Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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two riders who we re ha uling and engaged in t heir own great battle (Fonseca and Byrne), and pu lled away from another good battle going on not far behind him (Voss and KTM 's Jo aq uim Rodriguez). W indham then gunned it for Ferry, but Ferry would sense the charge and kick into another gear. holding Wi nd ham off for fourth place in the second moto. So with Windham in fifth , Byrne won the battl e wi th Fo nseca, Team Moto Sport Outlet/Honda's C ra ig Anderson w as able to race int o the top 10 (eighth). with Voss (ni nth) w in nin g t he battle agai nst Ro d rigue z (l Oth) and Po vo lny round ing out the top I I. As th e special " IOOth Win" T-shirts w e re being ha nded out, t hen doused with champagn e. a special pla q ue fro m D u nlo p was handed over to C armichael co m memorating the day. T he fans we re certainly very appreciative o f Carmichael's e fforts, as they also showed their appreciation for the other podium members (Reed and Vuillemin). NPG member/Budds Creek promoter Jo n Beasley then summed up the closing festM ties by saying: ';A,nd the fans got to see so me great racing as well." eN Briefly... Continued from poge 17 plaining a bit about the gas prices." So how does !.=y solve the problem? He buys her a new VolkswagenTurbo Diesel. Kayleen added that tarry's doing well, but he reallymisses racing. And she didn't know whom she'd cheer for at Budds Creek because her second-favorite racer, Mike URocco, wasn't thereeithe<-. So she cheered for Kyle lewis. FYI: Jamie Utde is the firn female to announce a National motocross. Uttle willdo eight of the 12 Nationals for Olet Burks Productions, the producers of the ESPN Nationals pr0gram. She also saysshe'lI debut in the Mini Nationals at RedBud. One hundred sku lls and crossbones: That's what Fox's Scott Taylor had printed up on RC's IDOth jersey. which RC donned aft... the race on the podium. RC also ran "99 " on his Fox race pants for Budds. BUDDS CREEK MX PARK BUDDS CREEK , MARYLAND RESULTS: JUNE 20, 2004 (ROUND 4 O F 12) fere nce of 15 feet where Ricky gets o n th e gas as opposed to where C had [Reed) an d the o t he r guys are getting o n the gas . That's where Ricky 's winning thi s race - in th e comers." Also providi ng some highlights in t he firs t moto w ere French r id er Joh n ny Aube rt of ECC Suzuki (e ighth), p riva teer Jam e s Povolny (ni nt h) and Suzuki's Nic k Wey ( 10 th) . Wey' s te amm at e , Se an Hamblin, suffe re d a gn arly crash at th e start of moto o ne w he re he got " pinballe d " among several rid e rs before goi ng down and d islo cating his elbow. Finally. as if he isn't good enough, Carmichael actually sta lled his bi ke in the first moto - which is w hy it took him a bit to ca tch t he leaders. " I sta lled my bike just be yond the finish line," C arm ichael sai d . " It took me 10 kicks t o get it go ing , which is no t at a ll like in practic e when I stall it and it starts on t he first kick ." So , w ith Carmich ael' s sight set on 100 , t he gate droppe d on t he second m o to. And Born , Carmichael's gone - into the history books . "I'm only 24 , an d that 100 w ins, 100 races even, makes me feel old," sai d Carmichae l laug hing. But fol ks should have known. This was Carmichael's fifth straight win at Budds Creek. seventh straight if you count his I 25cc w ins . We're also o ne -t h ird of the way thro ugh the '04 N ationals season. and Carmichae l has yet to lose a m o to. So wi th t he inevitable about to ha p pen. Vuille m in, Byrn e a nd Re ed hooked up in a battl e for who gets to stand next to C arm ichae l on the podi um. Reed w o uld so on get pas t Byrne , an d the n he keyed on his te ammate Vuillem in. By t he fifth lap , t he second m o to w as a carbon copy o f t he first. w it h C armichae l w e ll out front'an d Reed and Vuillemin ra cing into a comfortable 2- 3 position fo r Yamaha. Charging up from a 12 t h-place start was ano t her Yamaha rider. T im Ferry. Fe rry put t he caboose on a blue RC -chasing t ra in. ridin g in an d eve ntually finishing in fo u rth in t he seco nd moto. This w o uld be another interesting point in RC's w in, because it was Fe rry who las t ye ar ended RC's m o to win streak. And Fe rry d id it at Budds C reek. W allowing back in t he pac k, ba re ly in t he top 10 was W indham . But ra the r than ca lling it a d ay, something lit insid e of W ind ham , t he o nly ri d e r to beat Carmichae l for an o ve rall win since 200 I , an d he mo u nte d a charge. He blazed by Arenacross star Tommy Hoffmaster retu med to the Nationals. Hoffmast er; who finished second in the AX series last year. said he's going to run Suzukis with the'Suzukiteam next year for the AX season. Hoffmaster signed a two-year contract with Motoworid Radng.comlSuzuki and willrun the AX season then finishup the supercross season with the team. MOTO " I. Ricky Ca.-hael (Hon) ; 2. Chad Reed (Yam); ] . David Voollemi (Yam); 4 . Kevin Woodham (Hon) ; n S. Heath Voss (Y am); 6. Emesto Fonseca(Hon); 7. MIChael Byrne (Kaw); B. Johnny Auben (Suz); 9. Jame< Povolny (Hon) ; 10. Nick Wey (Suz ); I I. Jeff Gibson (Y ; 12. Russ (Hon ); 22. Tyson Hadsell (Y ; 2] . Kevin Johnson (Yam); am) 24. Matthew Huimoff (Hon ); 25. Justin Mace (Kaw ); 26. Thomas Hofmaster (Suz): 27. David Qnoffi (Hon ); 28. Br.ondon Butleo- (Hon) ; 29. Thomas B." , on (Y am) ; ]0. B_ Mille< (Han); ] I. Jenomy Cook (Y ; 32. Joseph Cook am) (Y am); ] ] . RDdng.e, (KTH); ] 4. jMren Rhoade5 (KTH); ] 5. Brian Mason (Han); ] 6. 1WTyCMst en (Suz ); 37. Charles Ella (Suz); ]8. David Oettel (KTH); ] 9. Kevin Crine (Hon) ; 40 . Sean HambI., (Suz). Roger DeCoster conftrmed that Sebastien Tortelll will be back for RedBud. Tortelli. who's going to race at Mammoth this weekend with Rick Joh nson, was trying to convince Suzukito let him race Budds Creek. but Suzuki officials thought it'd be best if the former World GP Champion"eased" back into things. Tortelli's been out with a knee injuryfor what seemsr.kefQn!\'ef". His agent. Bob Moore . says Torte/Ii's flYe to seven seconds a lapfast... than Ernie(Fonseca) and Bymer (Michael Byrne) at their Temecula(California) MX test track. J_- Race Time:] 5 rmn., 39.07 sec M OT O 2: I. CarrnicNeI; 2. Reed; 1. 'AMllemin: 4. Feny; S. Windham; 6. Byrne; 7. Fonseca; 8. Andenon: 9. Voss: 10 . Rod rigues: I I . PovoIny: 12. lewis: 13. Auben; 14. Stiles : 15. Thomas: 16. Wey: 17. Neese: 18. Johnson: 19. Co rder; 20 . Gibson ; 2 1. Karlsen: 22 . Ca rst en. 23. Modjewski: 24. Ho lland : 2S. Crine; 26. Maso n: 27. Maximoff; 28. Butler: 29. Mille r: 30 . Mace; 3 I. Hormaster ; 32. Cook; )) , Ginoffi; 34. Burton: 35. Beatty ; 36. Hadse ll; 37. Rhoades 38. Ellis: 39. Deuel; 40 . Ham btin. : Race Tlme: 35 min ., 54 .12 sec . O/A". I. Ricky Cannichael (Hon ); 2. Chad Reed (Yam); 3. David 'AJille min (Yam); 4 . Kevin Windham (Hon) ; 5. Michael Byrne (Kaw); 6. Emesto Fonseca (Hon); 7. Heath Vou (Yam); 8. Timmy F..-ry (Yam) ; 9. Jame< Povo lny (Hon) ; 10. Joh nny Auben (Suz) ; I I. Cn;g Anderwn (Hon); 12. Nick We y (Suz); 1I . Clark Stiles (Hon ); 14. Je ff Gibson (Yam); IS. Joaquim Rodrigues (KTM): 16. Jason Thomas (Hon ); 17. Jim Neese (Su. ); 18. Kyle Lewts (Hon ); 19. Rus

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