Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cal Coast Motorsports Saturday Series MX Round 3: z District 11 Motocross ~ w '-5 Evans, Sunday Creek Raceway ~ Willard ~ Goes Wild at ~ the Creek Gee Whiz to 1-5 Winsl m c, By RUPERT X. By CHUCK PElLE" DOLLISON GORMAN, CA, APR. 10 MILFIELD, OH, APR. 10 t was another perfect day fo r motoc ro ss in V TM-supported Michael Willard, one of the Southern California as racers gathered at 1-5 I'hott est young Amate ur riders in the nation, MX for round three of the Cal Coast Motorstormed into this southeastern Ohio facility and sports Saturday Series, T his serie s is the first to re up the lon g and windy circuit, as a few hu ndred riders tur ne d out for a wonderful one run by the new management at th e revamped 1 track, and the racers weren't dis-5 spring event held under sunny sk ies and in appointed . They found that the new track laybalmy temperatures. out and the several tons of sand that have been Tho rnvill , O hio's Willard, who usually just e mixed into the hard-packed Gorman soil made rides his tr usty KTM 12S SX, bust ed out a for ideal track conditions. 2S0cc machine on this day and calmly churned In the first 12Scc Beginne r mo ta , series out t hree class victories, tak ing the 125cc 8 , leader Brian Evans put his Honda in front at the 2S0cc B an d 16-24 classes . T he on ly rea l excitement for Willard came in the first 16-24 start, followed by Tyler Ruiz, Wes Pierce and Garret Brown, Rulz made the pass for the lead race , where his older brother Andy decided to challenge his younger sibling for the lead. After on lap one , and Brown took third from Pierce a minor clash, Andy was forced off the track, on lap two. With t he lead group all ru nning and Michaelchurned ahead for the win, together, Evans took the lead from Ruiz at the midway point, and Pierce was up to third, with In Vet-class act io n, it was all about Josh " H ippie" Doh n. The crafty Vet rider from Brown nowhe re to be seen . Evans and Ruiz finished one-tw o , with Marc Shear moving up to Johnstown was havingall kinds of fun battling the fast STF-backed Brian Gonser. Dohn cam e out the winner in the O ve r 2S and O ver 30 A classes , with Gonser tucked closely behind In f!\(ery moto . The Money classes belonged to Zane sville's Mikey Campbell, as the former AHA motocross nationals contender returned to his roots to try his hand at some local racing and was very successfu l. Th e Campbell's Market- sponsor ed Yamaha pilot was a ll ov er t he 12Scc and 250cc Pro classes, easily besting the field and w inning thr ee of the four motos . Michiga n's Nat han Ciszewski was checking out the circuit for an upcoming Loretta Lyn n' s AMA Amateur youth regional contest, and the fast young Mini star snatched up a couple of Mini-class overalls, be at ing local fast kid Ryan Bobby Langin was the 250« Novice Brumfield in thr ee-quarte rs of w inner at round three of the Cal Coast their motes. I Alex Sig ismo ndi (149) leads Donnie Buchter (141) in the first Schoolboy moto at the Broome-Tioga seaso n opener in Binghamton, New York. Collegeboy podiums, respectively, and both did it wi t h perfect I -I scores . Sigismond i did it tw ice mo re, in the 125cc Amateur and Open Amateur classes . again going I- I in both. That made Sigismondi six (o r six fo r the day. Donn ie Buchter ap pea re d to ha ve t he ho lesho t in the first Schoolbo y moto, but he w e nt wide, allowing Sunny Dra ke to ta ke the inside line and score the holes ho t . When the leaders emerged from the front rhythm section, the top five w ere Bucht e r. Ryan Nye . Sigismondi, Mike Case and Drake. Sigismondi m ade his w ay into th e point position a t urn away (rom the start of lap thre e. Buchter was relegated to second. From there o n, it was all Sigismond i: He cro ssed the finish line with an I I-second advantage. Buchter, Case, Nye and Joey Keef round ed out the top five. Nye led th e start of th e final mo ta, w ith Marshall Hurd, Chris Cheney and Case in tow. After the rhythm sec tion, Nye rem ained out front. C hen ey mo ve d u p to secon d, w ith Sigismond i close be hind in t hird . Case and Co rey Shipos followed . Sigismondi worked his way to the front , taking the lead near the end of lap two . Nye wa s relegate d to second . Sigismo ndi just cru ised to the finish wit h a whopping 13-second lead. Nye, Case , Cheney and Shipos rounded out the top five. Sigismondi sat a top the podium with a I- I tally. Nye (4-2) took runner-u p, and Case (3-3) rounded out the podium. Honda thumper pilot Dan Zabrowskl led the start of the first Collegeboy moto, with Dave Grove r, Miller and Jay Niedzialkowski trai ling. Grover wo r ked his way around Zabrowski and took the lead after on ly a quarter-lap . Miller passed Zabrowskl next, in the tree turns. Miller then set out after Grover and made the pass for the lead on the following lap. Miller cruised to the first-mota win with a nine -second advantage. Grover, Za browski, Jesse Festenstine and Justin Hicks rounded out the to p five. Grover led the start of the final mota , with Miller Festenstine, Jim Ayres and Jacob Cope in , tow. Grover and Miller battled for the first two laps while the rest of the 26-rider field quickly spread out. Miller was biding his time and scoping out the best line to pass Grover. Near the end of lap two , Miller passed Grove r, but 96 Grover came right back, and it too k Miller until the last lap to make the pass for the lead stick. Miller took the chec kers with a three-second lead, with Grover, Ayres , Niedzialkows ki and Cope trailing. Miller topped the podium with a perfect I- I score . Grover's consistent 2·2 rides netted him runner-up , and Ayres (7-3) ro unded out t he podium. RESULTS 51 OP EN P/W (4 -8): I. Michael Von Krusze (KTM); 2. Just in Husho n (KT H ); 3. Bet ha ny RuM (Cob) : 1. Jo sh ua Backus (KTM); 5. Reece Eddy (KTM). 5 1 OPEN P/W SR (1.8) : I. Zachary Putman (KTM); 2. Cody Manion (KTM); 3. Aust in Little r (Kaw) ; 1. Keith Mulvaney (KTM); 5. Da nie l New (KTM). 51 S HAFT (4.6) : I. Anthony Barker (Yam); 2. Oy lan Seymour (Yam): 3. Dayna Robinson (Yam): .. . Scott Stra tton Jr. (Yam); 5. Ryan Burts (Yam). 65 (7-9) : I. Andrew Brist o l (Kaw) ; 2. Bra ndo n Scha chtle r (KTM): 3. H unt e r Yorker (KTM) ; 1 . Ricky Be ne sky (KTM); S. AJ . Krueger (Kaw). 65 (10 011): I. Kyle Bitterman (KTH ); 2. Zac hary Ro:aw): 3. Ryan Fnnci. (KTM); • . Harrison Kay (KTM): 5. Chaa Clingerman (SUI). 85 (7 . 1 1): I. William Ble ich (Yam); 2. Anthony Pet-egrin Jr. (SuI ); 3. Andrew Bristol (Hon); 1. James Doolittle (Su z): S. Kyle Bitterman (Su z ). 8 5 (12 · 15); I. John Berek (Kaw): 2. Colton Ham.on (Kaw): 3. Samuel Jones (Kaw ); 1. Joe y Keefe (Suz ): 5. Je sse Kuzbyt (Suz). OPEN MINI (10 015): I. Colton Harrison (! Mone (Yam); 2. Sevelon Tunnidirr (Yam); 3. john French (Kaw); -4 Gle nn . Slick (Han): 5. Pe t e Ho ust on (Kaw) . 115 AM : I. Alex Sigism o nd l (Kaw) ; 2. Walter Za b rowskl (Yam) : 3. Je sse Pest en stine (Suz); 1 . Ryan Nye (Yam); S. Chris Cheney (Hon) . 125 EX : I. Sonny Nighma.n (Kaw); 2. Caleb H ille r (Yam ); 3. T h o m as Addy (Han) ; 1. H att Eastma n (Ha n); 5. Just in Murra y (Hon) . 250 OPEN NOV: I. Josh Mone (Yam): 2. Michae l Tyrrell (KTM): 3. Corey Nickeson (Yam); 1. Da vid Kowell (KTM) : 5. Jason H ika (Han). OPEN AM : I . Alex Sigismond i (Kaw): 2. Dave Grover (Hon) : 3. Jim Ayres (Han): 1. Dan Zabrowski (Yam): S. Nick JoIvuon (Yam). OPEN EX: I. Matt Eastman (Hon) ; 2. Sonny N ighma n (Kaw); 3. Sca n Rockwell (Han): 4. Justin Humy (Han); S. Thomas Addy (Han) . SCH BY: I. Alex Sigismondl (Han); 2. Ryan Nye (Yam); 3. Mike Case (Kaw); 1. C hris C heney (Hon); S. R.J. Reynolds (Hon) . CLGBY: I. Jimmy Mille r (Yam); 2. Dave Grove r (Hon) : 3. Jim Ayres (Hon) : 1. Jesse Festenstine (Suz ); 5. Jaco b Cope (Han). 25 + AM: I. Mike Williams (Han): 2. Chris Pepe (Yam); 3. Michael Myers (Suz); 1. Rich Maclean (Yam): S. Chris De leo (Kaw). 25 + EX : I . Scott Rockwell (Han); 2. Darryl Smith (Kaw); 3. Don O'Herte n (Han); 1. Tim Hen ry (Ha n); S. Jo hn Nelson (Han). ]0 + NOV: I. Du a ne Smith (KT M); 2. Matt Wa mbold (Han); 3. Pete Bellezza (Ha n): 1. Jeffrey Johnso n (Yam); S. Thad Rube ns (Han) . 30 + AM: I. Ron Nye (Han) ; 2. Ch ris Deleo (Kaw) ; 3. Mich ae l Mye rs (Suz); 4 . Paul Helf ert (Ya m); 5. Jame s Duckworth (Hon) . ]0 + EX: I. Darryl Smith (Kaw); 2. Mike Mur ray (Han) ; 3. Don O'H erten (Hon ): 1. Gene N ighman (Kaw); 5. TIm Hen ry (Hon) . 40 + AM: l. Brian Broadwell (Suz); 2. Pete r Rosch (Suz); 3. Steve Detelys(KTM); 1. Wade Sprou se (Han) : 5. Jeffrey Martin (Hon) . 10+ EX: I. Mike Murray (Hon ): 2. Gene Nighman (Kaw); 3. Tom Hurd (Suz): • . Joe D,bel" (Hon ): s. Jeff Cheney (Hon) . MAY 12, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Moto rsports Saturday Ser ies at 1 MX. -5 RESULTS 5 0 (4-6): I, Stephen Gretch ten (KTM): 2. Robe" Vall (Pol) : 3.) . <00 Ed'"", (KTM). so (4- 8); I . Dylan Cook (KTM): 2. Sean0.-_ (Cob ): 3. Mud"", PMk (KTM). SO (7.8) , I. Corey Neely (Cob) : 2. D;Md P>ca rillo (Cob) : 3. Co rey Thompson (Cob) . 65 (7 09) : I. Co lin Thomas (KTM) : 2. Ryan Pe rkins (KT M); 3. Cory Ne e ly (KTM) . 6 5 ( 10011) : I. Aust in Coo n (KT H); 2. Dan ie l Heme; n (KTM): 3. Juon McCo~eil (KTM). 85 (7 .1 1), I. Jarr e tt Pe sci (KTM); 2. Da nie l Herrlein (KTM): 3. Jaso n McConnel l (Yam) 8S ( 12.15): I , Nathan Oszewski (Kaw): . 2. Ryan 8""" r~1d (Hon ): 3. Jimmy King (Kaw). SIMINI ; I. Natha n Ciszewski (Kaw); 2. Ryan Brumfie ld (Suz): 3. Jesse Russell (Suz). 125 A: I. Mikey Campbell (Yam); 2. Philip Harris (Yam); 3. De rek Sturgell (Yam). 125 B: I . Michael Willard (KTM); 2. Kyle Smith (Suz); 1. Matt Pritchard (Y . am) 250 A: I. Mikey Campbell (Yam): 2. Andy W illard (KTM); 3. David Whitcraft (Yam). 250 B: I, Michael W illard (KTM 2. ); Kyle Smith (Suz); 3. Matt Pritchard (Yam). 16· 24: I. Michael Willard (KTM); 2. David Wh itcraft (Yam): 3. Justin Ketterman (KTH) . 25 + A: I . Josh Dohn (Hon) ; 2. Brian Gons er (Hon) ; 3. Scott Marenbe rg (Hon) . 25+ B: I. Man Powers (Yam); 2. David Rose (Hon) ; 3. Marc Strollings (Hon) . 30 + A: L Jo sh Dohn (Hon ); 2. Brian Gonser (Han ); 3. Matt Powers (Y am). 40+: I. Edmund Moore (Hon ); 2. N ick Oxley (Yam); 3. Rick 5turtvant (Yam). 40th Anniversary third. Pierce finished fou rth, and Lance Coury moved up from a midpack start to take fifth. Moto two began the same way for Evans: in the lead. This time he would hold it until the end , but the racing beh ind him was exciting. Colin Flaherty started in second, followed by Pierce and Ruiz. On lap three, Pie rce went down at the base of the step- up. Flaherty and Ruiz battled for second , with Ruiz eventually making the pass stick. While all this was going on, Trevor Sauve was slowly moving up from outside the top five; he would pass everyo ne but Evans to finish seco nd for the mota and third overall. Ruiz's third in mota two earned him second overall. As they lined up for the first 125cc Novice mota, it was obvious that t he fou r-st ro ke

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