IRO N MAN VINT INT: I. Dave Scourfleld (CZ) ; 2. Benny
IRONMAN VINT EX, I. T1m N"'" (H",); 2.
3. H ike Owens (Yam) IRONMAN GP
NOV: I. Fr e d Bour dats (Hon) ; 2. I .W. Carver ( Ho n) .
IRONMAN GP INT, I. Paul Cbyb;wgh (M"'); 2. RoyGnMo
(Hus) ; 3. Lee Holth (CZ). IRONMAN GP EX : I . A!len
Mdwell (Su,) . GP I NOV, I.
"""fy Nickel (C",,); 2. IW
(CZ) , J. Kem Riff (CZ) .
GP f EX: I. Bill Silverthorn (Hus); 2. Jason Lewis (Hus); 3.
H ike Owens (Yam). GP 2 NOV: I. Dan McEnterfer (Mal); 2.
Done Thaanum (H.); J. J.w.
(Hon). GP 2 INT, I.
Donn Boyd (Suz) ; 2. Doug Reyes (Hon); 3. Tod Grindaux
(Mao); 4. Ed Reyeo (H", );5 . Roy G""" (M"') . GP 2 ex, I. Ed
SuMo (Mao); 2. erne H"", ( H~); J. Scoet Brophy(Mao). GP
1 NOV, I. Fred Bourna>. (Hon); 2. T", UndewoJl (Han); 1.
Ted Undewoll (Mon). GP liNT, I. KerthSleven (Mus 2. Ron
(Mon); 1. Ed Reyeo (Mus); 4. Roge.. Kolm); S. Payton Ne""" (Y~) . 6S (6-8) J'" I. J.D. Ell ott
(KTH) ; 2. Nicholas Winld (KTM); 3. Daven Spears (Suz); 4.
Chad Larsen (Kaw); S. Canyon Goodrich (Kaw). 65 (9-1 1)
JR: 1. Landon Mickelsen (KTM); 2. John Herzog (KTH); 3.
fijley Brough (Kaw); 4. Kenny Doiley (Kaw); S. Casey Powell
(Suz). 65 OPEN, I. Undon Hick...... (KTM), 2. J.D. Ellott
(KTM); 1. R;ieyBrough (Kaw); 4. Kenny OOley (Kaw); 5. ~
Buckmiller (Kaw) . 85 BEG : I. Con rad Edvalson (Suz); 2.
Scott Heyen (Han) ; J. B..oo", Ellswood (Y~): 4. Hid1ael
Whiteman (Yam): S. Derrek Nef (Suz) . 85 (7.11) JR: 1.
Bryant Humiston (Kaw); 2. Kyfe Price (Suz); 3. John Herz og
(Ho n) ; 4. Riley Bro ugh (KTM) ; S. C had Hun t (Suz) . 85
(12-15) JR: I. Chase Hunt (Suz); 2. Chaz Spears (Su,); 1.
Brendan BeaI (Yam); 4. Angeio Tanner (Kaw); S. Kyle Stone
(Suz). 85 INT: I. Rudi W dliams (Yam); 2. Dacoda Soroc huk
(Y~); J. Undon Powell (Suz); 4. Rhett Heuenmith (Hon).
SlHINI: l. Oac_ Somchuk (Y~); 2. Joshua ...".. (M
J. Bryan' Humiston (KTM); 4. Undon Powell (Suz); 5. Rud;
Williams (Yam). 115 BEG: I. Cokon GIlJrlig(Yam); 2. Cody
Cassity (Hon); 3. Be n Trujillio (Yam); 4. N ick Constantin l
(!m); 2.
joshua Flores (Hon); 1. ChrisPowell (Suz), 4. Cameron O lsen
(Hon); 5. Br.Uden (Y~). 125 INT: I. LoganH" on
(Y~); 2. Chad J..-genson (Y~) ; 1. Bryce GabrIelsen (Kaw);
4. Ryan Rkhmls (Hon); S. Dusty ~ (Hon). 125 PRO : I. Davenport (Kaw); 2. Beni W dliams (Stn) ; 3. Kipp Posey
(Y~); 4. Ba:e (KTM); 5. B. Kasper (Y~). 250 BEG: I.
David Lang (Ho n) ; 2. Jonatha.n Larsen (Kaw); 3. T ho mas
Montoya (Y>m); 4. J","n Golightly (Su,) ; 5. Ruu Banks (Su,) .
250 )R: I. Patrick Davis (Suz); 2. Justin Eliswood (Hon) ; 3.
Mike Doherty (H on); 4. Aaron Smith (Yam) ; 5. Mitc hell
Johnson (KTM). 250 INT, I. Logan H" on (Y~ ); 2. Chad
J<>m); 1. J.... Hodges (Han); 4. Lev; Allen (Y~);
5. Go,., Ju"" (KTM). 250 PRO , I. 101'1' Posey(Y~); 2. G..y
Davenport (Kaw) ; 3. Josh Borges (Hon) ; 4. Kris Papworth
(Kaw) ; S. David Panzer (Yam). OPEN JR: I. Patrick Davis
(Suz); 2. Jon R;gg;ns (Mon); J. Cameron <>ben (Hon); 4. Junln
Ellswood (Hon); S. Drew Parrell (Suz). OPEN INT: I. Logan
Hixon (Y.m); 2. Dusty Am). SPTSHN: I. Gory Powell
(Hon) ; 2. Lynn Summers (Yam); 3. Brent Larse n (KTM); 4.
Denick Stone (Kaw); S. Mike Slaugh (Y
ITS!Motawest Winter Trials Series
Round B: Trials land
A Clean Win for Oldar
A t roun d t hr e e o f U tah
/""\spo rts man Riders Associat ion act ion , Loga n Hi xo n
showed he was the top Inte r·
mediate, impressively claiming
the 125cc , 250cc and Openclass victories.
Th e club 's members did a
great job ge tting the track into
racing co nditio n, though it had
been under either snow or
water for the last four months.
Massive rainstorms hit the area
a few days prior, making for
so me serious water pumping
and trench engineering.
In the 250cc Pro class, Kipp
Posey took his Yamaha 450F
Derrick Stone placed fourth in the Sportsman class
into the early lead , fo llo w e d
at Hot Spring Raceway in Ogden, Utah .
closely by Gray D ave npo rt ,
who w aste d little time taking
Sorochu k and held on for the win , with
over first and then pulled away fro m the rest of
Sorochuk second and Powell th ird . After the
t he field e n route to the win , as far ahead of
hard racing , t he y s ha r e d a ve. The
runner-up Posey as Posey was from the rest of
sportsmanship d isplayed by Rudi and 50rochuk
the field.
set an example for others to follow.
In moto tw o, young Beni W illiams led the
Patrick Davis too k the field through the first
pac k around the first corner, but once again
corner and over the tun ne l jump, w ith Justin
Dave n po rt m ad e h is way to the fro nt .
Ho we ve r, Dave npo rt showed he was hum an
Ellswood and t he rest of the 250cc Juniors in
when he took a soil sample and fell back to fifth
tow. Ellswood made his way ar ou nd Davis and
w ith three laps to go . Williams had to re tire
started to pull away. D avis coul d n' t match
with mec hanical woes. Posey too k the lead and
Eliswood's pace as they left the rest of the field
neve r looked bac k on his way to t he win .
be hind . Ellswood took the victory, with Davis in
Davenport flew through the pack into second.
seco nd.
Posey took the overall, w ith Dave npo rt second
Davis o nce again absconded with the early
and Josh Borges in the final podium spo t .
lead in mot o tw o, with Ellswood close behi nd.
Rudi W illiams snatched the ho lesho t , with
Ellswood got around Davis by the en d of first
Land o n Powell and Dacoda So rochuk o n his
lap. Eliswood appeared to have things going his
rear fe nder, to st ar t th e asc c Inte r me d iat e
way until he slid out. Davis, close be hind, too k
co ntes t . Rud i sta rted to st re tch o ut his lea d ,
advan tage of Ellswood 's miscalculatio n to claim
w hile Sorochu k w as having a ski r mish wi th
the wi n. Ellswoo d recovered q uickly and was
Powell. 50rochuk go t by Po w ell and set his
able to hold on to seco nd.
sights o n Rudi, but Rudi was run ning at a to rr id
pace, and 50roc huk was only ab le to reel him in
50 SHAFT: I. KyfeRobb(Yam); 2. Coleton Jaffa( Hon): 3.
slightly. Rud i won, Sorochuk had to settle for
Kasen Cape ner (Yam); 4. Ha yden St ub bs (Suz); S. Jaeger
second, and Powell stayed close fo r th ird.
Schofield (Hon). 50 (4- 6): I. Kelby Heiner (lem); 2. Aust in
In moto tw o, Rudi took the early lea d, and
Jorgenson (Yam) ; 3 . Bento n Hayes (KTM); 4. Colet on Jaffa
(Yam) ; S. Cooper Nels on (Ho n) . 50 ( 7.8 ) : I. Morgan
this time So roch uk and Powe ll were looking to
Mackintosh (tem); 2. Preston Whftel10use (tern ); 3. Daxton
st ay wi th him . Rud i fen de d off cha llenges by
Sloan (KTM): 4. Brayden OxborTow (Pol); S. Brod ie Larsen
ill Mark ham 's new Trials Land ve nue has
proved to be a winner fo r Southern California riders . The popular Saturday afternoon
co m pe tition format has allowed a great family
atmosphere to develop at the ITS Series. It's
also been a great series for established riders to
keep in tune, yet it has provided a host of newcomers a chance to give the spo rt of trials a try.
T he events hav e all bee n organized on a
postage-sump-sized course o f five sections
ridden thr ee times around Trials Land's 40 acres
of rocks and hills. Although the course is small,
the co m petition has been fierce in mo st of the
classes. All the classes except the top Expert
class have been well-re presented all season long.
Reid Davis was again the best Expe rt rider.
( D a vis ' dad and sis t e r are a lso fr e qu e nt
competitors at Southern California trials
competitions .) Reid w isely uses the se ries as a
practice tool for to ugher competitions.
The Advanced class was a cl ose fight
between Chris Cullen , who lost 10 po ints , and
Tim Holms , who lost I I.
The Intermediat e clas s has featured the
toughest ac tion all season. Twelve-year-old
Andrew O ld a r, o n his Sherco 12 5 , has
dom inated this class all seaso n, but ro und eight
saw the closest co ntest so far this year. Montesa
rider Jim Hodges posted a th ree-point to tal for
three laps , wh ich appeared good enough for his
first-ever w in. Always careful and calculating,
Oldar finished much later, also o n three po ints
but w ith o ne more clean, snatc hing the victory
awa y from poor Hodges. The fight for th ird was
just as to ugh, as former Mo ntesa factory rider
Rich Del aney, o n a Montes a , lost five poi nts
over the IS-section co urse , w hile I0 4year. old
Beta 80 rid e r D an ie l Leavitt , in hi s fir st
Interm ed iate -class ride , drop ped six po ints . In
fift h plac e on ni ne poin ts was IO-ye ar-ol d
Natio nal C ham pio n Eric StOlL, on a She rco 125.
T he 5portsman winner was 200 2 AHRMA
Natio nal Champio n Len Sims, o n a Yamaha 175,
with o ne point lost , over Sher co 290-mounted
Steve Storz, who lost five. Th ird on 10 points
was jim Richards.
It was no co ntest in the Novice class. Marc
40th Anniversary
At round eight of the ITS!Motowest
Winter Trials Series, Andrew Oldar
won the Intermediate contest by a
single clean.
Gaveton dropp ed only eight points to j.e.
Poulain's 16. Th ird was Mike Moon on 22 , and
fourth was jake Moon, with 30.
After the success of the ITS-o rganized Vintage
Natio nal rou nds, a we ll-supported Vintage class
wa s wo n by Mike Kate s, with 17 po int s lost .
Runner-up Larry Tobos dropped 47 points, and
third-placed Bill Lawless lost a total of 54 .
The Kids co mpetition is perhaps wh at ITS is
most fam ous for. Roun d-eight w inner and
W inter Series Champio n was 7-ye a r- o ld
Rebecca Leavitt, who lost 15 po ints on her Gas
Gas 50. The ru nner-up , o nly o ne po int beh ind,
was newcomer Ben Busin wit h 16 poin ts , and
his best fr iend a nd fellow Gas Gas 50 pilo t
Dakota Rive rs was third on 22 points. Fou rt h
was And rew O ldar 's yo unger brothe r Dan ie l
Ol dar, o n a Ho nda 50, who lost 50 po ints at his
first co mpeti tion outing .
KIDS : I . Reb e cca Leavitt : 2. Ben Busin ; 3 . Da kota
Rive rs; 4. Dan iel O ldar. NOV: I . Man: Gaveton; 2. H ike
Moon ; 3. Jake Moon . INT: I . And rew O ldar; 2. Jim Hodges;
3. Rich Delaney; 4. Daniel Leavitt; S. Eric Ston: . ADV: I.
Chris Cullen ; 2. Tim Holms. EX: I. ReKlDavis. SPTSMN :
I. Len Sims; 2. Steve Ston:; 3. Jim Richards. VINT: I. Mike
Kates ; 2. Larry Tobos; 3. BillLawless.