Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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wh ile cornering at lull throttle. With the top two
co nt e nders ' m isc ues , Stratto n no w had a
co mman ding lead . and Kuhn and Doyle were
looking to tak e a dva ntage, as only true
mo to cross frie nds can . Carpen te r ca me back,
powe ring past Do yle and knocki ng kno bb ies
with Kuhn for second. Billy pinned it wide open
up the new uphill rhythm/whoop section, only
to go do wn and get back up way off his usual
abnormally subso nic pace. First -year Expe rt
rider Doyle is an ext remely good racer and can
never be counted out , as Diete r and Kuhn have
now learned . Action galore am ong Ellingto n,
Allen and Chad Flec k thrill d the huge crowd, as
did the battle among Steve Bruckman , Patrick
Kailleiz and Mikey. Stratton (2-1) scored first
ove rall. Ca rpe nter (2 . 1) too k hom e secondoverall ho nors. Die te r (3-4) was third overall.
Kuhn (5-3) cap tured fourth overall with a solid
performance, w hile the "Corfu Chario t," Jason
Doyle (6-5), earned yet another top-fIVe finish.
50 (4 -6): I. l ou is Saxby (Y
am) ; 2. Just in Reinhardt (Kaw);
3. Dakota Wheaton (Yam); 4. Joshua Zugnoni (Yam); S. Kyle
Qu igley (Yam) . 50 PiW (4-8): I. Coitan Camp (KTM); 2.
Hayden Blic:kwood (KTM); 3. Stephen Mana (Kaw); ... Oytan