Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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too k his YZ2S0 to a surprise win in the Youth ( 16-29) division. Th is rac e was the final round of the series and do ub led as .ReTIRE the inaugural Chase Livingston Challenge, in memory of t he well -liked FasTrac MX ride r who lost his life in a nonracing accident. Th e weekend began on Saturday w ith organized practice, a barbecue for t he ride rs. and eve ning entertainme nt by th e band Seven-Ply. Two pit bikes we re given away at half-time on Sunday. Cameron Stroehl's nam e was pulled for t he Ron's Kawasa ki KXI 10, and Mickey Webb went home with the Big Bike Honda A DIVISION OF INCAC CRSOF. In the first 2S0cc A mote. Stevenson, Jo rdan Peeples a nd Drew Askew ran we ll ahead of the fie ld. Askew dropped back w hile Ste venson and Peeples wheelied their mach ines halfwa y through the fast whoop section. Peeples lost time when he hu ng his rear wh ee l over a high -banked berm. Stevenson won by three seconds. After colliding w ith another rider. Brian Young brought his KTM in fourth , beh ind Askew. In race two, Askew followed Stevenson befo re going out with a me chanical DNF. Peep les dragged his handlebar on his YZ2S0 through the berm be hind the scoring to wer in an all-ou t effort to catch Ste venson but came up tw o sec onds short. Young im pro ved to th ird , ahead of Alan Flanagan's KTM. Ho nda-mo unte d Chase Woo lard placed fifth. Pee ples pulled a nice holeshot in the first Youth (16-29) rnoto, built a quick first-lap lead, and then cruised to the finish. Chase Reve ll never gave Bake r a moment's rest and placed a strong third. Malt Hamilton was fourth on his yz4S0. When Peeples did n't answer the call fo r mo te two , Bake r made the mos t of the situation: He led the entire dista nce and whee lied uphill to the checke rs. While runnin g up fro nt, Revell went down har d in the stadiu m section and had to be carried off the track. Ham ilton and Honda ride r Jere my Thomas improved to second and third this time ou t. Col e Boutw ell continued his domination of the 125cc Band Schoo lboy ranks w ith I - I finishes in both. Rory O 'Gorma n and Jacob Robinson fo llow ed him to the line in both l 25cc B mo tos . In the Schoolboy ranks, PIke Road, Alabama's Blane Mason (3-2) edged Balst rs (2-3) for second ove rall. e Graha m Gon zales d isplayed awe so me speed o n the specialty des igned Pee Wee course and grabbed the Limited (4 -6) w in aboard his Honda. In moto one, he started first and sta yed ahead of a th ree-way batt le for second. In moto two, he overcame the hoIeshot start of Mike Hare Jr. and drove away for the win. Y amahamounted DustinJones (2-2) was second overall. Keenan Webb (4-3) squeezed out third overall, over Hare (3-4). RESULTS P/W (4-6) ' I. Ryan Cochran (KT M). P/W (7 ,8), I. Branden Moo ", (Cob), 2. Chason Gr ime s (Co b); 3. C ameron Str oeh l (KTN) ; 4 . Maso n Fa ust (KTM); 5. Thomas Davis (Co b) . P!W LTD (4 -6) : I. Graham Gonzale s (Ho n); 2. Dust in Jones (Yam); l . Keen an Webb [Suz]: 4. Mike Hare Jr. (Ho n); 5. Kee ra Wrobel (Y am). P/W LTD (7-8): I. Dalton Howell (Suz); 2. Rache l Binde r (Suz). OP EN PIW: I. Brandon Moo re (Co b); 2. C has on Grime s (Cob); 3. Ca meron Srroeh l (KTM). 4-S TR K AUT O: I. Mario Santucci (Kaw); 2. And re w Trahan (Suz); 3. Ritee Wrobel (Kaw ); 4. larTyssa Grimm (Suz); 5. Chase Royal (Ho n). T RL BK: l. Kory Tilbury (Ho n); 2. Rilee Wrobel (Kaw); 3. Mario Santucci (!<.aw); 4. Andr@w Trahan (Suz). 6S BEG: I. Tyler Faust (Kaw); 2. Travis Ingram (!<.aw); 3. Tyler Miles (Kaw) ; 4. Ryan Coch ra n (KTM); 5 . Bra ndo n Moor e (Co b). 65 (7.9 ): I. Jett Johnso n (KTM); 2. Ben Lau (Kaw); 3. Zachary Toklleim (!<.aw) . 85 BEG: I . Joe Nea gle y (Yam): 2. Austin Hood (Yam); 3. Jessie Graffam (Yam); .... Gary Rosie (Kaw); 5. Buddy Taylo r (Hon ). 8 5 (7 - 11): 1. Todd Smith (KTM): 2. Zach Goodwin (Yam) ; l . Gary Dru mm ond (Ya m) . 85 (12- 15): I. Ken da ll Maso n (Suz); 2. Cameron Smith (Yam); 3. Matt Rivest (Yam); 4. Co lby Smith (Ha n); 5. Robbie Elkins (Yam). S/M INI : l. Destyn Patera (Kaw); 2. Todd Smith (KTM); 3. Cameron Smith (Yam); 4. Gary Drummond (Yam); 5. Aust in Hood (Yam). 125 A: I. Michae l 5teve nson (Hon ); 2. Drew Askew (Yam); 3. Brian Young (KTM). 125 B: I. Cole Bou tw e ll (Ha n); 2. Rory O'Gcrrnan (Yam); 3. Jaco b Rob inson (Yam) ; .... Tro y Balster'S (Ha n); 5. Jeremy Thomas (Hon ). 125 c: I. Zach English (Kaw) ; 2. Tho mas Lau (Kaw ); 3. Aaron Boume (Yam) ; .... Josh Wynn (Kaw); 5. Jo na tha n Wh ite (Ho n). 115 0 : I . Joe Terry (Kaw); 2. Cha nd ler Turnipseed (Yam) ; 3. Micha el Toklle im (Yam); .... Matt Strickland (Hon ); 5. Logan Roberts (Hon) . 25 0 A: I . Michae l Stevenson (Han ); 2. Jordan Pee ples (Y am); 3. Brian You ng (KTN ): ... . Drew Askew (Y am); 5. Alan Flanagan (KTM). 250 B: I . Tro y 8alstl!f"S (Hon ); 2. Rion Bak,@r (Y am); 3. Man Hami lton (Yam). 25 0 C: I. H ike Woolfo rd (Suz); 2. Dwayne Marks (Yam): 3. Christian Tramel (Yam) ; .... Ca rl Dru mmon d (Y am); S. Aaron HarTis (Hon ). 25 0 0 : I. Mikey Webb (Kaw); 2. t(@ith Gay (Hon ); 3. Chad GAy (Hon ). SC HBY (11. 15), I. Cole Boutwell (Hon) ; 2. Blane Ma.on (Kaw) ; J. Trny Ramen (Hon ); 4.»cob "'""""'" (Y om); 5. Cole Che""" (Yom YTH ( 16.19), I. ). Rion Baker (Y am); 2. Man Ham ilton (Y am); 3. Jeremy Thomas (Hon) : .... Jord an Peeples (Y am); 5. Chase- Revell (Y . )0 + : I. Gau Santuc ci (Han) ; 2. Stephen am) Kirktand (Y am); 3. Joh n Asbe ll (!<.aw); .... Mike Har e (Kaw) . 40+ : I. Rhett Pee l (Yam); 2. Dwayne Mark s (Ya.m): 3. Be n Faust (KTM). HBB Y: I. Rob W robel (!<.aw) ; 2. Craig Quattrin (Hon): 3. R,ob@" Ray (Suz). I:] YESI Start my ~uhsc ription Immed tate ly to Cycle News. 1 ¥eM I 50 issues fo r $45.00. 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