Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Lap times we re runn ing In the 15- to 20 minut e range, and by the end o f the sec ond lap , Sto ner had built about a two-minute advantage for h is t e am o ver the team of Giorda n o & Ram sey, By lap th ree. Krab al & Mitc hell had w o rke d th ei r way Int o s e co nd , w hic h was exce ptio nal for two motocross racers navigating the tight woods of West Virginia. This left the big battle of the day for the third pla ce s pot, T he tea m of Mcint ire & Jon e s swapped positions with Giordano & Ramsey for most of the race. Veteran racer Jo nes wou ld catch and pass the Iess-expelienced Ramsey. and then Ramsey's partner, M rider Giordano, would catch and pass Jones' partner, Mcintire, Giordano experienced his second flat tire of the day. so he and Ramsey had to share a bike. but they were stillabie to finish the race in third place. Rodge rs & Stoner ra n aw ay wit h this o ne. With app rox imately 4S minutes left in th is threehour event. they ha d lap ped the second-place team, Fro m there, they cru ised to the victory. LOCAL TALENT RESUL TS SENIOR DISTRICT SERVICE MANAGER Los Angeles, CA Portland , OR O /A: I. Ryan Rodge rs /Je r od Stoner; 2. Shan e KrabaVJason Mitchetl; 1. joe Giordanc(Ty Ramsey; 04. Scooter Jones /Mike Mcintire ; S. MonisseyM'ooctfa/l; 6. HoggIAcken.; 7. jonesIWinner, 8. TudorM'hite; 9. CesnicklStedunan; 10 . McGray/Weber, I I. ~bum; 12. Ouheo-/!loIve<; 13. Wa lme rIWa lme r ; 104. We ller / Rosen berry; IS. oov Schriver/Schriver; 16. Frost/Ha wkins; 17. Guts halVH er, Ho nda Power Equipment's commitment to creating products that improve the quality of people's lives goes well beyond automobiles and motorcycles. Since 1953, Honda has manufactur over 40 million power products ed worldwide and continues as a leader in the development of low-emission, fuel efficient, environmentally friendly 4-stroke engines for use in outboard motors, generators, water pumps, lawn mowers and many other power equipment appIicatioos. Ie . BennettiPre.ton; 19. Guthridge/Cole< . s n ARS Southwest Series Southern Nevada Supermato Series Rounds 3/1: X·Plex Molorsp or fs Ro cepork The Luck of the Drew Takes a Turn in Vegas By GREG FERENSTEIN LAS VEGAS, NV, MAY 23 R ou nd three o f the nine-race STTARS Southwest Ser ies was run in conju nction w ith the newly formed Southern Nevada Supermoto Ser ies. SNV fo unde r Marche Karger built two d irt sections that were praised by the racers. Dirt section num be r on e featu red ro lling whoops, two 180-degree banked turns, and a do uble- jump. The d irt was w ide enough for side- by-s ide ra cing , an d most of the passing throughout the day took place here . Th e sec ond dirt section he ld one o f the bigges t jumps yet seen on a Supermoto track. The section had two lanes ; the faste r entry on the inside had a lo nge r tabletop jump th an the outside lane . to keep th ings even. Thanks in part to the st rong winds blow ing the desert silt, this race day was held on a very slick track surface. Curtis and Chris Cooksey are former Pro -leve l motocrossers who are fairly new to supermoto but are fam iliar with the XPlex t ra ck and its notoriously slick surface . Curtis took the wi n in t he 450cc he at race , while h is brother Chris won th e Open-class heat , beating several of the sport's top Pros on a Sports ma n-class bike. Sportsman bikes are proba b ly the most fu n you ca n ha ve o n a super moto track , b ut rar ely do you see someone ride one as fast as Chris does. Curious abou t supermoto but do n't wan t to invest a lot of money? Then Sportsman-class racing is for you . To re plicat e a bike like th e one on w hich Chris w o n, take your average fou r-stroke motocross bike and buy a set of treaded tires from the trackside ven dor ($ ISO), add a onetooth-larger cou ntershaft sp rocke t ($20). and stiffen up your suspension clickers several clicks. The established Pros o f the sport spent the lunch break th inking about what th ey wou ld need to do in the main events to keep up with the flying Cooksey brothers. Like they always do , the fast guys have a way of putting in that extra litt le bit when it counts. Steve Drew put his race face on and was leading the 450cc race until an encounter w ith an overzealous lapped rider handed th e win to Curtis Cooksey. After his rec en t st ring of bad luck, Drew was determined to w in the Open main, and he immediately sta rted to ga p the fie ld, leaving Gary Trachy to deal with Chris. Curti s fell in th e first come r but quickly remounted just outside DACODA SOROCHUK the to p 10. Curtis spent the ent ire race catching up to the battle over second place; he caught an d pass ed his brother Chris and th en caught Trachy on the final lap. Curtis an d Trachy passed each other several t im e s in t he fin al few corners, but when Trachy spun the tire and got sideways e xit ing the d irt, it gave Curtis a bike length advantage past the chec ke red nag . Drew w on in con vincing style with nearly a halftrack advantage o ver second place . Trachy has been practically unbeatable in the 2SOcc class, and he took his Pete Bothwell bu ilt KXF25 0 to another commanding win in Las Vegas. eN .. , . .February 4 , 1991 BIRTHOATEI RESIOENCE I " ' " .Bandolph, Utah OntER INTERESTSI ... .. Wrestling , Snowboarding. Bicycling , •.• . . , ,M otocross, Arenacross MOTORCYCLE: . " " . " , .Yamaha SPONSORSI . .O' Neal, NotoH, Scott USA, Torco, Mom & Dad LOCAl TRACKI , Hot Springs Raceway, Rando lph , Utah ClASSES: . . .. " ." , .Supermini, 85cc (12 -15) Intermediate DISCIPLINESI American Honda Motor Co., Inc., offers a competitive salary and benefits package. If you're ready to experience the power of what Honda can do for you, send us your resume today: American Honda Motor Co" Inc" 1919 Torrance BOUlevard, MS 100 C-3A, -l AHM10959MAS (LAterritoly) orAHMlll944.'MS (Portland terfltory), Torrance, C 9l1i01-Z7 . A 46 Fax: (310)783-2110., Ho nda is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENT R ESULTS 65 : I. Justin Oueut (KTM): 2. Phoenix Freeman (Hon ). 85 : I. Fran kie Ga rcia (Hon); 2. Jess Garcia (Hon); 1. Phil Wood (Y om); 4. em_ OlgWn (....); 5. Chrl>Wood (Han) . 159 , I. Caleb Wyatt (Han); 2. Bret WaukJchy (....); 2. M,ke Camp (Kow); 3. Jeff MatWevkh (Kaw); .... Mark Cemkky (Kaw) : S. C D. Howe ll. 450: I. C_ CooIuey (Han) ; 2. 5teve Drew (Han); 3. Dvryt_ns (KTM); 04 . Chad Freeman (Hon) ; S. Mark Cemicky (Hon ). BEG: I. John Maddox (Hon); 2. Jeff Dages (Yam 1. Mike ); Deloa CooIuey (Han ); 2. Shawn Moore (Yam); 3. Hichael H""", (Hus); 4. Jeff Dages (Yam); 5. John Maddox (Hon). V ET: I . Joel Tarquin (Han); 2. Scott Hoffman (KTH); 3. H", do Do Canna (Hon); 4. Keith Clegg (Y om); 5. Jeffre y Greene (Hon). OP EN : I. St eve Dre w (Ho n); 2. Curtis Co okse y (H on); 1 . Ga ry Trachy (Ho n) ; 04 . C hr is Cook>ey (Han ); 5. Darryl Atk;", (KTH). In this position, you'll work with Power Equipment consumer and industrial dealers and distributors in support of service related activities. This will include dealership operations. customer service. training, and technical support. A Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience is required, along with 6-8 al years' mechanical and technical de ership experience inpowerequiprrent orarelated industry. Strong customer service, communication, technical, and interpersonal skills are also essential, as is knowledge of automotive type electrical systems and automotive precision measuring equipment. Inaddition thefollowing are also a must: the ability to write technical rep orts; proficiency with Word and Excel; and willingness to travel frequently. • Winning 85cc (12 -15) Junior and Supermini year-end overall WHY Do You RACE? "For fun , adrenaline rush , the competition ." BEST RACING MOMENT? HONDA "Taking third at the Washougal National in 2003." The power of dreams; WEIRDEST RACING MOMENT? "At Hot Springs Raceway, I was coming to the finish- line tab letop. hitting massive braking bumps; my back end swapped , showing the announcer both sides of my numberplate, and still c learing the tabletop for the win ," Don't Get Roosted... SUBSCRIBEI WHO'S YOUR RACING IDOL? " Chad Reed ," WHAT ARE YOUR RACING GOALS? "To w in my classes for the year and to go on and one day race supercross and outdoor Nationals." Steve "Wo rk ing Class" Drew was flying high at round three of the snARS Southwest Series in Las Vegas. By Dick Goodwin Photo by Ed HeddenlMM Pro Foto CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 73

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