Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Z ~ z (5 ~ 5 il: In the Open Pro heat race at the Rice County Fairgrounds, Chad Sparks (47) leads Jacob Mataya (24), Travis Waschek (3X), Richard Waschek (3), Dan Zitur (48), Troy Johnson (36L) and eventual overall winner Joshua Koch (87). Sideways Racing Promotions Short Track Rice County Fa irgrounds Zach Zaps the Field at Faribault By DAN BROTEN FARIBAULT, MN, JUNE S Z ach Lete ndre took the wins in both t he 50cc O il-In je ct e d a nd 50cc Micro Chain classes at the Rice County Fairgrounds shorttrack race. In the Oil-Injected class , the speedste r from C am bridge , Minnesota , to o k the holeshot and won by a big margin over his sister Amber Lete n d r e a nd Yama ha -mounted Rochelle Paul. In the Micro Ch ain class , the second -grader had his work cu t o ut for him : He crashed wh ile leading the heat race an d had a poor cho ice for sta rting pos ition , w hich allowed Amb er, riding her Cobra, to get the holeshot. Putting his head down and getting in some good lap s, Zach made th e pass fo r th e lead on lap th ree to take the wi n. Zach. also a Cobra rider, has been racing fo r three years. His younger brother Brandon also co m pe tes in these two classes, tho ugh on a Yamaha. The O pen Pro class fou nd Hon da-mou nted Ch ad Sparks getting the hole sh o t and taking the lead ahead o f Cedar, Minnesota's Josh Koch , w ho was riding a vintage Yamaha sing le, an d h o tsh o e Ja ke Matay a . The rest o f the fie ld chas ing after the top trio includ ed Dan Zitur. Travis Waschek, Richard Waschek and N ew Lo ndo n's Tro y Jo hnson . Koch seemed to have the ticket with the lower-powered bike , as he w as getting traction on the groove while the rest o f the field , wi th th e modern-day 45 0cc engines, we re ge tting a lot of wheel sp in. Huge blac kies were being laid down on the corner e xits . On lap six, Mataya got by Sparks, and then he started chasing down Koch. O n th e last lap, coming ou t o f turn four on the outside, Mataya made a bid and pulled alongs ide Koch , but at the flag it was Koch by a w heel. Koch also won the SOScc Pro main ev ent. Sideways Racing Pro mo t io ns uses the Rice County Fairgrou nds o nce a year fo r its shorttrack even t. This year, the track was really wide, with a IO-foot groove on th e inside . The top of th e track was loo se and marbled , which a few riders found to their liking, as they did some nice sliding, but the groove was the fast way around . Double wi n ner s in t he day 's progra m incl uded Zach , Koch, Ric ha rd , and Jonat ha n Zeismer. There were 100 motorcycle en tries in th is day 's event . The lar ge st class w as o nce again the Stock Fram e class, wit h 12 riders. The ne xt event for t he Sideways Racing Promotions team is at the W illmar, Minnesota, half mile track on August 14. Th is was a very good track last yea r, and it usua lly draws a few r ide rs from the So u th Dakota area . For information about races in th e Minne sota area, check ou t Er ic Brouhard 's new we bsi te at RESULTS 50 OIL.INJ : I. Za c h Le t e nd r e (C o b) ; 2. Am be r Let e ndr e (Co b): 3. Rochelle Paul (Y am): .f. Tristan Coburn (Yam); 5. Brandon Let end re (Yam). SO MICRO CHAIN: I. Zach Lete ndre (Co b); 2. Amber Letendre (Cob): 3. Tristan Cob um (Yam); 4. Rochelle Paul (Yam); 5. Brandon Let end re (Yam) . 65 MINI: I. Dust in Paul (Kaw); 2. Aaro n Farg en (Kaw ). 8 5 MINI : I. N ich ol as Mataya (Yam); 2. Jo rd an Schleicher (Kaw ); 3 . Lacy Let e nd r e (Ho n) : .f. Br ia nna Bissonette (Kaw): 5. Dana 8e ntfie ld (Yam). 80 OPEN: I. Jo rd an Sc hle iche r (Kaw ); 2. Dust in Paul (Kaw) ; 3 . lacy Letendre (Hon) ; 4 . Aa r o n Far gen (Kaw) : S. Br ia n n a Bissonette (Kaw) . BEG : I . Jaso n Fo x (Su z): 2. Tom Fox am (ATK); 3. Sean Miland (Y ); 4. Dana Rinne (Yam); S. Tracy Wahl (Yam). 115 AM: I. [cn athan Zeisme r (Hon ); 2. Jacob Schleiche r (Yam); 3. Natash a Waschek (Yam). 1 50 AM : I. Jon ath a n Zei smer (Hon) : 2. Je ff Sparks (H o n) ; 3. Jaco b am): 1. Eddy Hampe (Yam 5. Netasba w..ehek ); SchleKhe< (Y (Yam) . OPEN A M: I . Travis Waschek (Yam); 2. Jonat han Zeismer (Hon) ; 3. Jaco b Schleiche r (Yam): 4. Eddy Hampe (Yam); 5 . Nicholas Mataya (Yam). 50 5 PRO: I. Josh ua Koch (Yam); 2. Jacob Mat aya (Yam); 3. Tro y Joh nso n (Suz) ; 4 . Daniel Zitur (Hon); 5. Chad Sparks (Hon ). OPEN PRO: I. Jo shua Koch (Y am): 2. Jacob Mataya (Yam); 3 . Chad Sparks (Hon); 4. Danie l :lit ur (Hon) ; S. Travis Wasche k (Yam). VET JO + : I. Richard Waschek (Hon ); 2. David Engle r (Yam); 3. Dana Rinne (Y ); 4. Jose ph Bentfteld (Yam); 5. Karl Nyhre am (Ya m). SR 4 0+: I. Rich ard Was chek (Hen): 2. Jo se p h . Bent fiekl (Yam): 3. Craig Abr esch (Rot): -4 Patrick Fargen (Ya m); 5 . Lissa Gold en (Yam) . MSTR 50 + : I. Lo ga n Coombs (Hon ): 2. Joh n Connan t (Rot ); 3. Gaylord Ladwig (Rot). 600 VINT: I. Craig Abresch (Rot); 2. Joh n Comant (Y am): 3. Michael Schmidt (Yam); 4. Ed Hampe (Yam); 5. Lee Ganske (Yam) . VI NT TW: I. Jose ph Bentfi e td (Yam); 2. Cra ig Ab resch (Yam); 3. Ed Hampe (Yam); 4. Karl Nyhre (Yam ). STK FRM : I . Tra vis He n richs (Hon); 2. logan Coombs (Hon) ; 1. David Engler (Yam ); 4. Michael Schmidt (Yam); 5. Travis Wasche k (Yam). fea t ured a Pro -Am p urse of $2 00 0 t hat paid dow n to sixt h place . Hometo w n b oy Bobby Bonds returned for a piece o f th at prize money. In the first mota, Matt Williams of Williams Brot hers Racing go t the holeshot, and the battle was on in this tight arena. Bakersfield Yamaha rider Brian Hulsey and Bonds managed to get around Williams. The rest of the pack was fighting hard in the te nse battle for the money Bonds finished first, . with Hulsey second and Williams third. Th e crowd was o n its feet for the start of the second mota , which p r o ved t o b e as exhilarat ing as the first o ne . Bo nds waged war with ano ther hometown warrior, Kyle G riffith. As soo n as one would make a pass, the other would d ive t o the ins id e and take it ba ck. Griffith, the fastest local Amate ur, was showi ng he has what it takes to become a Pro. At th e he ight o f the b a ttl e , Gri ff ith we n t down , dr o pp in g ba ck t o s ixt h . Bo nd s took t he checkered flag, with Hulsey chasing him home fo r second and Williams third . The big mo ney was take n by Bo nd s , w ith H u lse y cashing the second -p lace check and Will iams taking ho me t he th ird -p lace money. Roundi ng out the money positions were Beau Baron, Jo nathan Camarena and Wes Flippin. The 50cc (3-6) divisio n was so large tha t it was split into two gates . T he se little tykes on little bike s were out to prove their riding skills. In the first d ivision , the overall finishing orde r was Mikiah Morgan, Jayce Elsbe r ry and Adam H ulsey (Brian's little b rothe r). In t he second divisio n, Cameron Anderson got the holeshot, w ith Kade Sant iago in second and Blake Sellman in th ird . Ande rso n tr ied as hard as he possibly could but w ent down, and Santiago made his move into firs t . The podium s po ts went to Santiago, Sellman and Anderson . W ith the crowd yelling "You the man !" Kruz Griffith (Kyle Griffit h's younger b ro ther) took the holeshots in bo th the 125cc Novice class and t he Fo ur-Stro ke class an d went on to win all fou r mo tes. In the 12Scc Novice class , Kruz took a command ing lead, lea ving the others to struggle for the remaining podium spots. Trevor Decke r of Taft and Yamaha rider Brand o n Willis were going into each tight comer with no room to spare for mistakes. The second moto was a repeat w in for Kruz . Fo r Decke r and W illis , however, t he outcomes were diffe rent: W illis slipped to a sixth -place finish for the mote, and Decke r placed third . The overall finishing or der was Kruz, De cker and W illi . s RESULTS 50 (3 -6) 0 ·1 : I. M.kiah Morgan (KTH); 2. Jayce Elsberry (KTM); 3. Ada m Hulse y (KTM); 4. Jo sey Burke (KTM); 5. Seth Lackey (KTM). 50 ( Z. 6) 0 ·2, I. Kade Santiogo (KTM ); 2. Blake Sellman (Po l); 1. Ca me ron And e rso n (KT M): 4. KennyONens (Pol): 5. Cameron Dorio (Hon). 50 (7-10): I. Nicholas Templeton (KTM); 2. Jayce Elsberry (KTM); 3. Levi Walker (Cob): 4. Zachariah Morris (KTM) ; 5. Kayla Dod son (Pol). 65 BEG: I. Jess ie Barlow (Kaw); 2. Seaver Rubadea.u (Kaw) 3. lYfer Valenzuela (Kaw); 4. Blake Wheeler (Kaw); 5. Just in Miller (KTM) . 65 NOV: I. Seth Hughe s (SUI); 2. Zach Jameson (Kaw); 3. Lon nie Mob le y (Kaw) . XR 70 /75 / PW80 /XR80: I . De r ick Nicho las (Hon); 2. Hun ter Sel f (Hon ); 3. Codey Huckins (Hon ): ... Kyle Jameson (Hon ); 5. Camero n Pachec o (Ho n). 8 5 BEG 0 ·1 : I. Patrick Stre iff (KTM); 2. Jona than Binkley (Hon ); 1. Jason Bill in~ (Hon ); 4. Jason Miller (Yam); 5. Dalton James (Kaw). 85 BEG 0 ·1 : I. Jo sh T iger (Yam); 2 . Ste phe n Ho w a rd {Kaw }: 3 . David Ho ward (SUI ): 4. Micha el Taylo r (Kaw) ; 5. Jorda n Hagar (Suz). 85 NOV: I. Just in Davis (Yam). XRIOO /KXIIO/ DRIIOfITRI25 : I . Nicole Madsen (Y ); 2. Brad Howa rd am (Hon ); 3. Aaron Harmon (Yam); 4. Brett Howard (Hon ). 125 BEG: I. Bryce Hayes (Yam); 2. Jac kie Ives (Yam) ; 3. Mike Turner (Hon ): 4. Zack BaIlon (Yam); S. Brent Fletche r (Kaw). 115 NOV: I. Kruz Griffith (Hon ); 2. Trevor Dec ker (Hon ); 3. Brand o n W illis (Yam); .f. Tanne r Alexa nd er (Su z); 5. Kyle Melton (Hon) . 115 INT: I. Jona than Camarena (Hon ). 250 BEG: I. James DOMelty (Yam): 2. Bryce Cooper III (Hen): 3. Landon Garr en (Yam) ; -t. Sco tt Kennedy (Ho n) ; 5. Joshua Ripley (Kaw). 1 50 NOV: I. Brent Bows er (Hon ); 2. Benji He c kmann (Hon); 3. Scott Watso n (Yam): 4. larr u W ise (Y am); 5. Bren t Harmon (Hon ). 4·STRK JR: I. Ibeffy ($0.). VET 30 + NOV: I. Rob ert Hale (Yam) ; 2. Ed Patter so n (Hon ); 3. Scott Grodewald (Yam). S R VET 40 + NOV: I. Dale Amu"""" (Hon ). PIT 81(, I. Chuck Vol"" (Hon ); 2. Kruz Griffith (Kaw): 1. Craig Matheson (Hon); 4. Joshua T iger (Ya m): 5. Ron Shipe (Yam ). PRO·AM : I. Bobby Bon d s (Kaw); 2. Brian Hulsey (Yam); 3. Matt Williams (Kaw); 4. Beau Baron (Kaw); 5. Jonathan Camarena (Hon ). Mikiah Morgan went I -I for the overall win in SOcc (3-6) Division One action at the opening round of the Taft Arenacross Summer Series. Taft Arenacross Summer Series Round I: Franklin Field Sports Arena Wild West Nationals Round 7: Hot Springs Raceway Bonds Earns Some Benjamins at Franklin Field Heiner Doubles at Hot Springs By CHRISTINE DUBOSKI TAFT, CA, JUNE 5 n the small, homey com mu nity of Taft, California. the streets o n Saturday night might ro ll up I By DAVE ROUNSEVEW at six o 'clock in the eveni ng, but the lig hts defi- OGOEN, UT, JUNE 5 nitely shine bright in the Franklin Field Spo rts Arena for the Summ e r Seri es Are nacross put on U by Laton Me lton Productions. T he first round with Tre He ine r taki ng w ins in th e Supe rm ini n s e as o n a b ly warm we a the r m ad e fo r some hot raci ng at Ho t Springs Racewa y, www.cycl enews .com an d 125cc Jun ior class es . Th e yo ung Hond a rider was do min ant in the Sup ermini co ntest, go ing I- I to take the overall , but he needed a Iinle luck to capt ure the 12Scc Junio r victory. Camero n Ol se n bo lte d o rr the line to take the hol e sho t in t he 12Scc Junior clas s, w it h CYCLE NEWS • JULY 7, 2004 85

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