Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Z ~ () took over the lead for the win. Huen ing finished secon d (or second overall. in front of Moore . Graves nailed the hole sho t for wl re -to -w ire ~ wins in bo th 16-24 motos. Aar on Yoder, riding ~ a n AM Ra cing/ Map le C ity Cycle Kawa sa ki, ::E iIi §I c, Ben Graves is o n his way to one of four mo ta w ins at rou nd three of the first-ever Gold MX Series . classes, tak ing all fou r mote wins o n a Facto ry Co nn e ct ion/Azonic Yamaha . De r ric k Dew itt nailed the holeshot in both motos on a Yamaha. in front of Graves, and he held the lead in the first moto until Graves took the to p spot with just over a lap to go. Dewitt held on to second place , 64 fo llo w e d by Kyle Hu e ning, o n a D re ye r Motors ports Honda, and Clint Moore , on an Off Road Grou piUds by Fid Kawasaki. Dewitt led the seco nd moto until he stalled his VZ450F enteri ng a tum on the final lap. Dewitt cou ldn't get the bike restarted and scored a DN F, while Graves JULY 14,2004 • CY CLE NEWS finished third in the first moto, but he pressu red Graves th roughout the second mo to fo r second overall. Ho nda J ockey Keith Grant claimed th ird overall with a 2-4 score, and Yamaha-mou nted Brett Williams took fourt h place wi th a 4-3 sco re , in fro nt of Sam Wo od ro w (7- 5) , on a New Market Weld ing Yamaha. Y oder took both mot o wins in the I25cc A class, in front of Dewitt , with Huening claiming third overall w it h a 3· 4 sco re . Grant finished fo urth ove ra ll w it h a 6 -3 ta lly, e dgi ng o ut Yamaha jockey Jeff Fo rd (4-5). Don ald Baker battled hard fo r the win in the Over 25 A and Over 30 A classes , taki ng three out of four mot o wins for both ove rall victo ries on a Th rottle Joc key/ lake C ity Racing Ho nda. Baker naile d the holesho t and went w ire to wire (or the win in both motos of t he Ove r 30 A cl ass . Kevin La m pe , r id ing a Bridgesto nelT hom pson Moto rsp orts Honda, we nt down in the first tu m in the first moto but ba ttle d back to finish seco nd, beh ind Bake r. Lampe pressured Baker throughout the e ntire second mot o but cou ldn't make the pass (or the win. Joseph Beber finished third in each moto, an d Phillip Hard y e dged out fe llow Yam aha rider Richard Blacket er (or fourth place. Lampe nailed the holeshot in t he first Ove r 25 A mo to (or a wire-to-wire win after a close 40th Anniversary batt le with Baker, but Baker came back in the second mota to take the ho leshot and hold 0 (( Lampe the e ntire mota (or his second overall win, in fro nt of Lampe. Be he r finished third in both motes, and again Hardy too k fourth place , in (ront of Yamaha rider Garron Anglem eye r. R ESULTS X R50 : l. Ashton Dickinson (Han) . 50 JR (4- 6) : I. C hrist ian Arnol d (KT H ). 50 S R (7 . 8 ): I. Alex Mario n (Cob); 2. R.J. Barrow (Kaw); J . levi Radcliff (Kaw) . 65 OPEN (7 -11); I. Lev; Arnold (KTM); 2. R.]. Barrow (Kaw); J . levi Radcliff (Kaw) ; 4. Derric k Hanhe ws (Suz) . 80 OUTlAW (1.1 5): I. Jacob Feh rm an (Suz); 2. l evi Arnold (KTH ). 85 IR (7 .11): I. Jacob Fehr man (Suz). 85 SR (12-15) : I . Andrew De wees (Kaw) ; 2. Mauhew Arnol d ; (Suz); J. Adam Haines (Kaw); 4. Grant Hason (Yam) S. Shaun Willi ms (Han) . SlMIN I ( 12-15 ): I. Dustin Bockover (Kaw); a 2. Andre w De w ee s ( Kaw); J . Adam Haines (Kaw); 4. Matth e w Arnold (Suz); 5. Grant Mason (Yam). 125 A: I. Aaron Yoder (Kaw) ; 2 . De rr ic k De wiU (Yam); J . Kyle Huen ing (Han) ; 4. Keith Gram (Hon ); S. Jeff Ford {Y am}. 115 B: I. Steven Doyen (Kaw); 2. Sam Wood row (Yam); J . Damon Duitsman (Suz); 4. Skyle r Sells (Y am); S. Adam l oc k (Kaw). 125 C: l . Mark Robertson (Suz); 2. Bess Muinze r (Kaw) ; J. Tyler Broc k (Y am); 4. Zach Miles (Yam); S. Tim Kuz micz (Yam) . 25 0 A: I . Be n G rave s {Yam}; 2. Kyle Huening (Han ); J. Clinton Moore (Kaw); 4. Derrick Dewitt (Ya m) . 2 50 B: I. Brett Wi llia ms (Yam); 2. Ric hard Mclaughlin (Han): J . Tony Young {Han} . 250 C: I . Tyler Brock (Yam): 2. Zach Miles (Kaw) ; J . Jaso n Jones (Suz); 4. am). WMN : I. Travis Schroeder (Suz); S. Richard Barrow (Y Heather Zylstra (Han) ; 2. H eghan Jor dan (Suz). SCH BY ( 12. 15): I. Adam lock (Kaw); 2. Damon Duitsman {Suz}. ); 16-14 : I. Ben Graves (Yam 2. Aaron Yoder (Kaw); J . Keith Grant (Ha n); 4. Bre tt Williams (Yam); S. Sam Woodrow (Yam). 15 + A: I. Donald Baker (Ha n); 2. Kevin lampe (Ha n); J. Joseph Beber {Ya m}; 4. Phillip Hardy (Yam); 5. am). 25 + B: I . Tony Young (Hon) ; 2. Garron A.ngIetneye1'" (Y ; Man Feathentan (Yam) J. Joe Boyden (Han); 4. Tim Graves (Yam S. Jason Jones (Suz). 30 + A:, I. Donald Baker (Hon); ); 2. Kevi n lampe (Han); J . [e se ph Be he r (Yam); 4. Phillip am) Hard y (Y am); S. Richard Blacketer (Y . 30 + B: I . Joe Boyd en ( Han) ; 2. Rich ard Mcla ugh lin (Ha n) ; 3. Man Feamers ton (Yam); 4. Scott Douglas (Kaw) . 40 + : I. Brian Sneathen (Han) .

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