Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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California Racing Club Dunestown Series Round 3: Victorville Motocross Complex PHOTO BY GREG ROBERTSON Harmon's Hot! By GREG ROBERTSON VJCJORVIUf, CA MAY 23 , Robimon (Yam) ; S Muon McBride (Suz). 85 (12-1l): I. Trent Pugmire (Hon); 2. Dylan McKee (Ho n) ; 1. Tyler Sjoberg (Suz); 4. Michael leib (Kawl ; 5. Brenn an Towle (Kaw). 85 (14-16): I. lYe H. . - (Suz). SlHIHI: I. Trent PUgmire (Hon) ; 2. Tye HMneS (Suz); 3. Michael leib (Kaw): • . 1;te (Han ). 250/0P EH k I. H .d> T. DeMn (Han) ; 2. Hid>ael Z""" (Han ); 1. Scon Jendro (Han ); • . Kyte B.gbdi (Han ); S. Ilenjamn Q-...., (Yam). 2S<1/OP EH B: I . Kmt oe (Han) ; 2. IGrl< N~ (Hen ); 1. Dan Bloom (Han); ' . Hariemolt (Kaw). 'S +: I. Rid< Walsw orth (KTM); 2. Bill Nann e nga (Hon); 3. Steven Yoder (Kaw); • . J""'" Binder (Han ); S. Haritzeo (Yam). 50+ : I. Tim Graves (Yam); 2. Jim Aden t (Suz). NON ·CUR: I. J""""Y HugI=n (Yam): 2. lOr; Lew;, (Hen ); 1. SteYenhan J'. Texas Sta te Championship Enduro Circuit, High Plains Division Texas Sta te Chompionship Enduro Circuit, Championship Division Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit, Sabine Division Rounds 4/6/5: Concho Enduro Kirkpatrick Family Tops Blackwell Lists yea r-old KTM rider from Lubbock, Texas . "Th e By BIU KAMIN BLACKWEU, rx, MAY 16 C ole Kirkpatrick conquered rocks , sand and a few hundred competitors to capture his first-eve r overall at the Co ncho Endu ro . "The race was awesome!" e nthused the 17- 56 tests were fun and challenging. and we lucked out o n the weathe r. I w ould like t o th an k Moose Racing, Fastway, Twin Air, Renthal , Cycle Shack of Lubboc k. and my parents." With 22 points from Concho, Kkkpatrick now sits in third place in all three TSCEC divisions. JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NE WS Co le was on ly the first o f th e Kir kpa tr ick fa m ily t o fin is h t he event. H is I S.year·old brother Cameron overailed t he C Nov ice division. Their fathe r, Master of Masters Richard Kirkpat rick. has overalled th e Age division at eve ry even t he's en tered th is year. "Co ncho was a grea t race : ' said Richard . "St art ing on a row with my boys is such a b le ss ing . See ing t hem having fun at something that w e all en joy doing tog e th e r is w hat it 's all about." '" can't wait tillCloud croft: Cameron added , "wh ere we ho pe to duplicate these results! " At 7:0 I a.m., riders started out on a co urse that was mu ch m or e d ifficult and de m and ing than most High Plains events. Th e tra il ranged from fast . easy chicanes on sandy single-track to w ind ing. narrow was hes , up steep hi lls id e s covered w ith loose rock and gra ve l, to still mor e fast single -t rac k th rough slic k, grassy meadows. O ne split at the 48 .60-mile marke r sent A and B ri ders into an a-m ile section that w as tighter and steeper than the rest of the course. Th is section cos t riders five to 10 points 40th Anniversa ry (KaW); 2. Billj Poyne (Han); 1. gees GMda (Han); • . BObby Steff", (Han). SlIO BEG: I. Gnog Kennedy (Kaw) . WMH : I. Stfnantha Steffans (Hon). SCHBY: I. Derreck Murphy (Yam); 2. Roberi Memoli (Hon) ; 3. N ick Sanchez (Suz); 4 . Hari<_ (Han) ; S. Cameron Rodrigue. (Han) . 'R VET NOV: I. Justy Men

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