Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,4 m ~ ~ g ~ ~ CD f'o ff: 1: I . Kevin Barbosa : 1. Garre t Forsyth; 3. Cade n Mata ; 4. Et han Bradbu ry; 5. Jo hn Van Der de ssen . PfW) : I . Kyle Fosse!man; 2. Octavan Marti nez ; 3. Chris Hort on. P/W 4: I. Co le Den to n: 2. Elias Wilso n; 3. Aust in Ollerton; 4. Dylan Bo ughton ; 5. Daulto n Boughton . 8 0 BEG : I . Marv in Anderson ; 2. Brian Adams; 3. Ricky Diu; 4. Kyl Yarnell; S. e Dylan Mullen. 80 NOV: I. Billy Musgrave: 2. Tim Toble r; 3. Bro x West:, 4. DyIl n Bucknall; 5. Justin Forsyth. 80 AM: I. a Myles Ted der, 2. Randy Mem l; 3. Dakota Tedder ; 4. Austin Harmo n. 125 BEG: I. Travis Woods; 2. Brian Ne lson ; 3. Cory Rash: 4. Destin Cantrell; 5. Quinti n Jara. 125 NOV: I. Brian Schmidt ; 2. Austin Brawner, 3. Michae l Fox. 125 AM : I. Matt Tedd er Jr.; 2. Mason Parta in; 3. Jeff Trulove. 125 EX: I. Ryan Mcintyre; 2. Fred dy Sanchez; 3. Kev in Beakes ; 4. Jimmy Lew is. 250 BEG: I. Zac Pechin kc ; 2. Mike Reed ; 3. Aaron McQue rry; 4. Chris Kaczmarek; 5. George Docan to. 1 50 NOV: I. Kevin Sanbo rn; 2. Mike Miller. 250 AM: I. Alex Gaine; 2. Bre tt Moscr op ; 3. Andrew Van De nbe re ; 4. Brando n Appl; 5. Kris Ne lson . OPEN NOV: I. Nathan iel Drozd; 1. Jona than Drozd: 3. Doug Fo rsyth; 4. James Wood ; 5. Don Huddles ton . OPE N AM : I. Robby Bell. OP EN EX: I. Antonie Martine z; 2. Aida De La Cajiga; 3. Jimmy Lewis. WMN NOV: I. Arnie Mann ; 2. He ath e r Le w is; 3. Be cky Russel; 4. Kendra Hoo ve r; 5. Lo ri Con way. 30 + BEG: I. Jude Buue rw egge ; 2. Chris Sha w ; 3. Ty Green; 4 . Jim Mackey; 5. Daniel Custod io. ]0 + NOV: I. Owen Finsimon; 2. Steve Gardner, 3. Mike McGr egor ; 4. Rick Bender ; 5. Rob Costa. 30 + AM : I. Scott Bristo l; 2. Michael Wilson; 3. Edd ie Cruz: 4. Dan Hallada; 5. we Ward ro p. 30 + EX: I. Gordon Ward; 2. Jimmy Le w is; 3. Cra ig Davis; 4. Dave Ond as : 5. C raig Mc Call. 40 + BEG : I. David And erson ; 2. Da le Krame r: 3. Roger C urry ; 4. Louie Peick : 5. Jo hn Ve rnieu . 40 + NOV: I. Jim Born; 2. Scott Douglas; 3. Jim Edmisto n; 4. Tob y Taki: 5. Do ug Fo rsyth . 40 + AM: I. Bo b Palacios: 2. Mar c Prince ; 3. John Alex ande r; 4. Jod ie Part a in; 5. Mick Lopez. 40+ EX: I. Willy Musgrave; 2. Matt Tedder: 1. Lee Bacon ; 4. Je rry Blac k; 5. Erk Bake r. 50 + BEG : I . Ken Fuelner ; 2. Howard Gro ff; 3. John Gill. 50 + AM: I. Scott McEw en; 2. Fran k Schioppi; 3. Jimmy Ray Smith. 50 + EX: I. Bill Maxim; 2. Ric k Sowma; 1. TV Holmes : 4. Larry Owens. 4-STR K BEG: I. Lane Morri son: 2. Andy Dumke: 3. Casey Wood ; 4. Mitchell Anderson : 5. Mike Borowski Jr. 4-ST RK NOV: I. Cory Costa; 2. Matt Van De-water: 3. Ryan Legg; 4. West Pe ick; 5. Ric Wetzel. 4-STRK AM: I. B.J. Bum s: 2. Kurt Samuelson: 3. Justin Mills; 4 . Andre w Yarnell; 5. Jason Je rn igan. 4- ST RK EX: I. Colton Udall; 2. Bre tt Daughe rty. TEAM RACE : I . C r a ig D aVis/Mi ke Ho r t o n; 2. Er ic Baker /Le e Baco n; 3. Jer ry Blac k/ Kevin Mon tgomery; 4. Colton UdalVBrad Oxley ; 5. RicWetteVJason Je m igan. Derek Leist on fire at the third So uth Fork Dirt Riders round, taking w ins in the 125cc A, 250cc A and Four-Stroke Pro classes. him self fr om the rest of the pack to fin ish second (or the moto and overal l. D urbi n again took th ird in th e moto for thi rd overal l. Wright trie d everything he cou ld, but when it w as all said and done, he placed fifth, tak ing fo urth ove rall. Honda Rider Sean Kincaid has on ly bee n racing a couple of years. so the fact that he 's in the A class is impressive in itself. O n th is day. the up- and-coming ride r put in his best ri de so far, never giving up and charging to fifth overall in the 125cc A class. Kincaid also took the win in the 14- 24 A class. ove r many o f the sam e riders . Keep an eye on this guy; he will on ly get better with time. RESUL TS 50 JR: I . Kody Sisk; 2. Dalton Brou gh. 50 SR: I . Jacob Smothers; 2. Damo n Stortzum; 3. Kevin Young: 4. Vinnie Baldoni. 6S BEG: I. Jacob Smothers; 2. Dalton Sisk; 3. Jacob Lynch 65: I. Jacob Kelsey; 2. Tyler Sarver, 3. Dalton Taylor; . 4. Ben Elson ; 5. Dalton Abbon. 8 0 JR: I. Jacob Kelsey; 2. Mitch Britt : 3. Dalton Taylor; 4. Tyler Sarver; 5. Ben Elson . 80 S R: I. Dillon Hall; 2. Brian [eager : 3. Jesse Smothers; 4. Miles Griffith; 5. Bryan Mickler. MINI I: I. Jacob Kelsey; 2. Tyler Sarver; 3. Mitch Britt. MIN I 2: I. Dillon Hall; 2. Paden Fe agan s; 3. Mike l W hite; 4. Ste fano Baldoni. MINI 4: I. Jaco b O hl; 2. Jacob Lync h: 3. Jesse Mar ks; 4. Ste phan ie Feagans; S. Brandon Ca ppellin. 125 A : I. De re k Leist ; 2. De re k Birckenkamp: 3. Josh Durbin; 4 . Adam Wright ; 5. Sean Kincaid . 125 B: I. Billy Short; 2. Scott McAdams; 3. Kirt Monk; <4. Matt Gude rjan; 5. Brian Ho me r. 125 C: I. Rob Cope; 2. Blake Young; 3. Robert Moose; 4. K Brad burn ; 5. yle Zac hary Williamson . 250 B: I. Michael Wa rgo ; 2. David Paul; 3. Justin Schaal; 4. Tro y Camerer; 5. Dustin He li e . 250 g C: I. John Combs; 2. Timo thy Lampe; 3. Tim Reid; 4. Joshua Uneberry; 5. Cory Far r. 4-STRK PRO : I. De re k Le ist : 2. Mark Rube nst e in. SC H BY: I . Br ia n Jaeger: 2. Zac hary Williamson ; 3. Andy Jon es. 14-24 A: I. Sean Kincaid; 2. Derek Birckenkamp: 3. Josh Durbin; 4. Adam Wright . 14-24 B: l. Michael Wargo ; 2. Kirt Monk; 3. Chris Short. 25+ : I. Toby Leaf: 2. Josh Deck er; 3. Aric Walton : 4. Scott McAdams; 5. David Paul. 30 + A: I. Toby Leaf; 2. Ark Walton . 3 0 + B: I. Damn Crook; 2. Andy Kooistra. 40 + A: I. Kevin Jones ; 2. Greg Brachear: 3. Do n Large; 4. Scott Rippey ; 5. Scott Leist. 50+ : I. Robert Young; 2. RoyWilliamson. Over The Hill Gang Race Cahuilla Creek Southla nd Racing Association Glen Helen Raceway Park Fitzsimon Fine at SRA GP By DAVE DAIN SAN BERNARDINO, CA, MAY 23 A coo l, overcast day greeted the gang for the /""\s outhland Racing Associat ion's mo nt hly gat hering. Th e cool weathe r kept the well wa tere d Glen He len t ra ck in gr eat shape througho ut the da y. T he pe rfect conditions seemed to favor Owen Fitzsimon , as he captured the overall in the highly co mpetitive O ver 30 Novice class. KTM-mounted William Harness grabbed the holeshot and led the pack into the high-banked first comer. Mike McGregor tra iled in seco nd, followed by Mike C hasta in, Ricardo Bar bosa and Glen n Pillsbury . Ha rness and McGregor rema ined in first and second as the field headed up "She e t" fo r t he first time. Steve Gar dne r moved from outside th e top five into t hird , followed by Dwayn e Blay and Rob Costa in fourth and fifth , respect ively, as the pa c k headed out of view. Ha rne ss was t he first to co me back into view as he charge d thr ough the san d w ash. Ga rdne r move d by McG re go r fo r second . Costa moved up one int o fo urth . Fitzsimo n came fro m a rnidpack start to fifth and was on Co sta's rea r tire . Gardne r move d by Harness for the le ad as th ey came down "Shoe! " and headed back towa rd the canyon . Th ird through fifth remained the same as the riders we nt out Owen Fitzsimon (654) made two la st-lap passes to take the w in in the Over 30 Novic e division at the SRA GP at Glen Helen Raceway. of view again. Harn ess was a ble t o w o rk his w ay back around Gardne r for the lead as they exited the sand wash. Gardner remained on his hee ls and repassed Harness in the rhythm section in front of the grandstan ds. McGregor re mained in third bu t was fe e ling pressure fro m Fitzsimon in fourt h. McGregor and Fitzsimon quickly closed t he ga p on th e seco nd-p lace ride r, Ha rness. Both r ide rs w e re able to make t hei r wa y around Harness. dropping the forme r leader to fourth. Costa tra iled in fifth. With the white flag out. Gard ne r continued to lea d . McGr e go r an d Fitzs imon rem aine d locked in a t ight battle for se cond and were quickly closing in o n t he leade r as the rider s made their way back into the canyon and out of view. Th e first bac k into view was Hon damounted Fitzsimon , w ho w as able t o ge t aro und bo th McGregor and Gar d ner for the lead on the last lap . Gardne r staye d close but ran out of time, and Fitzsimon was the first to get the chec ke rs. Gardner held on for second, a nd Mc G regor took t he fi na l spot o n t he podium in third. Co sta finished a distant fourth. Rick Be nder passed Harness on t he last lap to rou nd out the top five. RESULTS P/W I: I. Be njam in Young; 2. Barl e y Boar d man ; 3. Sydney Heard; 4. Joh n Van Derdessen; 5. Jake Hock ett . P/W Rader and the Gang Raid Cahuilla Creek By CHRIS CUMBO CAHUILLA CREEK, CA, MAY 23 urray Armstrong showed up at Ca huilla Creek after riding 26 miles on his mountain bike the day before. It was hard to believe he still had someth ing left after climbing up all t hose hills. Arm st rong and Jim "H oleshc t" Holman , w ho d isp layed simila r speed and style at the Racetown races, were ready to go at it again. Up the start, YZ2S0 rider David Blosser was pulling all the fou r-strokes, followed close ly by Ryan Gros z. Blosse r he ld the inside down the 160-degree left -hand first turn . Grosz finished in th ird . Holman , who isn't used to not being first at the start, was ru nning th ird. Bob Blake wo rked his way up from a midpack start into fourth . Carl "The Body" Powell made a charge from arou nd e ight h place up into seco nd, while Greg Cleary won the first mot a . Powell went into the se co nd mo te w ith a real chance of w inning th e ove ra ll. The o nly ob stacle in his way w as C lea ry. Fr om t he begin ning , t his second moto ha d a ll t he ingredien ts to be a good one. Grosz took t he holeshot. getting a jump on the group . Holman was second, but he faded . Powe ll charged hard M for the moto win. Grosz finished second, with Cl e a ry t hird . Pow e ll' s 2- 1 pu nch took th e overall. John Curran bested his first-mo te finish for fourth . In the first Beginner rnoto , KTM rider Tony Ro m a no na bbed the hol eshot . To dd Mohrhauser was just behind him going into the first turn. Rom ano seem ed to run away, loo king back only once - and letting "guest rider" Blake Conne r make a sweet move around. In th e se cond mote. Kyle Go me z started uphill first, but Mohrha user pushed tight to the inside and moved into first . Gom ez managed to hang on to second . while Ro mano made the charge into first for the victory. In t he first Ove r 38 Be ginn e r mo ro , t he gang's most experienced race r, Steve Lathem , jumped at least two bikelengths out in front of t he pac k on t he start straight. At t he to p , La t hem shut d own too soon , le tt ing Ga ry Augustine make his move around and into the win column. In th e second moto, Steve Mizrahi forme d an image in his mind of the correct way to start straight up a hill. Mizrahi came through , snaring the start in the new prem ie r class, but he the n faded to third . Augustine ended up dom inating both six-lap motos. Rick Edgerto n absconded with the Over 4S Beginner mo to -one holeshot, followed by Kelly Stuen. Greg "2 Burge r " Rader fo und a hard pack line around t he o ut side and edged out Stue n at the se cond tu rn. Stuen rode well but faded to fourth on the e levation-cha nging track. O n Rader's fift h lap. he edged o ut Edge rt o n. Rader t he n gai ned a IO-se co nd lead . Ste ve CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 30, 2004 61

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