up the outright winner of three classes and third overall in the
fourth class. He was getting major air on the tabletops and handled
the ruts left by the machines that had raced before . Fortunately for
Maze. his three wins came in the NMA Qualifier events . In the Mini
60cc Open class, he was beaten by his fellow KTM riders Jesse
Nelson and Damon lwanaga.
In the Minicycle classes. potential future star Austin Howell
entered and finished four classes. scoring two first places and two
second places. Young Howell used his Suzuki to capture six moto
wins and two fourth-place finishes . All who race know the
importance of a good start , but there are no pr izes at the
Amateur level for bolesbots, as it's more impo rtant to ride well.
have fun, learn some new talents, and win if possible. Howell 's
very good at winning. but he garnered only one holeshot in his
eight starts during the day. The participants in the Loretta Lynn's
finals coming up at the end of the year will have to watch out for
Ho w e ll, because he qualified in SSce Stock class for riders
younger than 12 and in the same age classification for the SSce
Modifted class.
Mini-class stan dout T.J. Lore nz suffered an injury that will
sideline him for the rest of the summer, but up until his crash in
the BOcc Supermini class, he had pe rformed extremely well. In the
MiniSSce Modified class. he earn ed two outright wins; in the Mini
SScc Stock class. he earned a win and a seco nd; in the Mini SScc
O pe n class, he got a th ird and a second; and the event in which he
was injured. the Supe rmini co nt est, he place d third and was
credi ted with fifth when the race was stopped and score d by the
or der on the prior lap. This hard -charging youngste r will be back
on the motocross scene by August or Septe mbe r.
P/W 50 BEG: I . Collin Whlmey (KTM); 2. CalHan McHaney (C ob); J . MICheli
Griffiths (l em) ; 4. Venny hvalora (H on) ; 5 . Christian Gonzales (Hon ). P/W 50
(4-6 ), I. Cody Fendley (Cob); 2. Scom S.
"'"'" c..-uon (Suz) . MIN I 65 BEG , I . Cody liM (K"w); 2. RJ. Mendez (KTM);
1. Anthony Rutter (KTM); 4 . Jennifer Burton (KTM); S. Steven Cancilla (KTM).
MIN I 6 5 STK (6-8) (N MA Q ), I. Hinnaga (KTH); 3. Jake Hahnike
(Yam); 4 . Sim); J. Josh HoIfm,n (Y>m); 4. Spenm). MINI 80 ( 11 . 13 ), I. ......on Mull (Y>m 2. Jon!'n ColI", (Han);
J . Briar McCoride (K"w ); 4 . I\omy
(Suz); S. _
Lode (Y>m). MIN I
80 ( 14. 16) : I. Topher InpUs (Yam); 2. MIke Orr (Yam); 3. Travis Bell (Han); 4 .
Jinwny De Alba (Han); S. Stefan
(Suz). SlHIN I so, I. lyle< Be<-eman (Y>m);
2. A""in Howell (5.,,); J. Topher Ingalb (Y>m); 4 . T...... Sell (Han); 5. TJ. Unnz
(Han). MIN I 85 STK (1).11) (NMA Q ), l. Austin Howell (Suz); 2. Chri> Am,to
(Yam); J. Gabriel Adame (Yom); 4 . ) _ Culbemon (Suz); S. Hichael F""er (Y>m).
MINI 85 STK (12- 13 ) (NHA Q), I. 'JYte.- Be<-eman (Y>m 2. TJ. Unnz (Hen); J.
C')"UI Layton (Suz ). MIN I 85 MOD (1).11) (NHA Qr. I. Austin Howell (Suz); 2.
Chris Arroyo (Yvn) ; 1. Gabriel Adame (Yam); 4 . T· Lo Wh ite (Kaw ); 5. James
Culbemon (Suz). MINI 85 MO D ( 12 .13) (NMA Q) ' I. TJ. l oren' (Han); 2. lyle,
Be<-eman (Yom); J. C')"UI Layton (Su, ). MINI 85 OPEN, I. lyle< 8eutier (Han); S. Dylan BlIttS (5oz). 125 IR 0 - 1: I. Ross Pacheco (Yam); 2. l uke
Layton (Suz); J. Colin Clay (Han) ; 4 . Shane Cu""", (Y>m); S. NichoIao Bak (Y>m).
125 18 D · ~ I. Ilnndon Bell (Han); 2. Brad Beach (Y>m), J. Larry v..quez (Han); 4.
Ca>eyWMe (KTH ); S. T,.", Hurley (Han ). 115 INT, I. Don"" Son; (Suz); 2 . G"",
Karmann (Yam); 3. Tony Sherman (Yam); 4. Kevin Rookstool (Suz); S. Kevin Hurt
(Yam). 125 PRO: I. Jim my Hazel (Yam); 2 . Jess Medley (Han ). 150 BEG : I.
Garr'en MacDonald (Hon ); 2. Brandon Capdepon (Kaw ); J. Kris Bohm (Han); 4 .
HarlOn Sheedy (Yom); 5. H ike Aiello (Hon). 25 0 IS, I. Ca>ey Kleman (Yam) ; 2.
IlKky Gonzales (Yam); J. Tony Silva (Kaw); 4 . Al Cancilla (Y>m); S. Larry Vuque,
(Han). 2S0 INT, I. Tony Shemw> (Y>m); 2. Kev;n RooIu<"'" (Suz) ; J. D>nioI Son;
(Suz) ; 4 . T....... DonGk (Yom); 5. Curos Roe (Y",,). 2 Sll PRO, I . Tony Wolf (Han);
2. Jimmy Hue! (Y>m); J. Xott -...... (Hon). LOS, I. S",phanie Canc;11a(Hen); 2.
Jeuy Arthurs (Han); l . Crystal Layton (Suz); 4 . Ashley Ze llner (Han); S. Alex iS
AmoId (Kaw). SCHBY (12.16) 125 , I. Kev;n RooIu<"'" (Suzl ; 2. Greg Kannonn
(Yam); J. <:or, ..........on (Suz); 4 . Kev;n H... (Y>m); , . Luke Layton (Suz) . BTH
( 17 -24 ) OPEN, I. Jacob Sonchez (Su,); 2. Al Can6IIa (Y>m J . Anthony House<
(Yam): 4 . Josh Siebenhaar (Yam). 25+ AM : I. Ben Kobetz (Kaw ); 2 . Garren
MacDonald(Hon) . 30 + BEG, I. M,keL.opea (Y>m); 2. GoryJohn>on (KTM); J. Sam
S,ewan (Y>m); 4. Gory SNw (Y>m), S. Dominic Dube (Suz) . 30 + IS, I. Ilnndon
Capdepon (lUw ); 2. Eddie Tansn (Y>m). 30 + INT' I. Fnnk Damley (Han). 30+
MSTJI, I. en;, Q . IOn& (Han ). 40 + AM, I. St... PaJfy (Han); 2. Bnod Andenon
(K"w); J. Aaron ....... (Y>m); 4. Tom AdIe< (Han); S. Chri> PoOng (Han). 40 +
MSTS, I. Jim De Alba (Hen); 2. Gory Babe (Huo); J . Pout Annoda (Y>m 4. Bill
RubIy (Hen); S. R.1nay PiepIu>m (Suz) . POUNDER AM , I. "trick MushoIt (K"w) ;
2. Bryc. Knadm); J. M", AJIee (Hen); 4. Karina MonYiUe (y",,); S. St.....
LnI< (Hen).
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CYCLE N EWS • JUNE 30, 2004