Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AHRMA Pro-Flo/Progressive Suspension Vintage Road Race Series Rounds 8 -9: No Problem Raceway PH OTO S BY ROY J ENKINS Silva Strikes Gold! Bv Rov JENKINS BEW ROSE, LA, MAY 29 ·30 H ist ory was mad e in Lou isiana on Memori- al Day Weekend while a local ride r made a caree r comeback. Just like in the movie The Natural . 37-year-o ld Shannon Silva resurrected his career with an im pr essive frve victories in five tries. Silva. along w ith 150 entrants from all across North America. competed for points in AHRMA:s Pre-Flo/Progressive Suspension Vintage Road Race . For two days . motorcycle-racing history came alive as the songs of harmonizing vi ntage motors echoed across the swamps and canefields just south of New Orleans. Silva squared off with Greg Steinbe<:k last , year 's champion in the Formula 125c( class. Steinbeck drew first blood and tr ied to run away on his ' 77 Ho nda MT 12S, but Sliva picked up th e speed as he grew more accustomed to Billy Oraalc's '7S MT 12S. It was Stei nbeck 's first race on th is track and Silva's first race on vintage bikes . Silva made the pass on Steinbeck but couldn 't pull away until after the white flag. In the very ne xt race , Silva mounted Comeback Kid Shannon Silva sco red five win s in five outings over the weekend. Melton . Another Ne w Yorker, Larry Poons, held his '7 1 Seeley in third . For more Inform at ion on AHRMA or No Problem Raceway, check out www.ahr or . CN another vintage Honda, but th is time he was on the track w ith a more modern class , featuring Missouri's Kevin Brown . Though score d separat ely, SUva and Brown put on a close race . Brown beat Silva to the finish line by less than five seconds on his 2000 Husaberg, wh ile Silva won the 2SOcc GP class on his '62 Honda CB2S0. Silva and Steinbec k went at it again in the Formula 2S0cc class, the ir 12 Scc Hondas screaming down the straights w ith the same result : Silvataking the gold. Gainesville 's Will Harding jumpe d out to the e arly lead in the Pre·1940 class on his 19]6 Indian, in front 01 Norbert Nickel and his 19]9 BMW. Floridians " Do c· Bats leer and Ralph Wessell battled lor third on their '] 6 and '] 7 Indians. Nickel held the second spot all the way to the checkered, while Hard ing won his first of four. Hard ing and Nickel raced again in the Class C contest. Thou gh Harding was being scored in the Hand -Shift class, he stayed in Iront 01 Nickel , in the Foot-Shift class . Sunday 's Pre · 1940 class was a virtual repeat until the last lap. whe n Nickel squ eezed his Beemer alongside Ha rd ing's Ind ian at the chec ke red nag . He would have succeeded had the finish line bee n five fee t funher down the tra ck! Woodbury, Connecticut 's Andrew Murray accelera ted his '97 Moto Guzz i into the lead 01 the " Battle of the Twins" Formula One class, with Troy, Michigan's Jan Svensson in second on his ' 9 1 Du cat !. By hal lw ay, N ew O rlea ns ' Sebasr ie n Ra m usc e llo w as wi t hin striking distance after a poor start. Ramuscello used his hor5epower advantage to dispatch Murray and pull away Irom the field, taking on e 01 many victories for the local riders. The 500(c Premier class featured t w o former champ s on '62 Norton Manxes. New Yorker David Roper outpaced Calilom ian Ron No PROBLEM RACEWAV BEW RO SE, loUISIANA REsuus: MAy 29-30, 2004 (ROUNDS 8 ·9) Saturday · Round 8 2 00+ G P : I. Ro d ne y Bla nc ha r d ( BSA) ; 2. C a rl Andenon (Yam); 3. Mike Parker (Hon ); -t. lita O · (Suz); 5. Duane H"PO' (Hon) . 2S0 G'" I. 5Nnnon (Hon):2. c.n Andenon ('hm): l . I.Mry _ (00<); 4. DoW! Perce (Bul). )50 G'" I . Ron Melton (Bul); 2. Bob Dan;eb (00<); I . Davtd Pierce (Bul). BOTT 2-STRK: I. Sal Casera Jr. (.....). BEARS, I. Tm Joyce (Tn) : 2. Guy """"'" (_ ). BO TT F·I : I . Seb ast ien gam uscenc (Due): 2. Andrew Mur r . y ( MG) ; 3. Ja n Sve nss o n (Due ): -t. D avid M. Houghtal... (00<). BOTT F· 2, I. An,"ew Murray (MG); 2. jan 5""""", (Due) ; l . DovKl M. Hooghtal;ng (Ouc); 4. Ron Durrance (Due) ; S. Chris Carr (Bue). BOTT F-l: I. Ron DulT3f'lCe (Due); 2. Davtd Rutherford (Suz); l . Dan Hankie (Suz). CL C FOOT: I . Norbert N ickel (BMW); 2. Dave Fen-ate (No r) ; 3. Be no Rodi (No r); -t. James Robe rtson (BSA). CL C HAND: I . Wi ll Hard ing (Ind): 2. Tim Joyce (Ind ); l . "Dec" Batsleer (Ind); 4. Ralph w..",11 (Ind); 5. Guy Maueher (Ind) . Cl 60 , I. 'Thomu Kerr .... (An ). F· 12S, I. Shannon Silva ( Ho n); 2. G reg Ste inbeck (Hon); 1. l ila O'Hara (Suz). F·15 0 : I. Sha nnon Silva (Ho n): 2. Greg Steinbeck (Hon): 3. Jer ry He rman (Yam): -4 . Jerry Kinzl (Yam F·SOO I. Brian Oakley (¥am) ; 2. Charles McEwan ). : (Yam). F·7S0, I. TIm Joyce (Tn); 2. And~ Cowell (Tri). F·¥ INT, I. DMd Temple (Yam); 2. Rodney Ilbnctwen N;ckel (BMW); l . "Dec" Batslee< (Ind) ; 4. Ralph """... (Ind); 5. Guy "'ume, (Ind) . SOO PR EH, I. Dav;d Roper(_ ): 2. Ron Melton (_ ); l . I.Mry _ (See ). PROD HIw. I. _ [);xon (Tn); 2. Brion s.wy... ( BMW); l . jom T.yIor ('hm); 4. Gawn (Hon) ; 3. Br ia n Sawyer (MZ) ; -4. Mic key Kinney (MZ). 5/HONO, I. Tn,,,, 'Thomu (H Z); 2. Brion Sawyeo- (H Z); l . Mike Paric:et'" (Hon). SlM ONO 2: I . Keotin Brown (Hus); 2. Michael Dixon (Hon) . SPTS H N 150: I. Scott Turne r (Hon) ; 2. Oems Cbrl< (Hon ); l . Dale None......... (Hon ). SPTSHN 500: I. Andrew Cowell (Tri); 2. Don Jagger (Bs.o.) l . Dav;d Rutherlonl (Bs.o. ; 4. Tm LIe (Bs.o.) S. [hie ; ) ; Noncehelse' (Hon ). SPTSMN 751>. I . Dav;d ........ ('hm); 2. Rodney 8W>cNnl (Yam); l . T1mLIe (Tn : 4 . Bill Um>t.... ) (¥am); S. Steve Pieratt (Yam SOT: I. Sebastien RamusceRo ). (Due ); 2. Da vid M. Ho ughtaling (Due ); 1. Jan Svensson (Due) ; -t. Hike Parker (Hon) . VlNT SlBK H/W: I. Veda Add ington ( ; 2. Jeff Hinds ( 3. Denn is Parrish ); (K2w) ; 4. Md.... Hodgoon (Hon ): 5. Randall Shank (Hon). V1NT SlBK HIW, I . Jeff H;noj, (Kaw). Andrew Murray (14) won three events and Andrew Cowell (60) won one. s;... W Sunday . Round 9 200 G P+ : I. Carl Andenon (Yam); 2. Mike (Hon ); 1. Duane Harper (Hon) ; 4 . lila O ·Hara (Sut:); S. C"",", [);Idy (BSA). 25 0 G'" I. Shannon 50 (Hon) ; 2. ... I.Mry _ (Ouc); l . Dav;d Pseree (Bul); 4. Carl Andenon ( 15 0 GP: I. Shannon Silva (Hon); 2. David Pie rce (Bul); l. Bob Dan;el, (Due) . BOTT 2 ·5TR~ I. Sal Ca>en J'. (Apt). BEARS, I. Tm Joyce (Tn); 2. Guy Mauehe, (N",). BOn F·I : I. Andrew Hurny (MG); 2. Jan Svensson (Due); 3. David M. Houghtaling (Due) . BOTT F· 2: I. Andr e w Murra y (MG): 2. Jan Svensson (Due) ; 3. David Rutherford (Suz). eorr F-l: I. Ron Durrance (Due): 2. Dan Hankie (Suz); l . D.vId Rutherionl (Suz). Cl C FOO T, I. Nort>en NICked (BMW); 2. Dave Fe rra ro (Nor): 3. Beno Rodi (Nor). Cl C HAND, I. W ,II Hanling ~nd); 2. Ralph Weuell (Ind); 1. "Dec" Betalee r (Ind): -4 AI Knapp (HoD). CL 60: I. . 'Thomu Kerr .... (An ). F·12S, I. G"'ll S,einbeck (Hon ); 2. UI> O ·fUr.o (Suz). F·2SI>. I.)eny Hennan (Yam); 2. Je"" Kind (Yam). F·SOO: I . Arthur Doumas II (Yam) 2. Charles : "): McEwan (Yam). F· 7S0: I. Tm Joyce (Tn 2. Gary ~her (N",). F·V1NT, I. Dav;d ........ ('hm); 2. Tm LIe (Tn); l . Steven Enter (Yam); -4 Brian Oaldey (Yam). PRE· 1940 : I. . W Ill Hard ing (Ind) ; 2. Norbert N;ckel (BMW); 1. Ralph _ (Ind); 4. · Doc· Baulee< (Ind); S. AI Kmpp (H- D ). 500 PREH, I. Dav;d Roper(No<); 2. Ron Melton (""'); l . I.Mry _ (See). PR O D HIw. I. Brion s.wy... (BMW); 2. Gay\or (Yam); 4. _ Dixon (Tn ). PROD tJw. I. Dwoyne Fox (Hon ); 2. M;cNel Port ... (Hon) . PROD SGU I. Kevin 8n>wn (Hon ); 2. Brion s.wy... (MZ) ; l . Midey lOnney(HZ) : 4. Tren, Thoma> (MZ). 50S 1:-STRK: I. Greg Steinbeck (Hon ). SIMONO: I. Mike """... (Hon); 2. Brion Sawyeo- (H Z). 5/HaNO" I. Kevin Brown (Hus). SPTSMN 350 : I. Scott Turner (Hon) : 2. 0eMi> Cbrl< (Hon); J . Dale N _ (Hon). SPTSMN 500: l. Don Jagger (BSA); 2. T im lile (BSA); 3. Da le N onc.hel>..- (Hon) . SPTSM N 750, I . Dav;d ........ (Yam); 2. Rodney Bbnchard (Yam); 1. Tm lite (Tn 1. Steote PIeratt "): (Yam S. Steven Enter (Y ); am). SOT: I. Sebastien Rarnusc ello (Due); 2. Jon Swn»on (Ouc); l . H;ke """... (Hon). VINT S/BK H,IW, I. Veda Add ....... (K2w) ; 2. jeff Hmd, (Kaw); 3. Dennis Parrish (Kaw) : -4. Randall Shank (Hon); S. Md\.ile4 Hodgoon (Hon) . V1NT SlBK I1fW, I. Jeff Hond>(Kaw) Southern Enduro Riders Assoc iation Se ries g Round 4 : Bonita Lakes Enduro d ~ II: ~ >- a> ~ Ohio native Rodney Judson took it south and won SERA's fou rth round, the Bonita Lakes Enduro in Meridian, Mississippi. 50 JUNE 30, 200;1 • CYCLE NEWS Judson Lookin' Good at Bonita Lakes Enduro Bv CHARAV DuBOSE MERIDIAN, MS, MAY 16 A A ride r Rod ney Judson rode his TM2S0 l""\I""'\t.o the overall win at round three of the SERAseason at the Bonita Lakes Enduro held in Meridian , Mississippi. The event · which was put on by the Ridge Runners Enduro Team, in cooperation with the Meridian Motorcycle Club . was full 01 hills, roots, deep sand, and plenty 01 tight woods. The race was des cribe d as a rea l end uro • very techn ica l, w ith a lo t o f timekeep ing involved . Though some 01 the trails were tight, the dub threw in some fun fast stuff, such as the "dirt pit," where spectators got to watch the ir favorite riders race . Then the club finished off the day with an extremely tight test sectk>n that turned into a points dro ppe r for everyone. 40th Anniversary "I t hought the tra ils we re great," said the ] S· l ive · ye ar"ol d , Knig ht's Sports Center/ Moo se/Scott . spon sored Judson . "The club did a great job. I didn't have any trou ble on the trails, t hough the humidity was tou gh. Be ing from Oh io, I haven't had to deal w ith this type 01 weather, but I'm getting used to it ." Finishing second overaJl after burning a check was SERA's reigning champ, AA racer Stephe n Reed. Following Reed were AA riders Gle n Myatt and Nathan Knight. Taking filth overall was Clay Bore ing. a former SERAoverall winner. After taking a break from motor cycle racing, Boreing knocked the cobwebs off his boots, borrowed his dad 's KTM4S0, and came back to the woods, showing he still has what it takes to be a serious threat to score in the top 10. "I got a little winded in the first section , but

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