Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in the Mad Dog class, and on this night he also won the new O ld Pro Mad Dog class, cons isting of ride rs 40 years o f age or o lder. O ne of O klaho ma's d irt -track legends, De nny Sowders, made a return to dirt track , riding the O ld Pro Mad Dog class, and he was looking good on the Honda. Denny is Bret 's dad . The Pro po ints fund money will be d ivided between the Pro-class champions at the last race of the se ries. Each rider contributes $5 of his entry fee toward t his fund . O uts id e contributors can also donate money to the fund Jon Davies (70), Trevor Decker (834), She rri Cru se (774), Jahn Thompsan (984) and Wes Flippin (102) get closely acquointed in the first turn during the 12Scc Novice contest at th e third round of Taft Arenacross action. Decker Floors 'em at Taft Arenacrosst By CHRISTINE DUBOSKI T he tight co nfine s of the Fran klin Field Are na ma de fo r t ight racing, w it h the slightes t mistake costi ng big. The o rder for the night was bar-to-bar act ion in every co rner, m uch to the de light of riders and spectato rs alike. The 125cc Novice class was split into two diffe re nt races, due to the amo unt of en tr ies. The second race o f the 12Scc Novice clas s proved to be one of the most exciting of the even ing. These riders were battling right off the s tart. The holesho t we nt to Kawasak i o f Bake rsfie ld rider Jon Davies. Both Trevor De cke r o f Taft , California , and No rth Kern Motorsports rider Wes Flippin dived into the first corner. Flippin was able to ge t by Davies , wit h De cke r stay ing right behind Flipp in. The race was wheel to wh eel fo r the rest of the mo ta. Flippin got t he checkered (Jag, w ith Decker second and Davies third. The second rnoto was no less excit ing. John Thompson got the ho le sho t . Flipp in made a pass, but Thompson was right on his backside. Flippin , feel ing pre ssur e from Th ompson, slid ou t, and Thom pson ran into th e back of him. Tha t gave Decke r an o pe ning, and he went on to take the lead and finish the mota first, w hich earned him first overall for the evening . Davies finished the evening with second overall, and Flippin was th ird overal l. Both mo tos of the 85cc N ovice class were very int ense , as Kruz G r iffith battl ed Kyle Kessinger. In mota on e , Kessinger flew o ut of t he ga te fo r th e holesho t , with Griffith right be hind , giving it everythi ng he had . Th e two w e re trad ing paint In every cor ne r. Griffith passed Kessinger on the second lap and he ld on until the checkered nag. Kessinger again go t the bu llet-s pe e d holesho t in the se cond mo to . Again, the two made passes in the corners, going for broke . Gnffith pulled it out and took RESULTS CO MBO : I. Sieve Lyman (Hen ): 2. joe Matt o ll (Yam) 1. ; Fred Mattoll (Han ); "'. Cb y Maple (Yam) S. An thony V¥ano : (Han). PfW A: I. Terry Matto x (Yam). 85 : I. Fred Man ox (Han). 115· 250 : I. Stew: l yman (!-Ion) : 2. Joe t-lartc x (Yam ). 1 50 /4 0 0 VINT: I. Clay Maple (Yam ) . OP EN A M: l. e honco O>bum (Yom); 2. Iy Castle (Hen); l . Cby M.ple (Hen). OLD PRO MAD DOG (40+); I. Ke-M ED ing>wonh (Hen); 2. M,k. Baue.- (Hen); l . Marl< E~ (Suz) ; • . o..v.ySowden (Hen). PRO 600 : I. Iln" Sowden (RoI) : 2. Kevin EJlingsworth (Han); 3. Derek Mariow (Y;un); 4. MIke Newton (Yom): S. Ty>on lloyd (Yom). Pace American Trailer Red River Challenge Series Round 2: Hallett Motar Racing Circuit Howard Makes a Beeline for the Checkers Taft Arenacross Round 3: Franklin Field Arena TAFT, CA, MAY 22 at any time . Also in the works is a prize fund for the Amateur riders. By SHAN MOORE HAllETT OK, MAY 22 , th e lead , wi nn ing the checkered nag and the overall on the night. In the 50cc (7- 10) class, N icholas Templeton put his good sta rts in bot h motos to goo d use , tu r ni ng th e m into I ~ I mot a finishe s fo r the overall win. Dan iel De La Mora used his great cornering and passing skills to earn a 2·2 tally and second overall. Levi Wa lker battled with the top finishers and placed a we ll-eamed third for the evening . Tommy Provence scored a pair of holeshots in the 12Scc Beginner class. Provence too k a huge lead in both motos en route to a perfect 1·1 mota score. Ryan Phillips finished second in the first mo ta; in the se co nd mo ta , Phillips was rid ing in third when he made a perfect pass o n Brent Fletcher and then went on to finish second in that moto for the num ber-two pod ium spot . Fletcher went 3 ~3 for third overall. RESULTS 50 (1-6): I. C allion McHaney (Co b); 2. l evi Walker (Cob): l . M ,kQh Mo

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