast (Yam); 4 . Julia Krzem ien (Yam). 6S
(7-9): I. Devin J. Eczzc (KTM); 2. Masen Ben siok (KTM); 1.
Kyle Pichler (KTM); 4. levi Marti n (Suz); 5. logan Warn ick
(Su z). 65 (1 0. 11): I. Max Zim merman (Kaw); 2 . Da ...d
Ferrell (5uz); 1. lYler J. Martin (Kaw) : 4. Harrison Kay (KTM).
85 (7 .11 ), I. adw)' S>nder> (Yam); 2 . lYle' Man" (Kaw);
J. Jordan Kriger (Kaw); 4. Max Z immerman (Kaw); 5. David
Fer rell (Suz). 85 ( 12- 1l ): l. Corey E. Horne r (Suz); 2. J.J.
Bankosh (Ho n); 1 . Da... d Brush (Yam ); 4 . Andre Rhoades
(Yam) ; S. Jo rdan Wozn iak (KTM). 85 ( 14.1 5): I. Andrew
Meeder (Yam); 2. Zachary Griffen (Kaw); J. Stephen Ginkel
(Suz). OPEN MIN I: I. Corey E. Homer (Suz); 2. Z1ehary
Sanders (Yam); J . Ricky Krishan (Kaw) ; 4 . David R. Brush
(Yam); 5 . J.1. Bankosh (Hon ). 125 A: I. Ge rrit Ordelman
(Suz); 2 . Brand on Kuhn (Hon ); 1. Th omas Addy (Hon ); 4 .
Tim Scouten (Suz); S. Ben Ritte r (Kaw); 6. Michael Kozma
JUL 14, 2004 • CYCLE N EWS
Jesse Za mban (94) took ove rall victories in the 125cc A, 25Dcc A a nd Open
divisions du ring ro un d twa of th e No rthe rn Cup Motocro ss Series in
Den ma rk, W isconsin, winning all six mota s he entered.
40t h An niver s ary