Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

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TiS CMC Pac West Motocross Nationals Round I: Madras Motocross PHOTOS BY CLAY LIGHT Huffman + Hill - Hammer Time! By CLAY LIGHT MADRAS, OR, JUNE 5 rego n's Ryan Huffman and Washington's Josh Hill hamme red the competition at t he o pening round of the CMC Pa c West Motocross Nat ionals, he ld at Madras Motocross. The event drew nearty 900 riders from six Western states, although none of those riders wou ld make the ir presence felt as much as Huff man and Hill d id. Huffm an w o n t he 125 cc an d 250cc Pro class es an d po cket ed nearly $ 1000 from the Pro purse. Despite pres sure from Team Green's Justin Keeney in several motos, Huffman won all four motos . Hill went one step further: The I-t-yea r-old from La Center, Washington . walloped the competition in the I25cc, 25Occ, Schoolboy and Four-Stroke classe s, wi nning all eight o f his mot os. Hill's margin of victory in those motos was large; Hill put huge groun d between himself and the res t of the pack and was spectacular, even posting faster laps times than those of the top three Pro riders - Huffman. Keeney and Washington's O Ryan Abrigo. Hill's first overall win came in the 2S0cc Intermediate class. Hill did have some pretty fast company. in the form of Oregon's Adam Menler and Idaho's Sam De Adey, but neither of those riders could put the clamps on Hill in either moto. The Yamaha-m oun t ed H ill was equally impressive in the 125cc Intermediate class. He darted out in fron t of the field in both motos and was never challenged . Metzler and Kevin Urq uhart were the closest riders to H ill all day. but on ce again Hill was in a class of his ow n, and he easily won. Metzler (4· 2). De Atley (4- 3), Urq uhart (3-4) and 'Ii-avis Farmer (5-6) filled out the top five ove rall. Huffman resembled the H uffman of a few years back: domi nating. Huffman and Kawasaki jo ck ey Keeney fr o m Cor ona , Ca lifornia . squared off in the early stages of both 125cc Pro motos , though Keeney fell o n several occas ions and ended the day with a 5-2 tally. Huffman easily won both motos , ahead of Abrigo (3-3), Philip Ehnat (2-4), Keeney (5-2) and Rory Sullivan(4-5). H uffman was equally impressive in the 250cc Pro class. Although Keeney fared much better in the two motes . Hu ffma n hel d up unde r pressure from Keeney and won both motos in this class as well. Keeney 's 2-2 placings netted the 16-yea r-old a substantial chunk of money from the Pro purse, w ith Abrigo (3-3), Sullivan(4-4) and Bob Melloy (7-5) rounding out the top five. "He [Kee ney] is one of the up-and -co ming riders to watch out for - the kid is rea lly fast," Huffmansaid. "If he doesn't crash, then look out! " Other top performers on the day included d im inut ive speedsters Just in Hill and Chris Alldredge . The KTM-mounted Justin see ms to be following in his brother Josh's footsteps; he was the dominant 6Scc rider on the day. Justin posted wins in the 65cc Open and 65cc (9-1 I) classes . Alldredge, from nearby Powell Butte , wo n the 50cc (7-8) and 65cc (0-8) classes, riding Cobra and Suzuki machinery, respectively. CN MADRAS MOTOCROSS MADRAS, OREGON RESULTS: JUNE 5, 2004 (ROUND 1) SO (0 -6) : I. Ryan Burggren (Co b): 2. Trevor Newman (Cob): 3. Nick CMppelI (KTM): 4. Koone (Poi); 5. DusOn Uughlin (KTM). SO (7-8 ): I. Chm M l (KTM). 65 (9-11), I. Justin Hill (KTM); 2. Brad Frace (KTM); l . C o lin Bake r (KTM); 4. r ay\or Mon roe (Sut) ; 5. Cooper Gam (KTM). 65 OPEN , I. Ju"'" H" (KTM): 2. Bnd Frece (KTM); 1. 0-.;, Alldredge (Suz): 4 . Tayb- Monroe (Suz): S. Cooper Gam (KTM). 85 BEG: I. Matt M!lIer (yam) : 2. Cody Lo ine n (Kaw) : 1. Jered Dacus (Kaw) ; 4. Eddy Duncan (Yam); 5 . IlenjerrHn Beckmen (Hon). B5 (9-1 1): I. Cameron Iluuel. (Yam 2. Brad Frace (Yam) l . Coftn Baker (Yam): 4. Taytor ); : Mo nro e (Suz): S. Cody Eva nson {Kaw] . 85 (1 1- 13) : I. Landon Currier (Yam): 2. Matt De Atley (Suz); 3. Chris Ho we ll (Kaw) ; 4. Tra vis McC linton (Yam); 5 . Ale c Wam (Suz). 85 (14- 16): I. Kyle Evans (Suz): 2. Tyier Riehl (Yam) : Josh Hill was the opening round's top performer, pasting four overall class wins in Madras, Oregon. J. ~ Wait (Yam) S/HINI, I. Chris HoweIt (Kaw): 2. . Landon Cunier" (Yam); l . Shawn Haberiock (Hon); 4 . K)1 e Eva ns (SUI): 5. Alec Watt s (5uz) . 115 BEG : I. Chris Md h ni. 1 (KTM): 2. M.ny Morgen (Hon) . SCH8Y: I . : josh H,. (Yam); 2. Keith Ba tterson (Suz): 3. Nathan \oVhit1ow (Yam); 4 . Arlie Southard (Y am); S. Weston Po tt e r (Hon). 8TH )1\, I . Drew Brown (Suz): 2. Bnndon _ (Yom); 1. Kyle Slilu ffer (Yam); 4 . Aa ro n McClinton (Yam) ; S. We s Boughman (KTM). 8TH INT: I. T...... Farmer (Hon): 2. Sam De Alley (Suz) : 1. Joel Barnowski (Yam); 4 . Matt Wilson (Yom): 5. Kr'e Craveos (Suz). 15+ INT: I. M. tt Pea (Hon) ; 2. Dave Silvestri (Suz). 2 5+ PRO: I. Dan Moore (Suz): 1. Ron Begeo t (Yam) 1. Dave Fox (Kaw). )0 + BEG: I. Joel De : Wol f (Hon); 2. Heidi Begeot (Yam); 1. C urt Harri s (KTM). 10 + JR: I. TIm StMriey (Yam); 2. Andrew Higgins (Suz); l . Seen H o c ke ma (Suz); 4. Jarred Ro ge rs (H a n ); S. Oalk lendeman (Yam). 10 + INT: I. Dave ~ (Suz) : 2. Kevin Whit. (Hon): 3. Joe Miltenbe

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