Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(KTM); 4. Ryan Mu'J'hy (KTM); S. Eric Mendoza j'. (Kaw) . 80 BEG: I. Ray Kurtilla (Hon) ; 2. Cody Bennett (Y ); J . am Anthony Nava (Y am); -t. Richie f letcher (Hon): S. Daniel Nava (Hon). 80 NO V: I. Santiago Betancourt (Yam); 2. Bn.n don Reyna (Yam); 3. Chris Arroyo (Y ): ty Holland (Hon ): 2. Billy Jurevkh (Ha n): 3. De nnis Stap leton (Ha n); of Jeff re y Pe stana (Ha n); S. Matt Ga ine s (Ha n) . . 4- ST RK 90 -150 : I. Dan iel N ava (Yam); 2. Cody Bennett (Y m); J. No rt e Larsen (Yam) ; of A J. Jo nes (Suz); 5. J.J. a . NoI"", (Hen ). WMN : J. lucy F...... (Hen); 2. jaclde Uttte (Yam); 1. Jolita Nava (Han ); 4. Amanda Asc:arrunz (Yam 5. ); Amanda Kutche ra (Yam). SCHBY (0- 17): I . Max Scolari (Hen) ; 2. Robb;e Fnmdonl (Hen) ; J . Jame< vetascc (Yam); 4. Frankie Flores (Hon); 5. Lance Richotte Jr. (Yam). OPEN (17 +): I. Rusty Ho lland (Hon ); 2. Billy Jure vich (Ha n); J. 0eMis Stapleton (Hon ); ... N ick Markert (Yam): 5. Kris Triest (Y am). 30+ BEG: I. Jose Garda (Hon ); 2. Robe rt Callahan (Yam 1. Anthon y Baschultl (Yam); 4. Mike Adams (Ha n); 5. ); J ames Smfth(Hon) . 30+ NOV: I. Lance Richone (Yam); 2. Ste ve n Barc he tt i (Yam); 1. Brand on Capdepo n (Kaw) ; ... Steve Martin (Hon); 5. KevinO 'Connor (Hon) . 30+ (NT: I. Jody Gauttney (Y am); 2. Alan Wilson (Hon ). 30 + PRO: I. Hank Arm e ndari z (Ha n). 40+ BEG : I. Brad And e rson (Kaw); 2. Steve Dover (Hon) ; J . Michaef Siebenhaef" (Yam ... ); Mike Kutchera (Hon) ; 5. Dan Franscion l (Hon) . 40+ N OV: I. Troy Myers (Hon ); 2. Leroy Perry (Hon ); J. Gino Scolari (Hon ); ... Kazl Marc he wka (Hon) ; 5. Mark Mansfie ld (Suz). 40+ INT: I. Gary Rabe (Hus); 2. Paul Armada (Y am); 3. BiR Carnes (Ha n); 4. Tom Co nklin (Ha n); 5. Randy Piepkorn (Suz ). X R OUTLAW ST K: I. Mike little (Ha n) . X R OU T LAW MOD : I . Steve Lovazur ro (H a n). XR OUTlAW (9- 11): I. Anthon y Neva (Hon). 60 DFC: I. Troy Graffunder (KTM) . 80 DFC: I. Santiago Betancourt (Yam). B/BK D FC: I. Rusty HoH.oo (Hen). Dragoon Creek MX Track Unruh, Hegwald Crack It Open at Easter Race By DAWN Sill LYNDON, KS, APR. 11 E aste r Sunday at Dragoon Creek might have started off a little chilly, but the re was lots of red-hot racing! In the Pee Wee (4-6) class, Braxton Unruh took t he lead in both mota s and he ld t hose leads to th e finis h each time out. Though his fellow KT M riders Cag e Frazier and Austin Becker were on the gas th e who le time. they we re unab le to catch the leade r. In the 8Scc Beginner class, Suzuki rider Kyle Bardall too k the lead in the fim mota, but he was unable to re pe at th e (eat in th e seco nd mota. Honda ride r Ch ris Hegwald stayed on Bardall's tail the first moto, and in moto two he mad e a hard ch arge to the fro nt a nd did w hatever it too k to sta y th ere un til th at c he ck e r e d flag dropped, which w as go o d m ec hanics ' corne r but was a ble t o kee p it upright and keep charging after Emmert . The y both raced hard , w ith Emmert ta king the w in the first mota and Wo rkman taking the win in t he se cond mo ta, which gave t he latter th e overall win. Kawasaki jockey Jon Pierce charged hard to stay right in there with the two front ru nners and placed third. During interm ission, an Easte r egg hunt was he ld, and kids ranging fro m four mo nths old to 45 years old went all out hunt ing (or eggs and candy. A fun time was had by all. R ESUL TS SO (4 -6 ): I. Brax to n Unru h (KTM); 2. Cage Fra zie r (KTM) ; 3. Austin Becke r (KTM); ... Gunnar Hom (Suz). SO (7 -B): I. jo rdan Berldon Beam ( KTM); 2. Dawson Fark as (Co b); 3. Matt he w Baile y (Co b); 4. Tyler Plunkett (Cob) . 50 STK (4-6): I. B..ooon Beam ( KTM); 2. Matthew Bailey (Cob); 3. Josh We tzef (Cob) ; ... Sommer Gangaway ( KT M) . 50 S T K (4 - 8): I. Rla n Sm ittle ; 2. Andre w Davido vich Jr. 50 STK (7- 8): I. Dawson Far1

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