won , besting the grea t off-roader Cunningham,
wh ile Massie stormed his way int o two class
with Vince Loyola placing third.
wins aboard his Kawasak i 2s 0cc four-stroke,
t aking the victories in the 12scc B Modified
~ class and the vert conges ted Four-Stroke class
51 O IL-IN J/SHAFT: I. Alec Lope z (Yam); 2 . Tren ton
'"" as we ll. Wh ile Willard didn't always get great
HMrington (y",,); 1. Luke Mason (y",,). 5 1 (~) , I. Stephen
~ starts and had to work his way up through the
G re tc hen ( KTH ); 2. Tr e nt o n Upshaw (Po l); 3 . Tre n t in
pack, Massie had the starts d iale d in and was
Herringt on (Cob). 51 (7.8): I. Da rr e n W alsh (KTH); 2.
MItchell l o ve.lI (Cob); 3. Je rem y Wendelher (Pol). 65 STK
~ extre mely fast from the gate to the checke rs.
(7-9): I. Cohn 'Thomas (KTH); 2. luke Renzland (Kaw); l .
Th e Pro Sport races we re a ll about fast
C harles Beam er (KTM). 65 MOO (7.1 1): I. Justin Barcia
lo c a ls Natha n Skaggs a n d veteran St e ve
(K1l'1); 2. w.Jk", Brightwel (Suz); 1. B.-andon Seibold (Suz).
6 5 MOO (I 0 . 1 1 ~
. I. Justi n Bar ci a (KT M); 2. Wa lke r
Richards. Skaggs t ore off w ith the 125cc Pro
Brigh ll (Suz); 1.
Mihoci (K1l'1). 85 STK (7-11)' I.
Sport class, but Richards spanked the field in
J",tin Ilarda (K'rM); 2.
ker BriBhtwel (Suz); 1. RDbby H""
the 2SOS, as Skaggs struggled with his borrowed
). 8S MOO (7· 11): I. Justin Barci a (KTH); 2. Walker
. twell (Suz); 1. F",,1de Leteert (Suz). as sTK ( 12-l l)'
Honda and had to settle for second on the day.
I. _
PIlkington (Suz); 2. Chris Williams (Kaw) ; 3. Kyte
Cadi Adams was impressive all weekend
Buriile (Suz). 8S MOD (14. 15): I. Phil Nicole tti CHon); 2.
long aboard his Vamahas, but he had to take a
MMk Un (Kaw); 2. K,oIe Wolfe (y",,); l .
Schoolboy divisions.
Kyfe Jam iel (YMT1). 115 C MOO: I. Justin Fishe r (Hon); 2.
One o f the fast e st yo u ng men on t he
At Barber Motorsports Park, Mark Nadelkov took the WKR Yamaha 7S0 to
Nathan Edwards (Hon) ; 3. AJIen Mcdure (Kaw). 115 PRO
weekend w as New York's justin Barcia, wh o
SPT, I. Nu t"" SJw (y",,).
Me rriam ~ on) ; 5. Michae l Sick (Kaw) . 125 EX ; I. Bear
just as golf ball-sized hail started to fali. There
H ughson am). OPEN BEG: I. Jacob ~y1an; 2. Je ff Sctvnitt
was an "e arly intermission " and a ra in de lay
(Kaw); 3. an Young (Hon) ; 4. Steve Franceschell; S. Michael
Loretto Lynn's Qualifier
Giltner (Suz). OPEN NOV; I. BillCady (KTH ); 2. Jeff Frasier
w hile the ra in cam e d o w n fo r abo ut 10
Fast Traxx Motosports Park
(Yam) 3. Ge rard Abbatte (Han). OPEN AM : I. Erik Salmela
minutes . Luckily, the rain move d on , and the
(Hon); 2. Dave Terwi llige r; 3. Bre tt Barney (Yam); 4. C yfe
~lIison; 5. Richard Merriam (Hon). OPEN EX : I. Jeremy
sun came out. Due to the track's incr e dible
Tiffany (Yam); 2. Jason Orr (Hon) ; 3. Bear H ughso n (Yam)
slop es, the water drai ned right off, and , with
SCHBY ( 12 . 15 ) : I. Matthe w G uilro il (H o n); 2. Ro bb ie
Merri lls (Hon). CLGB Y: I. Don TraxJer (Yam); 1. Dan Young
the sun beaming down , it Wi!S back to business,
locals put on their race faces and went to work.
(Ho n); 3. Bre t loomis (Suz); 4 . Joh n Bapt iste (KTM). 15 +
as riders let it all hang out for their sho t at a
AM : I. Jason Vanbenschoten (Hon) ; 2. larod Bierly (Kaw); 3.
In t he hotly co ntested Am ate ur
Ed Schmitt (Y
am). 25 + EX: I./e re my T"tffany (Yam); 2. Jason
NEL50NVIW, OH, APR. 17-18
free tire, complime nts of Dunlop Tires.
Intermed iate classes, it was all abo ut Buckeyes
O rr (Hon) . vEt ]0 + NOV: • Bill Cady (KTM); 2. Francis
hio . base d motocross racers an xio usly
Don Traxle r showed the crowd his stu ff,
Corso (Yam); 3. Gerard Abbatte (Hon): 4. John Mosko (Hon);
Michael Willard and Pat Massie, as they were up
s. Tim ~dey (Hon) . VET 30 + AM : I. Brian l)1er (Kaw); i .
await the Lor etta L
ynn's area qualifiers, as
nailing qu ick two·minute-and- 15-second lap
front in many classes all weekend. Willard tore
D avid McNe al (Hon); J. Grego ry Gu ilfo il (Han); 4. Gle nn
times lap after lap en route to winning both 125cc
Fried le r (Kaw); S. Jason Vanbenschoten (Hon). VET ]0 +
they are a competitive bunch and en joy the
up the tree-lined riverside circuit, whisking his
EX: I. Matt Smith; 2. Jason O rr (Hon) . S R 40+ : I. Brian
B motos. The first moto also featured a six-lap
opportUnity to compete for a shot at an invitation
way to the ove rall wins in the 125cc B Stock ,
Broadwell (Suz); 2_ Glenn Fried ler (Kaw); J. Gregory Guilfoil
battle between KXF250-mounted riding buddies
(Hon): • . Ed Xhmitt (y",,).
250cc B Stock and 250cc B Modified classes ,
to Tennessee. So when this race came about , many
Harsh Back in Trim at Barber
Fast Breaks for TiHany
Locals Love Loretta Lynn'sl
106 MAY 12, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS
40th Anniversary