Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IIH.,f,.fJ;:[fJ~ " '#..., ~ amerkO" s weekly moto«ycle ~pope-r Volum e 41 • Issue 26 July 7. 2004 XXXXI Sharon Clayton. PresHkn t Mtc.haeI Kftngef' Pub/iWf . EDITORIAL Paul CarTuthen. Edle M Kit ~. O(f-RoodEditor Scott Roos.seau MclncJrinc £dtOf' . Bbk e Conner. Associate £drrOf Brendan lutes, otf-RDod Assistonf: £6tor FEATURES .....". ..,.-..... Con_E.. ... AQn Cathcart., E.uropean E. UOf d ~ R. Hokher, RepJndI £ l'eIl ts EdJuw ROAD RACING I4 Vo lume Rossi Wins Thi rd in a Row at Dutch GP Debb GIson. CopyEdtO' By Michael Scott ADVERTISING · WESTERN S T AT ES (7 1") 75 1· 74)3 Terry Pratt, NationalAccounts~, Mark Thome, WeSC Soles~, M' FOITeSt Hayashi, Wlestftn Saks MorNJre' 20 Zemke Sur pri ses at Brainerd 46 Laguna Seca Worl d Superbike Preview By Henny Ray Abrams Dan Legere. West6rt Soles ~ Rod HipNeI, Western Soles~, hron Austin, WeSll!nt SolesMGnofe' Rhond.a Crawford, Ad¥enJsj,., CfHKdinatot By Gordon Ritchie MeUua Parker,k siSconc 66 Woods Dominate Loudo n Classic AD VERTISING· EASTERN S TAT ES (770) 179-0304 <:arb.Alert. Office Mooorer & Adwoettisinr Cootdnator Sheri Russell, EmCefn Saks MoncJpr Souie Smith, £O$t tn Soles MoncJi'ef e ByArt O'Neil MOTOCROSS 32 52 MARKETING· PROMOTION Hark Thome, Dit« fOf Forre st Ha yashi. Monoeet Aaron Aust in. Support Belgian World MX GP Lucky for Pichon By Geoff Meyer Rox Leads Off Canadian National MX Series CIRCU LAT ION DEVE LOPM EN T Kific; Holland. Monoier ByStacy Smith N EW ME DIA D EV ELO PM EN T Kory Kli ger-. SJt ~ ~r n SPEEDWAY 38 CLASS IFIED A DS Cru mp O n Top of Wo rld Speedway GP Melissa Parker- ByJohn Hipkiss GRAPHICS· PRODUCTION Kathleen Uwtor. Procfuc:Uon~ Sun;u Kwon. Gt-ophic Arnst Robert Hartin, GtophiC Artin DIRT TRACK 40 Metissa Valenzuela, Gtoph;c Arnsf Ovistina Pend6n. c,ophic Artin Kopp Fuels Controversy at Lima Dirt Track By Dave Hoenig ADMINISTRATION judy Klinger. Coordinator P¥n KIetn.Ac:tntMtrotM AuislorU INTERVIEW 48 ACCOUNTING· DA TA PROCES SING Donna AIR CGo«Itnator Geneva Repass. AsSlSfont Sacy Ry;an, Credit ~ Chr is Vermeulen By Gordon Ritchie CIRCULATiON OFF-ROAD 5I 54 68 o'\IfN Anguiano. GtcuiollM Manoret c.a ~ , Proceuin&' Cootdincnor By Br Faris ian Knight Wins Train Robber 's Enduro DEPARTME NTS NATI ONAL H EA D QU A RT ER S Kanney King at Athens ISDE Qualifier BySteve Berkner 2005 Kawasaki KXs By the Staff ofCycle News 6 8 92 98 I I4 I I5 RIDING IMPRESSION 58 Leaderboard 116 I I7 I 18 120 I 22 Ad Index I 23 Voices In T he W ind Calendar Want Ads Triumph Rocket III By Alan Cathcart REGIONAL EVENTS 70 9I 4 SERV ICE· SU P PORT Bridgett Bobrnkky, P.«rphonin Robert Escandon. Service and SuppOf'I By Chawy DuBose FIRST LOOK 56 AshIeigh Klein. 0Nkt Cootdtnlnor Hengeveld, Campbell Take Baja 500 Events Local Talent JULY 7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS ON THE C O VE R Jake Z emke finally did it! The Erion Hond a ri der w on his first AMA Superbike National when the series hit Brainerd International Raceway in Minnesota. Photo by Brian J. N elson. 40th A nniver s ary Bikes of the S~ Stuff Captu red Inside Line )505-M Cad illac Ave ., Costa Mesa . CA 92626 P.O. Box.5064, Costa Mesa. CA 92 628-5Q8.4 (7 1") lSI -H)) • FAX(1 ' '' ) 151--6685 EASTE RN O FF IC E 2115 C ruse Road . Suite 260) Lawrenc eville, GA 3004<1 (110) 279.. ))Q4 • FAX(710 ) 279..0 )60 ( E· MAIL • IN TERNET www. cyclenews_ com Looking Back In the Paddock ed itor@cyclenewl;.com advett~ng@cyclenews .com

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