Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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z :E (RME C) : I. Floyd Stretc h (KTH): 2 . Jeff Mark ewicz (KTM); l . Steve Lanoue (KTM). O IA C: I. Ovis C rump (-4- TRK) S :,:; (Yam). O/A AGE: I. Gary Singleton (MST R) (KTM). O PEN ..J c : I. Bobby Sta r k II (Yam): 2. [aren Tate (KTM); J . Sean ..J Freeman (Hen); -4 Dustin Shelhamer (KTH); S. Billy Wilson . Ci.'.i (KTM) . 20 0 C : I . Tyler Pulliam (yam) ; 2. Bran don lay ~ (KTM): J. Sco tt Balbm (Kaw ): 4 . Gary C. Smith (KTM): 5. o Brod y Kunz (Kaw). 25 0 C: I. Blake S. Ross (Yam); 2. Co ry Robertson ( Han): J . Johnny A. Sm ith (Yam) ; 4 . David :I: Boonst ra (Yam); S. Brando n Stark (H a n). 4 -ST RK C: I. Q.. C h r is Cru mp (Ya m) : 2. Joh n Po ol (Sua): J . La wren c e Hartman (Ha n); -4 C hri s Po llar d (Yam); S. Aaron Nich o ls . ody (Yam). VET 3 0 C (RMEq : I. Seen Arnold (Kaw); 2. J Rose (Kaw); J. Dusty Tippen (KTM); .... Alex Morgan (Yam); S. Scott Fowl e r (KTM). MST R: I. Garry Singlet on (KTM); 2. Ray Don Lea therwood (Yam): J. Jock Henry (KTM): • . Randal Fo~ (KTM). SR C: I . Bobby Pulliam (KTM); 2. Jame s C. White (Hon) ; J . Kenneth Smith ; -4 Rene Waters (KTM): 5. . George Getchell (Yam). S/S R C: I. Don Stevens (Yam); 2. William Pearson (Yam ); J . Den nis Ray (Yam): 4. Bill Kamin (H o n ); S. Harold W ilso n (KTM) . 5 /V ET C : I . Vernon Markworth (Ho n) : 2. Broo ks Blair (KTM); l . Kenny One (KTM); -4 Fran k Olson (Yam); S. Jim Rohn (KTM). VET C . 55 +: I. Bob Arnett (KTM); 2. Gary We bb (Hon ): J . David Burgen (Suz); "t. Harle y Huggins (KTM); S. Steve Riff (Yam). e WMN C: I. Minnie Singleton (KTM); 2. Tina Arno ld (Y am) : l . Misty McC oo l (KTM) ; 4 . Kim be rly Van Duyn (Kaw ); S. Jen nifer We bb (Suz). S PTS M N : I. Scott Gra y (Yam ): 2. Terry Smith (KTM); J . Gr eg Gibson (KTM); 4 . David Van Du yn (KTM). 0- 16 8!W: I. Ryan Le marr (Yam); 2. Ryan Mai nka (Yam); J . Jared Kuke r (Han ); 4. Na t han C rowder (Su, ): S. Lance Mu.-phy (KTM). 0- 16 SMiw. I. I", Blythe . (Kaw ); 2. Cody Schafer (Han); 3. Joshua Dailey (Kaw) ; -4 Ma tt hew Schl ottman (Han) ; S. Lan e C o n awa y (Hon) . 51S HO RT (RMEC) : I. Cameron Hamer, 2. Tyler Te ter ; J. Nathan Teter; -4 Kim Stalper, S. Jos h Putrl3m . . b Ron 5chmellde was th e overall victor at the Lone Sta r Enduro in Kalgary, Texas. Rocky Mountain End uro Circuit T exas State Championship Enduro Circuit, High Plains Division T exas State Championship Enduro Circuit, Championship Division Rounds 3/3/4: Lone Star Enduro taking th ird place. Kevi n Munro claimed fourt h on a Honda, followed by Moore . Hilkey t o o k t he ho lesho t in t he seco nd mote , in fro nt of Moore , but Akaydin held the lead at the e nd of the first lap. Koontz took the lead o n the nex t lap fo r the w in, and the to p five we re the same as in the first mota. Jaso n Web b had a great day, laking all four mot o wins in t he O ve r 25 B and Over 30 B cla sse s on a Ch o ice Mor tgage Ho nd a. Sean Robertson finishe d second to Web b in both O ve r 30 B mo tos on a Razor Pow e rspo rt s Yamaha. with Suzuki rider David Williams (S-3) claiming third. Harold Stalker finished fourth in bo th matos, and Honda ride r Ahmet Akaydin (3-7) sco red fifth place. Ro berts on (3-2) claime d second in the O ve r Midway Motorsports Park Carrier's Schmelzle Lassoes the Lone Star Assault By BILL KAMIN KALGARY, TX, APR. 4 A five-month layoll didn't faze Ron Schmelzle /""'\as he rounde d up the ove rall in the Lubbock Trail Riders final endu ro at the 14,OOO-acre Glass Ranch. After earning a silver med al at the ISD E in Braz il last fall, Schme lzle took some time off. " I w as surprised t o do 50 we ll , because I rode really cautio usly, just ho ping to crack the top 10, " said Sch me lzle . " I lo ved the crappy conditions; they reminded me of Eur ope. The D ure lle su sp e n sio n o n m y Colorado Powersport s YZ-250 was awe some, and m y Shift gea r kept me dry. I just w ish I had a goggle spo nsor, beca use I rod e w ithou t goggles for the last 40 miles." Fe llow RMEC M ride r Dave Ne umei ster nailed down second. only two mi nutes behind Schm elzle. Last year 's event w inner, M ichael Wilso n, was third and captu re d the TSCEC's ove ra ll points. T h is w as a fa r c r y fr o m la s t yea r ' s debilitat ing dust. Th e ra in incre ase d steadi ly, and the cours e evolved from sand to clay, which be ca me an ice-l ike mud . At the finish, th ose w ho had mastered the final 20 miles of greasy single-track came out on top . Typica l for a Texas eve nt, rid ers' scores were seconds apart in most secti ons, and the tie bre akers told t he tale. Near ly eve ry part of th e cours e was fast except fo r one 7-mile split. A(te r 46 miles, B and C ride rs rest ed at a res et, while the A riders we re trea ted to a fare well to ur o f the infamo us "Rambo" section - just yo ur ave rage knee- ba nging , bar -wre nchi ng , wheel-be nding tra il guaranteed to bring te ars even to Stallone's eyes. Th ree str ipes down the tra il made it clear how most riders chose to handle the final snot covered miles of bot h the short and long loops. Those ta king a too -aggressive ap proa ch we re scatte re d among t he cacti. Afte r th e known co ntrol C finish. A and B ride rs had th ree more to ugh tie-breaker sections. Schm e lzle was th e only rider to card a zero anywhe re on the long co urse . T he tru e difficulty o f the co ndit io ns shows up in the chec k-by-chec k sco res. While B and C riders typically lost around IS po ints in t he Iirst 5B.3 -m ile loop, mos t B rid ers los t another 40 points in the 20-m ile second loo p. Co mpeti t ion chairma n Mike Collin s (alias the "Trail Nazi"), She lby Saunders and L R club T president We nde ll Richard so n pulled toge the r t he t rail syst em for t he ma in e ve nt and for Satu rday's mini-end uro . Keith Hart of Faith Foto s do nat e d a fre e picture to all t he Mini ride rs. Checks we re we ll-supplied with smiling faces , fre sh fru it, Gatorad e and lo ts of bo tt led wa te r. TSCEC preside nt Scott Frost and vee p David Stuart scurrie d abo ut , t a king care of details and making everyo ne (eel app reciated. A race that leaves a smile on your face is a great way to draw the curta in on a pie ce of histo ry. Sen ior A ride r David Klein summa rized the fee ling of most co mpetitors : "I had a blast, and it was a fun ride." Se nio r B Dave Sm o lja n ec hoed th at experience: "Two days late r, I was still smiling whenever I thought abo ut the race . It was just plain fun!" RESULTS O/k Ron Schmelz le (M) (Y . Ak I. Ron Schmel ,1e am) (Yam); 2. Dave Neumeister [Kaw]: 3. Michael Wilson (Yam); "t. Jos h Wh itaker (KTM); S. Marl< Faulk (KTM). O /A A: Mar k McD on ou gh (KTM). OPEN A: I. Rick H iggins (KTM); 2. Ken Giles (KTM); l . Michae l Mech ler (KTM); -4 Phil Joh nson . (KTM): S. Jo hn Little (KTM). 200 A: I. Gabri el Reo. (KTM): 2. Cal eb Ramsay (Suz): J . Ross Rhode (Kaw); -4 Levi Klein . ( KT M) ; 5 . Terry Ma xw ell ( KTM ). 1 5 0 A : I. Ma r k McD on o ug h (KT M): 2. Je re m y Henley (Yam) ; 3. Donny Murray (Ho n); 4. lee Upton (Kaw); S. MItch Elson (Kaw) . V ET A (RMEC): I. Je rem y Hen le y (Yam): 2. Sco t Bagwin (Suz ): J . G re g t-tace (KTM); 4. Wayne Int e r m ilt (Yam) . 4 ·STRK A: I. Eric Mobet'g (KTM); 2. Jos h Aumille r (Hon ); l . Scott Stre tch (Hon) : -4 Jeff Port e r (KTH) ; S. Gordon Gabert . (KTM). S R A: I. Eric Nehe r (SuI ); 2. Mark Buckhol z (Yam): 3. John Btythe (Y : -4 Aaron Tumer (Yam); 5. H ark Atkins am) . (Yam). O/A B: R;cky Lambe rt (200 ) (KTM). OPEN B, I. Lance King (KTM); 2. Matt Spencer (Hon) : l . David Schadle (KTM); 4. Jeff Mec hle r (KTM): S. Bob Stapp (Kaw). 200 8 : I. Ricky Lambert (KTM); 2. Tyler Anderson (KTM); J. Kelton . Miller (Kaw ); -4 Jason Eckert (KTM); S. Mark Williams. 2 50 8 : I. Kyle Corbel (KTM): 2. Kyle Wh itaker (KTM); J . Brad tt May (Han) : -4. SCO May (Yam) : S. Jaso n H ell e r (Han) . 4 ·ST RK 8 : I . Je ff Va n Matre (Han): 2. Danie l De Vito . (KTH); 3. Bill Roe (Hon ): -4 Tom my Potts (Hon); S. Dennis J Hamann (Hon) . VET 8 (RMEC) : I. Kyle Wh itaker (KTM); 2. Bill Marsh (KTM); J. Gary Cogswell (KTM); -4 Bill Porch . (Yam) ; S. Scott Guthman n (KTM). SR 8 : I. Barry Schafer (Hen ): 2. Wayne B.-annon (Hon) : J. Smol jan (Hon ); • . """""'J""'" (Hen) : S. Bobby Pennell (Yam). S/S R B LONG D."" fSlIJ!.!r:~,!:arl MITCHELL, IN, APR. 4 Two hund re d eight rider s braved cold and I windy cond itions for Midway Motors ports' first race of the seaso n in Mitchell, Indiana. F&S Suzuki conti nge ncies we re up for gra bs, but MSR/C ycle Shed - back ed KTM ride r Rod ney Car rier dom inat e d the event, leading almost every lap of the 250cc A. Ove r 25 A and Ov e r 30 A classes . Carrier nailed the ho lesh ot in both 2S0cc A metes . in fr on t o f Th or/ Bloom ington Powersport s Suzuki jock ey Ryan Koon tz and Sus pe nsion Wo rks/S&S Powers po r ts Hon d a rider Michael Akaydin . Koo ntz an d Akayd in fought hard for second place for nearly two laps in the first mot o, with Akaydin taking sec ond, just beh ind Ca rrier. Akaydin the n pr essu red Carrier (or the lead and took the top spot on th e last lap for t he w in. Carrier held on t o se con d , wi t h Koo ntz finishing a clo se th ird. C lin t Moo re cla im ed fo u r th on a Lids by Fid/ O ff-Road G roup Kawasaki, fo llo w ed by Yamaha-mounted Mitche ll Corb in. Ca rri e r went w ire to wir e in th e se con d mota (or th e w in and the ove ra ll, in front of Akayd in. Koon t z finish e d t hird agai n , a nd Corbin Edged o ut Moo re fo r fourt h place and fou rth overa ll. Ca rr ier nailed th e holeshot fo r the w in in both Ove r 25 A motos. Moore finished second in bo th mo tes. in fro nt o f Ho nd a- mou nt e d Matth ew Burrell and Off-Road Gr oup TM ride r Matt Fox. Moor e took the holeshot in the first O ve r 30 A mot a , but Car rier too k the lead near the end of t he first lap an d held it (o r th e w in . Carrier too k the holeshot in the second mota (or t he win, with Moo re finishing second in bot h mot os again. Burrell finished third in both motes, in (ra nt of Ho nda rider Ted Fischer and Bobby Hall, on a Hill's 4X4 Yamaha. Ko o ntz and Akaydi n battl ed agai n in t he 125cc A class. Akaydin took the holesh ot in the first moto. Koontz pre ssured Akaydin for tw o laps be fore laking the to p spo t. Akaydin finished a close second, with Honda rider Tony Hilkey Rodney Carrier is an his way to one of five moto wins at the first race of the season at Midway Motorsports Pa rk . 2S B class, in from of Brian Mumm ert (5-3), on an Actio n Mot o rspo rt s Hon da . Mark Snapp (6. 4) cl a imed fo ur t h pl a ce on a VP Fu e ls Y amaha, followed by Darrin Chapman, also on a Y amaha. RfSULTS SH IFTE R: I. Brady Parr ish (Han ); 2. Hunte r Wamer (Hon). 50 Oll-IN j (4-8): I. Trey Ferri ll (KTM); 2. Chase Web b (KTM); 3. G arre tt Ho st et le r (Yam). 50 (4·6): I. Robert Vall (Po l); 2. Stephen Gr etche n (KTH); J . Matt hew J Ande.-.on (KTM). 50 (7 .8): I. Kade ChuUin (Pol): 2. T. . Cooper- (C ob) : J. R.J. Barrow (KTM): • . Alex Morion (Cob); S. James Hensle y (KTM). 60 (1 .11 ): I. Colton Chapman (KTM); 2. jos h Bixler (KTM); J . Br.>ndon Lytle (KTM): • . Bo Ceeoee (KTM): S. Michael McCanhy (S