[erred G,b>on (Sul); • . E' Gny (Sul ); 5. Chad Ilon$eI (Yam).
250 PRO , I. N. """ 5 " - (Yam); 2. kofy Will,," (KTM); J.
Joh n Wisen barger (YVTl) on (Sul );
l- w.,.ne w,,,,,,, (Han ); J. """"' Ry.n (Han ); • . 0 ...... B....
(Suz); 5. Coen
Ba ttle Creek Motorcycle Club MX
The Full Korte Press
Benjamin and Dl abal came int o a tight . ru tted
ohn Korte showed his speed at the open ing
day of th e Batt le C reek Mo to rcycle Cl ub's
tw o-day motocross eve nt, running aw ay with
bo th Ov er SO mo te wins . over class rival Larry
Stew art . In O ve r 4S ac tion, Joseph W ath e n
wheeled his way to the w in. while Todd Stewa rt
took ho me top ho no rs in th e Over 40 class.
In th e first Ov er SO mote , Larry gra bbed the
ho leshot, but just three tu rns late r Korte was
ou t fro nt . w it h an o pen track ahead of him .
Korte soon had a com fy lead over Larry, wh o
was now putting some ti me on Michael Root , as
Roo t ba tt led w ith Douglas Hilderb rant. Ko rte
has been a racer since 1971, and he was feeling
his oats on th is o ld-school MX playgrou nd as he
ro de away with the w in. Lar ry was so lid in
sec o nd. Hilderbra nt displace d Root before the
two crossed th e finish line .
In moto two. Larry nailed the start and led
the pack into turn one, but Korte zigged inside
entering the first tum , getting underneath Larry
and push ing him w ide and tak ing t he lead,
which he would carry to the finish. Larry was
once again in control o f second , laying down
laps tha t even his grand kids would be pro ud of.
Root wasn 't going to senle for fourth; this time
around, he ha d an answer for Hild e r b ra nt.
Korte ( I- I) took the overall. with Larry (2-2) in
t he runner-u p s po t , while Roo t (4 - 3) and
Hilderbrant (3-4) rounded out the top four.
In Over 45 action, Yamaha-mou nted Wathen
( I- I) took to p honors w ith a pair of ru naway
victories ove r Tony Th omas (2. 2) in Michigan
Dist rict 14's newest Vet class.
The Ov er 40 class was full o f action. Todd .
Jame s Dlaba l and Jim Benjamin took off in mo to
one and were in a class by themse lves . Todd had
the lead fo r most o f the first mo to befor e being
run do wn out back by Olaba l. Todd he ld on to
second , over Benjami n. and John Love and Bill
Vann loc ked up the rema inde r of the to p fIVe .
In m o to two, Todd
was once again
ou t (ro nt .
with Benjam in and Olabal wag ing a dogfight on
his re ar fen der. That running order held steady
(o r s e ve r al lap s be fo re th e ra mbun c tio us
left- ban der on the back side o f the track and
went down . Half a lap later. Vann and Love too k
the whi te nag behind Todd , wh ile Benjamin and
Olab al trie d to get going aga in. Todd took the
win and the overall with a perfect I- I tally. Vann
(5-2) grab bed second in t he mo te as we ll as
overall . l ove's th ird place in the mo to matched
his o ve rall finish. Olab al ( 1-7) placed fo u rt h
overall. and John Wat hen (7-4) was fifth ove rall.
TRL 8 U R: I. Austin Berres (Han). 50 JR (4 -6 ) A UT O,
I. Rick Hibberd (KTM): 2. Nate Porter (Hen) . 50 SR (108)
AUTO, I. Derek R.ins (KTM); 2. KevWo Cbocheny (KTM); J.
C o llin Whitfield (KTM). 50 (4-6) S HAFT: I. Ezorl Merri ll
(Yam) 2. Ri< H-..d (KTM). 50 (7- 8 ) S HA FT: I. Mid
bum (Han ); • . TyIeoHanson (Suz) ; S. Tyle r H artle (H o n) . 115 A : I. Scotty
Thod e>sw.Jt
(Han ); • Monhew Cbueheny ('\'am); 5. jKob Curry (Yam) .
250 k I. John IGdd (Han); 2. Kyle McCleod (Han); J. Joe
Penrod (KTM • 5hdIey Benjbst (Yam); J . CheIse;o C""'ido (Han ); • . KhyW
Stzemore (Kaw l; 5. Dallas Leedom (Kaw). 80 IN T: l. Bryce
Stewart (KTM); 2. Dakota Tedder (Kaw ); 3. Kiernan Malamey
(Kaw) : 4 . Myles Tedder (Kaw): 5 . Brian Foster (Suz ). 12 5
BEG : I. Dereck Maher (Hon ); 2. Anthony Garcia (Yam): 3.
Tom Hinz (Suz): 4 . Rick Sedlacek (Yarn): S. Austin Brawner
(KTM). 11 5 IR : I. Blake Harber (Yam) ; 2. Aust in White
(H on) : 3. John Minert (Kaw ); 4 . Garrett Kingan (H on ): S.
Justin Carmody (Kaw) . 115 IN T: I. Dennis Jonon (Kaw ): 2.
Josh Bro w n (Ha n); 3. Bro c k H ard e n (KT M) : 4 . Donald
C hollar (Han): S. Fredd y Sanchez (KTM). 12 S PRO : I .
Steve Boniface (Suz); 2. Kelly Tedder (Yam); J . Chad Robbins
(H on ). 150 IR: I . T im Murphy (H on): 2. Craig Cheever
(Yarn); 3. Jared Hanebrink (Kaw); 4. Garrett Kingan (HOrt : 5.
Ryan Aman.dio (Yam). 25 0 IN T: I. Jo sh Brow n (Hon ); 2.
Kurt is Kae lin (Suz) ; 3. Wh itney Mu r ph y (Han) ; 4 . Tyler
K.alisiak (Hon ); S. Matt Latendresse (H on ). 1 50 P RO : I .
DavKI Vuillernen (Y
am) : 2. Jeremy McGrath (Han): 3. Chad
am). OPE N PRO: I. Jeff WmJ (Han ); 2. je-KkMinen (Han); J. Geo