Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Contents of this Issue


Page 77 of 123

I. Joh n Card oz o (KTH) ; 2. Aaron Wom ble (Kaw); l . Jim my D unn (KTM); .. . Paul Parnell (KTN) ; S. Paul May (Suz) . B 4-STRo(' I. Mr l Lewis (KTM); 2. &n-y Helton (Hon ): 1. [ess Roberson (KTM) ; .. . Shane Garner (KTM); S. Christo phe r Webb (KTM) . B V ET: I . Chris Walker (KTM) : 2. Laoce D illon (KTM): 1. Fnnk ~ (Hon ); 4. Mrl Joyce (KTM); 5. Andy Dean (KTM). B SR: I. Pat Tuckel'" (KIM) ; 2. Tim Stephens ( KTM) ; 1 . Rob Roberts (KTM): 4 . G. ')' Cohoon (KTM); 5. Randy Edgen (Yom). 8 SIS~ I. Rick Shipne< (KTM); 2. J'""" Dk kens (KTM): 1 . Rick Hill (GG ); 4. Royce Guid')' (GG); 5. ey Ed Bowen (Yom) . 8 MSTR; I. M< h:>eI Tbcmpsco (KTM); 2 . Kim Kirkwood (KT M) ; 3. Michael Arm istead (KTM) ; 4. Carl Ivey (Han ); 5. V.."te Young (KTM). 8 GLDN MSTR; I. Jock Schidl. - (GG); 2. J'""" Bnnsfo.-d (KTM); 1. GernJd Eorl (Kaw): 4. Jim Armitage (Kaw); S. Tom Cufr (KTM). COPEN : I. Jon Robi nson (GG ); 2. Russe ll Ree d (Yam) ; 3. Randall Adamson (KTM ); -4. Bruce W ilson (AT K); 5. Tim H uff (GG). C INT; I. Noth:on H"""""" (KTM); 2. !""" Copeland (J..(Yom); 4 .!""" H _ (Yom); 5. John Bulla (Han) . 4-STR K AM ; I . Chrn Leedbeater J'. (Yam) 2. 8nndon 8eld>er (Han) ; 1. J. ; Ron Pru itt (Y am); .. . Joshua D. Wyatt (Hon); 5. Matthew T.yto. (Hon) . U/L ClD; I . Jeremy Brown (KTM); 2. Bnndon Sayior (Yam) ; Belche r (Hon) ; 3. Matth ew Thrash er (taM); 4. Ryan Rowe (Y am); S. Wesley Keller (KTM). CLGBY ( 16-24) : I. Shane (Kaw); 4. O'lIonion (Si Moses (KTM); 4. Cameron Scism (KTM): 5. Deric n G"""" (Lem). SO (7 -8) STO(, I. Poden J(jng (Lem): 2. AMon be""" Le;ningeo- (Cob) ; 1. N orthern (KTM); 4 . lYle' lion'" (KTM). 65 (7-9) : I. Justin Wofford (KTM): 2. Colby Moses (KTM) 3. Jacob Nicholson (KTM); " . AMon Leininger (Cob); 5. ; Jobie M' (Kaw): 4. em. Robl(Han) ; 5. KyleKeIy(Sn:dt (Yom). WMN; I. Beth BieNer (Yom). SC H8 Y; I. Cody Clorl< (S (Han) .

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