Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- MOTOCROSS I Round 4 20, 2004 June ~ -~-----~ AMA Chevrolet 2S0cc Motocross Championship Series David Vuillemin made it twa Yamahas on the podium with a thi rd-place finish. 1t (5- "Ioyed his best finish ever: In a mote and was all smiles follow- '1had a great first mota,' "I go t a good start , then spent some t ime be hind Voss," Vuille min said. " But I was able to ge t by him , so third' s o kay. The track was great today, and I th ink that overall I had a very good race ." With the leaders spread out, the racewithin -a-race that the more attentive fans picked up on was between Kawasak i's Michael Byrne and Honda's Ernesto Fonseca (see side ba r). The riders were o n ea ch o the r all day. Windham would ride to a somewhat quiet fourth place ove rall, which was somewhat disappointing in that he sho uld - at the very least be run ning with Reed and Vuillemin. Back to Carmichael vs . Reed : Kawasak i's Bruce Stjernstrom made an interesting observation from the announcer's tower on the difference between the two riders at Budds. "Loo k where Ricky's accelerating o ut of his turns," Stjernstrom said . "T he re 's a dif- 'My Mach I Yamaha got me out of the I • . .• traCKS coming up. and I think 1"11 be able to put some good ndes In Clark Stiles 13th (13 -14) 'I like this place, and The Battle The battle of the day involved Team Honda's Ernesto Fonseca and Kawasaki's Michael Byrne for sixth place. The two factory-backed riders duked it out in both rnotos , giving the large Budds Creek crowd something to watch while RC ran away with the double victory. .. : .. , Joaquim Rodriguez 15th (33 .10) Fonseca seems to be improving every day since ifhe lone KifM 250 pilot was back on a Nationals returni ng to the track after having knee surgery. "It was a good race," Fonseca said. "The outcome was better in the first mota , but I feel I rode better in the second mota - came back from behind. He [Michael Byrne)got a better start, and I caught up to him but just couldn't get around him. He rode a good race. Sixth overall was an okay wee kend for me." Byrne (26) leads Fonseca (24). Fonsecafinished out the day sixthoverall with a b-], Byrne was unavailable after the race, but Kawasaki's Bruce Stjemstrom spoke for his team rider. "He had a pretty good start, worked his way up and got into a big battle with Ernesto that lasted almost half of the mota. Ernesto dogged him until the end and got him on the last lap, unfortunately. Michael got seventh. "T he second mota, the same th ing," Stjernstro m said. "In fact , I think he really had the [holeshot) . But he came in a little hot to the first turn , and a coup le guys got around him, and he came across the sta rt/finish line in fourth . Again, Ernesto, paired up with Michael. They were within a second of each other fo r much of the race , and Michael won out. Fifth overall as a resu lt of it is his best finish this year. Which is just what we've asked him to do. " Byrne went 7-6 on the day. 18 JUN E 3 0 , 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th Anniversa ry ,

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