Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ha le y Bur ke swept t he Wom en's cla ss . Sam my Fritz took sec on d, and 200 3 Distr ict 34 Wome n's champ Chriss i Basnia got third . One more Hond a rider, jay Weller, w ent out o n his CRF4S0 R and put in two so lid rides and won the 2SOcc Expert class by going 2-2 . Terry Fink le took second , and McMille n got a fe w more Hon da bucks by gett ing thi rd . Brian Mulcahy swept the lSOcc B class, and Aaron Wolen won the 2SOcc C class. But the re al w inners of the da y w e re the people fro m the American Can cer Society and all the people at Ace Motocross. Ace hel d a SO/5 0 ra ffle, with half t he proceeds go ing to ACS. This just goes to show what kind of stan dup people there are at Ace , from Ace president joh n Bart o n and vice president Rob Beyers on d own to all t he clu b membe rs who help out at each race. For more info r mat io n, check o ut Ken Burger (651) grabs the second-mota holeshot in the Senior Mini class at the debut of the brand-new Area51 Motocross in Batavia, New York. Sche e make r and Dina Scrivani. Burger broke the gravitational pull that others strugg led with, and Waif rocke te d hard Into sec ond . Crouse was no w battling w ith Ma ske ll, Wage r, Scheemaker and Salamone. Waif (1-2) claimed first ove rall, with Burge r (3 -1), Crouse (2-3) , Maskell (6-4 ) and Salamone (7-S) all etching topfive ove rall fin ishe s in motocross histo ry. T hurley, Wag er, Scheemaker, Br ugge and Scrivani filled out the top 10. WNYMA ra ce announcer and motoc ross guru of knowled ge T homas "Yak" Threadgill gave the new Are aS I motocross track a nd buildings a 10.S on the mo tocross scale , calling it a " Minl- D illa." T he WNYMA return s to AreaS I on July 18 for t he fou rth of the six Empire State Championship Series races . Check out www.area5 I mo tocross .com for details o n th is monster motocross promotion and learn more about joining th is club or orga nizedpractice informatio n. RESU LTS 50 (4-6) : I . Joshu a Zugnon l (Yam) ; 2. H ayd en Brickwood (KTM); 3. Dako ta Wheato n (Y¥n) ; 4. ShH Ball (Yvn); S. Co

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