Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

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wh iners allowed. A man's tra ck. It takes a real man to go fast at Kenton - or so they say. N ico le Ch e za is not a real man . But th e te en age se nsat ion fro m Michigan is inde ed a real racer, and she goe s ve ry fast at Kenton. Cheza won both Pro-class main eve nts she e nt e r e d o n Sun day t o mat c h h e r e q ua lly succes sful Satu rday. C heza won the 50Scc Pro Sport race afte r a tou gh battle w it h F&S Suzu kisponso red Ricky Marsh all, w ho gave her all he and his Suzuki had , but th e 2003 AHA Horiz on Award winner had to settle for seco nd place, as C heza thwarted Marshall's plan to win . In the O pen Pro class, Cheza, a Pro Sport rider, lined up against seve ral tough Expert com petitors - Michael Coronodo (11) pu lls the se cond 2 50 cc B moto holeshot, ahead of Orlando Ca vazos (5), Oscar Villasanz (129) and He rmi lo Flores (911), at Los Fres nos MX Park. not the least of whom was O hio veteran Nick Evans, o n his R& Racing Rotax. Evans pulled the J holeshot and fought tooth and nal to maintain his position at the fron t. Joining Cheza in her battle for the lead was one of the nation's pre mier rook ie Expe rts , Cheza's fell o w Mich igan r ide r Nic k The Rio Grande Valley MX Association Los f resnos MX Park Cummings. Cheza and Cummings hammered Bosada - Take Two afte r, C he za kissed he r fe llow Ho nd a rider By GARY OBER LOS FRESNOS, TX, MAY 23 hristian Bosada has bee n riding exceptionally we ll these days and continues to climb t he ladd er of succ es s as a promising young race r. He wo n the 60cc class with a pe rfect I- I score practically uncontested , and he also won t he 80cc class afte r mixing it up w ith Duane C O akley, Migue l Pe re z and Brando n Ped e rso n and the rest of th e I I-r ider field. It sho uld also be not ed t hat this was Pede rso n's first 80cc race ever. In the first mot a , Kawasaki-mounte d Pe rez pulled a nice ho lesho t and checked o ut wi th the mo ta w in, w hile Bosad a diced w ith Richard Castillo on lap o ne. Bosada made quick work of Castillo and set his sights on Pere z but ran out of time and took second in the mota. O akley finished third , followed by Ped erso n and Da iela Per ez. In mot a two, th e Y amaha-mounted Bosada snagged a ripping hol eshot. w ith Migue l, O akle y, Pede rson and David Lopez in tow. As expect ed, Bosada started to pull away ; on ly Pe re z ke pt pace , le aving the ot hers to du ke it ou t over third. Bosada too k the mota w in, with Migue l. Yamaha rider Jam ie Trevino (3-7) rounded o ut th e top five . Cummings good- bye and disappeared toward her fourth win of the weekend. Th is spec ial yo ung lady appears to be headed Ho nd a- m o u nt e d Eddy Ar en as rode t o victory, riding 10 perfect laps afte r banging bars for many more wins in the very near future, and along the way she just might add a co uple of finished out the day go ing 2-2 , w hile Lumbreras (3- 3) was t hir d . Del a nie Mo ntgo mery (4 -4 ) finished fourth. Tucker Rocky/Compe tit ion Suzuki- backe d Bryan Monjara s was t he faste st man o f t he weekend, taking the Op e n Inte rmed iate win on a I- I sco re . Monjaras had a great first mota, taking t he holeshot all the way to the checkered flag. ri d ing six flaw less laps. Ho w e ve r, his victory didn't co me easily; KTM-mounte d Ken Flan agan and Honda-mou nt ed Alan English made sure of it! Flanagan pulle d the secondmo to holesh ot , followed by English, Joe Maley, Mario Davila and John Washingt on . Flanagan controlled the first four laps before falling victim t o Mo nja ras an d finis he d in second . Davila, South Fork Dirt Riders Track Cha mpio ns hip Ro und 3 SO JR: I. Shane Pede rson (KTM); 2. John D. Mart inez (Suz): 3. Hunter Rodriguez (KTM); 4. Frank Medina (KTM); S. Shanti Rodriguez (KTM). 60 : I. Christian Bosada (Kaw); 2. Mar k Esparza (Suz); 3. Bra ndon Davila (KT M); 4. Vince Cast illo (KTM); S. Manuel O rtega (KTM). 80: I. Christian Bc sada (Yam); 2. Migue l Perez (Kaw) ; 3. Duane Oak ley (Kaw); 4. Brandon Peders on (KTM); 5. Daiela Perez (Kaw). 125 B: I. Edd y Are nas (He n): 2. Kris Falde t (Kaw) ; l . Alfonso Lumbreras (Hon); 4. Delanie Mont gomery (Hen) : 5. Mario Troncoso (Kaw). 115 NOV: I. Hec tor Lumbre ras (Hon); 2. A.J. Paldet (Kaw). 150 B: I. Michael Coronado (Yam 2. Craig Swans on (Yam 3. Alejandro Zamora (Kaw); ); ); 4. O scar Villasanz(Y am): 5. Jamie Trevino (Y am). 150 NO V: I. Hect or Lumbre ras (Yam); 2. Jonath an Pena (Hon); 3. Craig Swanson (Yam); 4. Tre vor Merth (Yam ); 5. Le w is Wilcox (Hon). O PEN INT: I. Bryan Monjaras (Suz); 2. Ken Ranagan (KTM); 3. Mario Davila (Y am); 4. Alan English (Hon); S. John Washington (Hon). tho ugh Ya mah a pilot Craig Sw anso n passed Coronad o briefly for two laps during the first mo ta . Howeve r, Coro nado was o n fire and passed Swanson right back for a sweet I- I win. Sw an so n (2-6) finished seco nd ov erall, and Aleja nd ro Za mora (5-4) claimed th ird . Osca r Villa s anz (4- 5) t o o k fo u r t h , a nd hi s fe llo w Oh io Flat Trac k Series Round 6 : Hardin County fairgrounds The Fastest GUy at Kenton is a Girl By CRAIG GRISMORE day doubleheader o n the pea -gravel horse trac k. D ound six of the Oh io Flat Track Se ries took Hard in Cou nty fairgrou nds in Kenton , O hio. Sunday was the second day of a two- 60 Rolling Thunder and Pour ing Rain By BROC MIKEL TAYLORVILLE, IL, MAY 23 " R olli ng thunde r and pouring rain" - famous w o rds fro m th e great rock band AC/ DC. No better word s could have de scribe d how round thre e o f t he Sou th Fork Dirt Ride rs started . Ri ht after signup, the sk ies op e ned up, and g rain po ur ed down o n the track for abo ut an hour. Just w he n it loo ke d like t he race wa s going to be a bust , Moth er Natu re gave Sout h Fo rk a break and sto pped the rain. Amaz ingly, the trac k was perfect: It stay ed free of dust and mud and remained tacky all day. Th ou gh the ra in had stopped , th under could st ill be heard. It wa sn't com ing fro m th e sky, though, b ut fro m t he Honda o f De re k Leist , brushes off down low, ruts in t he middle, and is just narrow eno ugh to make the high-line riding who set a lightning-fast pace in eve ry class he contested on th is day. Le ist set lap times t hat nobo dy at Sout h For k had seen befor e. The first class he unleashed the "red stor m" on was risky busines s. It's o ld-s chool - a throw back. No the 250cc A class. Go ing fast at Kenton is to ugh. The track KENTON, OH, MAY 23 I "\place at the Nicole Cheza (16) posse s 20 0 3 Hori zo n Award winner Ricky Marshall (5 3) en route to th e Pro-Sport main-e vent w in at round S IX of the Ohi o Flat Tra ck Se rie s in Kenton. English an d Wa sh ington ro un ded ou t th e t op five. R ESULTS: Michae l Co ro nado contro lled almost every lap, 50: I. Aust in Conant (Co b); 2. Donovan Cox (l em) ; 3. Tyler Tudor ; 4 . Jeffr ey l owe ry; 5. Marisso Tudor. 60 : I. Donovan Cox (Suz); 2. Tyle r Buns (Suz); 3. Tyler Tudor, 4. Jeffrey l owery. 80: I. Dakota Wolfe (Hon); 2. Heath Waugh (Hon); 3. Payton Sassaman (Y am); 4. Justin Pitman (Suz); 5. Tyler Butts (Suz). 100 VIN T: I. Rich Long (Y am); 2. Jeff Webb (Kaw); 3. Rick Hoffman (Yam 4. Gary Manos (Yam ); ); S. Aaron Long (Yam). 125 : I. Bre tt Sassam an (Y m); 2. a Dillon Conant (Hon); 3. David Schaaf (Y am). 150: I. Ricky Boley (Hon); 2. Tyler Pitm an (Suz) ; 3. Casey McCam mon (Hon); 4. Bra d Vanderkooi (Ho n); S. Ronald Kretz (Y ). am 505 AM: I. [arcn Wimer-Smith (Hon); 2. Wit Form an (Hon); 3. Joe y Ran (Ho n) ; 4 . Bre tt Sassaman ( KT M); S. Brad Vanderkooi (Y am). 505 PRO -SPT: I. Nichole Cheza (Ha n); 2. Ricky Marshall (Suz); 3. Kyle Wh itis (Rot); 4. Th om as Pullian (Hon); 5. Scott l o we ry (Rot). 50 5 EX: I. Nick Cummi ngs (Ha n); 2. Nick Evans (Rot); 3. Dan Gedeon (Rot): 4. Dave Woods Jr. (Rot). OPEN AM: I. Jaron Wimer-Smith (ATK); 2. Wil Forman (Hon); 3. Steve Burrough s (Hon); 4. Joe y Ratz (Ho n); 5 . Bubb a Long (Rot) . OPEN PRO : I. Nlch cte Cheza (Ho n); 2. Nick Cummings (Han ); 3. Nick Evans (Rot): 4. Ben Evans (Rot); 5. Kyle Whitis (Rot). LJW VINT: I. Chris Shindeldec ker (Han ): 2. Thomas Englehart (Hon): 3. Gary Manos (Ya m). MIW VINT: I. Justin Zeigler (C -A). H/W V IN T: I. Daniel McKin (Yam); 2. Rodn e y Eastwood s (Yam): 3. Merrlyn We rt z (Tri); 4. Josep h Bake r (Y am); S. Eric Grubbs (Y am). SPDWY: I. Chad RaJI Oaw ); 2. Ronnie Rail (Jaw); 3. David Weicht Oaw); 4. Daniel Weicht (Jaw): 5. Chr is Hat haw ay (Jaw) . lJW BRAKEL ESS : I. Brandon Snide r (Yam); 2. John Bova (Bul): 3. Larry Gillespie (Bul); 1. Steven Hartley (Bul): S. Joseph Baker (H-D). H/W BRAKELESS: I. Rich Long (Tri); 2. Steven Hardey ; l . Don Blyar (Tri : 4. Paul Bailey (Hon): 5. Rick Hoffman (Tri). 30 + : ) I. Dave Woods Jr. (Rot); 2. Brian Mayo (Rot); l . Tom Wood s (Rot): 4. Ivan Ca rl (Yam S. Spence r Rose (KTM) 40 + : I. ); . Daniel McKln (Rot) ; 2. Steve Burroughs (Hon); 3. Jack Turner (Rot); 4. Rick Hoffm an (Ha n); 5. Ch ris Hathaway (Kaw) . 50 + : I. Jack Warren (Rot); 2. Ronald Kretz (Yam 3. Gary ); Grinle (ATK). Lumbre ras. Faldet had to work extra hard for his secon d-place finis h after c ras hing wit h Lumbre ras in the first turn in moto two. FaJdet five. Beginner class, with 14 eager racers re ady to go. Little did everyone know t hat they we re about to see t he be st race action of the day. RESULTS wi t h Kr is Fa ld e t an d wil d m an Alfo ns o O akley, Pede rson and Daiela fill ing out th e top Th e largest gate o f th e d ay was the 25 0cc 00 eac h other until finally they fou nd a way through the sp ray an d pas t th e har d-r id ing Evans. Soon new chapters to those "o ld school " books . JUNE 30, 2004 • CYCLE N EWS 40t h An niver s a ry In th e first mota, Le ist place d his O lney Ho nda o ut front, w it h KTM 4 50 ride r Jimmy Ske et ers o n his tail. Le ist just cou ld not be caught, eve n th ough Skee ters rode very we ll. Leist won both mo tos and the ove rall. Nex t was th e Fou r-Stroke class. Leist won both metes , ove r longtime Hall's Husky rider Mark Ruben stein. T he . bes t raci ng o f th e d ay came in th e 12Scc A class. Le ist again showed he was t he bes t rider, moving quickly to th e front o f t he - I pack . He was nat out in a league of his own . Behind Leist, a war was raging: Kawasaki rider Adam Wright had his fou r-stro ke on th e gas and finished second, beh ind Leist . Yamaha ride r Josh Du rbi n put in a great ride for t hir d . In t he se con d mota, Leist again had his Honda o ut front and showing the way. The rest of the pack was in a nat-out war! Wright was at the back of t he pack an d t ry ing ha rd to get back t o the front. Wright wasn't the only rider on a charge : Ho nda rider De re k Bircke nka mp se parated

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