Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Parts Canada Superblke Championship Round I: Shannonvllle Motorsport Park Crevier - Come Hell or High Water By JOHN HOPKINS SHANNONVILLE, ON, CANADA, MAY 23 S t eve Crevier passed defending champion Pascal Picotte two tums from the finish to win the opening round of the 2004 Parts Canada Superbike Championship at Shannonville Motorsport Park. After battling with Picotte and Clint McBain for most of the 18-lap race around Shannonville's I.S3-mile "Pro" circuit , the Maple Ridge, British Columbia, rider got his DXS Diablo Racing Team Suzuki GSX-RI000 under the Team Yamaha/Picotte Performance Yamaha YZF-RI of Picotte in the fabled Allen's Corner (named after Canadian racing legend Jim Allen) and held on for his record-extending 22nd career National Superbike win. McBain managed to stuff his Coors Light Racing/Blackfoot Suzuki GSX-R I000 past Picotte exiting the final tum to snare second, .489 seconds behind Crevier, while Picotte settled for third . "We chose soft Dunlops , but they held up to the end," said Crevier, who is making a bid for a seventh Canadian Superbike crown . "Pascal was on, and the pressure from Clint was enormous. I'm always strong in Allen's, and I'm going to do it in Allen's come hell or high water." Picotte led off the start and briefly pulled clear of the remainder of the 27-rider field, but Crevier and McBain gradually reeled him in. Crevier passed Picotte on the back straight on lap 12, only to have the Granby, Quebec, rider dart back ahead under braking. On the next lap, Crevier dived under Picotte entering Allen's. a tight left-bander preceded by a short chute. Crevier held the point for the next four laps before Picotte regained the lead on lap 17. "I had a lot of chatter in the rear, and I couldn't be aggressive into the corners," Picotte explained. "O n the last lap [in Allen's], Steve pushed me a little wide. That 's racing. I tried to square off the last corner [to get a SHANNONVILLf MOTORSPORT PARK SHANNONVILLf, ONTARIO, CANADA RESULTS: MAy 23, 2004 (ROUND 1) AM 600 SPT IBI(, I. ThomasMa=n,,1i hche<' (Han); g S. Darren James (Yam); 6 . Edward Woods (Su::r.); 7. lYler Kennedy (Hen); 8. Carol Cori>eil(Hen); 9. Eric Proulx (Yom); 10. Chris Raponi (Yam). PRO 600 SPT/BK: I. Andrew Nelson (Han); 2. Oint McBain (Suz); 3. PascaJ Picone (Yam); 4. Frank Trombino (Yam); S. Steve Cre vier (Suz); 6. Craig Connell (5uz); 7. Jordan Szoke (Hon); 8. JeffWill""" (Suz); 9. F".,.;, Maron (Kaw); 10. J<.vin lacombe (Hen ). PRO S!BK; I, Steve Crevier (Suz); 2. Clint McBain (Suz); 3. Pascal Picotte (Yam); w Nelson (Han); 9. jean·Fo-anco;. C)'" (Han ); 10. Cn>ig Coonell (Suz). Competition Riders of America Big Game Raceway Howell Hunts Down Big Game Wins By CHRIS JANKOVICH HUBBARD,OH,MAY16 ack Ho well continued his w inning ways by hunting down the ove ra ll win in t he Pourtroke and Open BIC contests. In the Fou rStroke class, Howell was tested by KTM jockey Danny Justice . Howell he ld off Justice for th e win, with Frank Perrotta finishing third. In the Op en B/C co ntest, How ell ran off and hid, leaving Charles Heatherly and Jeff Best to battle it out for runner-up, In the end . it was Heath erly sco ring second ove rall and Best rounding o ut the top three. In other big-b ike act ion , Bill Shay doubled his fun with wins in the 12Scc B and Collegeboy classes . Shay and Dan Harbaugh duked it out through both 12Scc B motes. with Shay taking the overall, Harbau gh finishing second and Matt J 52 PHOTOS BY ADB O'BRIEN good run to the line) and went wide. Clint got inside me, bumped me , and 1had to back off." Two-rime Canadian Champion Jordan Szoke was sixth, aboard the Honda Canada/Fasst Company Honda CBR IOOORR, and 2002 Formula USA 600cc Sportbike champion Craig Connell recovered from an early off-course excursion to place 10th on his GSX·RI000 . The action at Shannonville was marred by a nasty accident involving two-time Canadian champion Michael Taylor in Saturday's practice. Making his debut on the Z I Cycletech Ducati 999S, Taylor suffered a highside exiting the hairpin leading onto the back straight and broke his right femur and right thumb. Taylor had a plate inserted in his leg that evening. and his return to action in 2004 is highlydoubtful. Ottawa racer Andrew Nelson claimed his first national victory at Shannonville by winning the IS-lap Hindle Exhaust Pro 600cc Sportbike feature on his Honda Canada CBR600RR. After dominating the International Motorcycle Supers how Amateur 600cc Sportbike race, Pro 6 Cycle/McBride Cycle Suzuki rider Eric Warren highsided exiting the hairpin on the final lap, handing the win to R6mounted Thomas Macsanszky. The Parts Canada Superbike Championship continues with a doubleheader weekend at CaIgaty's Race City MotorsportPark,July 2-4. CN Jackson placing th ird. Shay led Matt Jackson and Todd Deck er Jr. to th e Collegeboy-c1ass win. Harba ugh came back and topped the Schoo lboy division, bes ting Decker and Tyler McDougal for the overal l. Decker also placed seco nd in the 12Scc C division, chasing Anthony Smith to the checkered flag , w it h McDougal t hird . The 2SOcc C contest had Scott Hackett leading the way to the podium. with Heatherly and Steven Bennett rounding out the top three. The Senior classes w e re all John Shay and Mike Boggia, as they finished first and second overall in both Sen ior One and Senior Two competition. In Senior On e . John and Boggia led t he w ay for KTM-mounted Chuck Freeze, while in Senior Two the y showed Brett Schluter the fastest way to the finish. The Mini classes we re no less exciting, with t he young Jacob McGhee being one of t he JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Andrew Nelson (26)leods Picotte (1) and Clint McBain in the Pro 600cc Sportbike contest ot Shannonville Motorspor1 Pork. standouts. McGhee led t he way in both the Se nior Pee We e a nd 65cc classes. McGh ee made fast tracks around the Big Game circuit. leading Matt Toth and Richie Kolcun in the Senior Pee Wee class and the n showing the way for Brandon Malobabich and Ron Sarver in the 65cc class. The Beginne r Pee We e sco res sho wed Michae l Sullivan to be t he top rider. with Drew Weave r second and Hayden Justice third . Matt Palumbo was the top rider in th e Senior Mini class, taking the checkers ahead of Se an Qu inlan a nd Paris Anderson . Erik Bumworth capitalized on the mome ntum from his previous night's w in wit h another one in the Supermini class at Big Game . Chr is Miller and Michael Koscecove gave chase , but Bumworth topped the podium. Bumworth; 2. Chris Miller; 3. Michael Koscecove. 125 B: I. Bill Shay; 2. Dan Harbaugh ; 3. Matt Jackson. 125 c: I. Anthony Smith; 2. Todd Decker Jr.; 3. "fYier McDougal. 250 C: I. Scott Hac ke tt ; 2. Ch arles Hea th e rly; 3. Ste ven Bennett. OPEN: I. Jack Howell; 2. Charles Heathe rly; 3. Jeff Best. 4-STRK: I. Jack How ell; 2. Danny Justice: 3. Frank Perrotta. SCHBY: I. Dan Harbaugh; 2. Todd Decker Jr.; 3. Tyler McDo ugal. CLGBY: I. BillShay; 2. Matt Jackson: 3. Jeff Best . SR 1: I. John Shay; 2. Mike Boggia: 3. Chuck Freeze . SR 2: I. John Shay; 2. Mike Boggia; 3. Bre tt Schluter. RESULTS BEG P/W: I. Mic hael Sullivan ; 2. Dre w Wea ver ; 3. Hayden Justice. JR P/W: I. Aaron Good; 2. Austin Amabile; 3. Kyle McKinnis. SR P/W: I. Jacob McGhee ; 2. Matt Toth; 3. Richie Ko teun. 65 BEG: I. Britta ny Hansen ; 2. Tyler D'O nofrio. 6S : I. Jacob McGhee ; 2. Brandon Malobabich; 3. Ro nald Sarve r. JR MINI : I. Michael De Santts : 2. Chris Mill r; 3. Michael Koscecove . JR TRU8K: I. Justin lyle; 2. e Shane Platt; 3. Ri k D·O nofrio. 5R MINI: I. Matt Palumbo; c 2. Sean Q uinl an; 3 . Paris Anderson . S/M INI : I . Erik 40th Anniversary Jack Howell (25) nabs the holeshots in the Four-Stroke closs at Big Game Raceway.

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