Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kopp (H -D)'; 2. Goo Roeder (H-D); l . Chris Carr (H-D); 4. Kenny Coolbeth (H -D); 5. J.R. Schnabel (H-D); 6. Paul Lync h (H ·D); 7. Dominic Beaulac (H- D); 8 . Jared Nees (H-O); 9. Jay Springsteen (H0); 10. Chris Evans (H· D); II. Johnny Murph ree (H·D); 12. Mike Hacker (HoD); 13. Rich King (H-D); 14 . Willie McCoy (HoD); IS. Aaron Creamer (H·D); 16 . Chris Han (H- D); 17. Kev;n At"""on (H.D)'. l B. Jake J ohnson (H-D) . TIme: 10 min., 59 .9 14 sec . "Disqualified pending lab results for fuel infractions . AHA PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE U .S . FLAT TRACK CHAMPION SHIP S ERIES POINTS STANDINGS (afte r 6 of 20 rou nds): I. Chris Carr (10612 wins) ; 2. joe Kopp (90/1 win)·; 3. Kenny Coolbeth (65); 4. J. R. Schnabel (62{1. w;ns); 5. Johnny Mu.-phree (61 ); 6. Mike HAcker (55); 7. Willie McCoy (52); B. ShaunRussell (5 I); 9. JakeJ ohnson (50); 10. J"" Sprin",teen (40) ; I I. Bryan Srruth (l7); 12. Geo Roeder (34); Il . (TlE) R>eh IGng (lOll w;nYJared Moes (l O); IS. (TlE) Paul Lynch (27)1&e n Landes (27); 17. Rob Pearson (22) ; lB. Kevin Atherton (20)' ; 19. (TlE) Bryan Bigelow (19)/G"'l' Rag.... (19) . fPending lab results for fue l infractions . Briefly.•. Continued from poge 41 I wish we would have done different. The bike was last right out 01 the bo x, and I knew we'd be really competitive tonight from the first practice session on . I was able to ride around the bottom when I had to, and the bike really worked around the top, too. I don 't know what to say. I th ink that's three years in a row I've finished second here, and I think I finished third the three years belore that, IIthat's right, the next three years should be pretty good lor me he re ." UPCOMING R OUNDS: Round 7 . July 9,Joliet, Illinois Round 8· July 17, East M oline, Illinois There were several injured riders cruising the Above: Kenn y Cool beth (31) a nd Chris Carr (partially hidden) w aged an intense war for the final podium spot. Carr just pipped Cool beth at the line for third. Left: Paul Lynch (19) raced post polesitter Dominic Beaulac (30) after Beaulac's rear brake failed. Lynch, enjoying the best season of his career, finished sixth, while Beaulac finished a career-best seventh. Uma pits. Jess Roeder and Cory McDennitt we re seen wa lking the pits. While Steve Beattie is not yet walking, he is getting around on a bicyde. "Riding a bicycle has been the best therapy yet. They say I'm still a couple of weeks away from being able to put any weight on the leg," said Bea ttie. "But it' s go ing pre tty good . My fam ily and Iare leaving for Scotland tomorrow for a cou ple of weeks. We 'll be visiting family and hanging out," Uke Mike Hacker, Johnny Murphree is another rider stilllooking for his pea gravel groove. "Come on ,Joliet - I just stu nk tonight," Murphree said. "Early in the day ~ was smooth up top, and there was dirt up there to get a hold of. I had that pretty well figured out. lt's just disgusting. I've been riding O hio races , I've been going to Canada, and I felt as comfortable as t ever have. Not getting into the main out of the heat race cost us big. If you can't get to the front in the first couple of laps, you're not going to get it done. Icould n't make any passes - there's enough raeng room, you should be able to pass. I have no one th ing Ican put my finger on as to what is wrong. I just don't feel comfortable on this stuff I'm just driving around out there on the . edge of my seat all the time . If I can get ~ figured out, we can ride a cush ion track. Every time I make it worl<, I can't f;gure out why, and when it doesn't work. Ican't f;gure out why not. I just struggle . We've got a lot 01 good tracks coming up for us. It's go ing to make that first win this year feel all that much better. I've just got to win four or five in a row and let the rest take care of itself." Kenny Coolbeth , on the other hand , has seriously picked up his cushion-track game over the last two seasons. ''I'm getti ng used to these pea gravel tracks," Cooibeth said. '"I don't think it matters 50 muc h anymore. The track was real slick - I've never seen ~ th is hard. They kep t dragging the marbles back down on the racetrack. It was real slippery, but that's all right. It was hard to get trac tion, but it's the same race track for everybody. I wish I'd got a little better start. They got a pretty good jump on me . I don't know if I could have stayed with them, but I woul d have liked to try.'" According to Joe Kopp: '"There were certain events that happened this week that really made me want to win th is race . If it wouldn't have bee n for that , after I faded back I probably would have settled for second any other time. " The events Kopp was referring to included the split o f the Kopp and his tuner for the last year and a half, Travi s Smith. 'Travis and I are still good friends , and I want to stay friends, with him," Kopp said. '"Things just didn't work in several areas , and this is a business , and it was a business decis ion. I want to stay friends, but I want to go forward in my business . Things just didn' t work out with Travis and me . He built this bike be fore I got here t his week, and I have to thank him for tha t. Lmy Zumbrun from l.Z racing he lped me ton ight, and I have to thank him, too ," C YCLE NE WS • JULY 7, 2004 43

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