Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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W ERA Na tiona l Cha llenge S er ies
Round 4 : California Spe edway
Four For Batey at Round Four
ray Batey won four classes at the fo urt h
round of the WERA National Challenge
Series, wh ich kicked off w ith the Open Super-
stoc k race . Dale Kieffer charged to the lead,
with Matt Futek second as the field of big-bo re
motorcycles worked its way through the infield.
Kieffer was on the gas. gaining II slight bit every
lap until halfway, when he crashed out. Futek
too k the lead, wit h Batey breathing down his
neck. Two laps later, Batey slipped by. With one
lap to go , Mark Junge stole second. Futek held
off jo hn Jacobi to come home third. The Vesrah
Suzuki crew took first thro ugh fourth .
Jay Tanne r headed up t he field of riders
over 40 on his Mission Yamaha R6 in the Value
Cycle Senior Superbike final. Roddy Cooper
came home second. with Eric Ebert t hird.
Jimmy Wood smoked the Novice riders in
the 60 0c c Superstock class, taking his The
Paddock/Dun lop Yamaha R6 to a 16-second
victory over Brando n Parrish and Bill Drake.
In the 750cc Superstock Novice final, Ryan
Gordon, on the T-Bone Racing/Michelin 750cc
Suzuki, finally overcame a few bobbles to catch
early lea der Wood on the sixth lap. Jason
Brown and Parrish clashed for th ird the entire
race . Gordon's 750 had just enough to beat
Wood's 600 for the victory.
The 600cc Superstock Expe rt final was a
barn-burner. Ho nda-mo u nt e d Nicky Moore
took the le a d , w it h Ja cobi a nd Brad ley
Champion right the re. junge was on the move,
passing Mitche ll Pierce an d Lenny Hale to take
fifth . Moore stre tc hed o ut a little b reathing
room - six bike le ngths' worth ~ as junge passed
C hamp ion in the infield ch icane . W ith Putek
an d Champio n co ntesting third , Jacob i fell off
t he pa ce t o fift h. j u ng e cou ld on ly match
Moo re's speed and settled for second when a
red flag ended the race on lap six.
Batey took th e Vesra hlPire lli Suzuki 7S0 to
the lead o f t he 75 0cc Supers tock fina l, as
Kieffer and Fut e k co ntested second. Five laps
in, and w ith Corey Eato n right on h is rear
w heel, Futek d isapp e a r e d w hen h is fr ont
<4 00 S/STK EX : I. J.C . Gibbs (Yam); 2. Ke vin Jones
(Yam ) . 6 0 0 S/ S TK NOV: I. Jim m y Wood (Yam) ; 2.
Brandon Parrish(Y
am); J . BillDrake (Suz) . 600 SlSTK EX :
I. Nicky Moore (Hon ); 2. Mark Junge (Suz); 3. Matt Futek
(Suz). 750 SfSTK NOV: l. Ryan Gordon (Suz) ; 2. Jimm y
Wood (Yam) : J. Brandon Poom,h (Yam) . 7S0 5i ST K EX: I .
Tray Batey (SU 2. Da le Kieffer (SUl.): J . Ni cky Moo r e
(Hon). OPEN S/STK NOV: I. Jason Barite r (Suz); 2. David
Share rd i (Suz); J . Jeff Akune (Yam). OPEN S/ST K EX: I .
Tray Batey (Suz) ; 2 Mar k Junge (Suz); J. Matt Fute k (Suz).
lJW S/ST K NOV: 1. David Osser (Su,) . lJW 5iSTK EX,
I . Bradley Adams (Suz) : 2. AJam Schwen (Su z); J . Just in
Walkin (Suz) . HIW S/ ST K NOV: I . David Osser (Suz).
HIW SISTI( EX : I. Tray Batey (Suz); 2. Roger Bell (Suz): J .
Myron Bell (Suz). 400 S/BK EX : I . Horace Knight Jr.
(Hen): 2. Kevin Jones (Yam): J. J.e. Gibbs (Yam 600 S/ BK
N OV: I . Jimmy Wood (Yam): 2. Bm Dra ke (Suz); J . Jason
Bro wn (Yam). 600 S/ BK EX: I . N icky Moore (Hon) : 2.
Tristan $choenewald (Suz); J . Ke ith Mar shall (Suz). 750
Sl BK N OV: I. Ryan Gordon (Suz) : 2. Jimm y Wood (Yam);
J. Bill Dra ke (Suz). 750 S/BK EX; I. Nicky Moore (Suz); 2.
Ben Thompson (Suz); J. Corey Eaton (Suz). l/W Sl BK EX :
I. Alan Schwin (Suz) ; 2. Jim Stewart (Suz); 3. Justin Walkins
(Suz) . H/W S/BK NOV: I. Greg Freeman : 2. Perry
Ho ward : J. David Osser. HIW S/BK EX : I. Joh n-Mark
Are ch iga (Ap r) ; 2. Micke y Giaccmaaz! (Due ); 3. Richard
Ne we rt (Duc) . f ·1 N OV : I. C h ris Rose (Su z): 2. Ryan
Gordon (Suz); J . Jaso n Caldwell (Suz). f - I EX : I . Tray
Batey (Suz); 2. Matt Futek (Suz); 3. Corey Eaton (Suz). F-2
NOV: I. Derex Dun (Suz). f ·1 EX: I. Jim Stewart (Suz); 2.
Roger Bell (Suz); J . John Ulrigh (Yam). 11 5 GP : I. Britt
Bohannen (Hon). SR N O V: I. Chris Ro se (Suz); 2. Bo
Lamastus (Suz). S R EX : I . Jay Tann er (Yam); 2. Rodd y
Cooper (Yam) : J. Eric Eben (Yam).
brakes fa iled going into turn three . He
con tinued around the NASCAR oval, ou t o f the
race. Moore moved up to challenge Eato n for
thi rd , while Ben Thompson and jacobi
co ntested fifth. Batey took the win with a two second advantage.
"When I got here o n Th ursday," Batey said,
"the infield is so large , and with all the cones, it
loo ked like an autocross. But o nce I got t he
rhythm, I began to like th is track. They did a
great job wit h what they got. For a speedway
track, this is the most fun I have ever had at a
car track."
Batey made the break in FOf1l1UIa O ne, with
Kieffer , Fut e k, Eaton, jaco bi, T ho mpson and
David Sa nde rs in a tigh t gaggle contesting
second. Kieffer held that spot but began to falloff
the pace at the halfway point. Eaton and Futek
to o k up t he fight, w hile Batey slipped furt he r
away in first . Com ing down to the wire , Futek
stole second, and Jacobi charged to fou rth .
Bat e y a ls o t op pe d the H e a vyw e igh t
Supe rsto ck Expert class.
Tray Batey charges to victory in the Formula One final , one of his four
wins at the fourth round of the WERA National Chollenge Series.
and 250cc wins, respectively. Hurt put a hurting
o n t he 12 5cc cla ss , ta kin g bo t h m o ta wi ns
aboa rd a Yamaha. Jaco b Sanchez rod e his Suzuki
to tw o second-place finishe s Ior sec o nd overal l.
Hond a ride r Greg FOUlS sco red th ird w ith 4-3
finishes . Conley also won both of his motos o n
his w ay to victory ; t he live rmo re lo cal was
riding a fo ur-s tro ke Honda. Yamaha-mounted
Stev e n Barchelti ( 3- 2) w as run ne r-up . Ro ss
Creech (2-4) took home th ird o n his Suzuki.
Rya n Mo ra is cl e an e d ho use in t he Pro
classes , go ing undefeated and also w inning the
Dash Fo r Cash hair-time event on Ho ndas. Nick
Davis rod e stro ng in both classes, taking second
in the 12Scc class and third in the 2So.. Davis
hails fro m Tracy and was riding Suzukis. David
Gassin ro unded out the top th ree in the 125cc
class wh ile riding a Yamaha. Second in the 250cc
class went to Ho nda ride r De nnis Kritz er (3-2).
50 BEG : I . Mich ael Kutchera (KT M); 2. Bra nd o n
Ch risto fferson (KTM); J . Ma x Lofano (KT M); .. . Clayton
Hu nsinger (Cob); 5. And re w Figuer oa (Pol). SO NOV: I.
Tyle r Burgess (Co b ): 2. Ro be r t N ale zny (C o b) : J . Kyle
Greener (Pol);