Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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gave him a great ince ntive to pick up the speed, as th ey raced side by s ide . H o oge r hyd e took th e win , while Scally finished second. In th e Vintage C class , Michael Vargas pulled a win out of his hat by getting aro und heat-race w inne r Ray Ho lt Jr. on the last lap o f the main . Danny Casey won the Open A eve nt again . On his Rotax , Casey rod e a great race, w ith Mikey Rush be hind him fo r the first half. Rush gave it all he had but fell com ing ou t of turn three, giving Tony Souza the second spot. Ear lier in t he program, Rush finis hed t he Pro-Am in the firs t spot, followed by Shawn Raggio and Stevie Bonsey. Racing will return to Lodi's shon tra ck on May 8 and 15, promoted by the Stockton Motorcycle Clu b. and th e West Co ast Amate ur Nationals w ill be held at Lodi o n May 28 , 29 and 30. Rick "Tiger Hock" Hock ing e xits turn two on a wheelie en route to the overall Vet (Ove r 40) victory at round fou r of District 3 6 action in Lodi, Ca lifo rnia . RESULTS PIW S HAFT A: I. Megan Martin ; 2. Sean O 'Conner. P/W SHAFT 8 : I . Adam Hernandez. P/W SHAFT C: I . Damon Coca; 2. Alec Espo s; 3. Joshua Knight ; 4 . Frankie Conetd; S. Brittani West. P/W STK C: I. Robbie Nichols . 50 SR A: I. jared Slate: 2. jake Strong: 3. Sean O 'Conner; 4. Dominic Monterosso. 50 SR C: I. Evan Diu; 2. Tiva ido Garibay . 60 B: I. Brian Maninez [r.: 2. Anson Maloney; 3. Jake Strong. 60 C: I. Jared Slate ; 2. Dom inic CoIindres; 3. Domin ic Monterosso; 4. Cameron Beaubie r, S. Travis Wen. 80 A: I. D.). Sharkey; 2. MichaelAvila;3. Chad Cose ; 4. Tony Davila; S. Gar rett: Slate . 80 B: I. Jorge Cabrera; 2. Danielle Dial ; 3. Anson Malone y; 4. lif e Kelley. SO C: I. Stephen Morales: 2. Cameron Beaubier. 100 STK YTH A: I. Ch ris Ferront. 100 STK YTH B: I. Dan ielle Diu ; 2. Jo rg e Cabrera ; 3. Jake Strong . 100 ST K YTH C: I . Zack Nichol s: 2. Mitche ll Ramirez: 3. Javier Pacheco. 100 MO D YTH A:. I. D.J. Sharke y; 2. Garrett: Slate . 100 H O D YTH B: I. Ricky Co lind re s. 100 MO D YTH C: I. Joe Autenne. 100 STK B SPTSMN: I . Robert Curry; 2 . Joe [acc oe m: 3. Jonathan Curry. 100 STK C SPTSM N : I. Kimi Valentine; 2. Mike O 'Connor; 3. Ernie Castro: 4 . Robert King; S. Samantha Raynal. 100 MOD 8 SPTSMN : I. Joe Jaconetti. 100 MOD C SP TSMN: I. Daniel Wiedel; 2. Erich Stender, 3. Shane Fer rcm: 4 . Ern ie Castro; S. Jim Pcenee . 12 5 B: I. Troy Mill gan Jr. 12 5 C: I . Robert King. 250 8 : I. Cody Anselmi ; i 2. Chad Case. 150 C: I. Joe Auzenne; 2. James Davidson . 100 W M N: I. Elizabeth Hoc king; 2. Kimi Valentine ; 3. Jenifer West. 10 0 MOTHERS: I. Danrene Diu; 2. Samantha Raynal. SC H 8Y: I. Cody Anselmi ; 2. Chad Case; I . Allen Auzenne; 4. Tony Davila. VET A:. I. Ronald Knigh~ 2. Gre g Riddle: 3. Robert Bacosa; 4. Dominic Demario: 5. Eric Turner. VET 8 : I. Gary King. VET C: I. nann Moser; 2. Gordon Ginno ; 3. Jim Hoogerhyde : ~. Ron junkert. 40+ A: I. Rick Hocking ; 2. Robert Baccsa; l . Joe Knight; 4 . Don1ie Darrah; S. Eric Turner. 40+ B: I. Randy Krem lacek. 40+ C: I. Dann Moser; 2. Michael Vargas: 3. Gordon G inoo ; 4. Ron Junkert; S. Alvin Webber. 50+ VlNT A:. I. Mike Riddell; 2. Bud Riddle; 3. Carter Fisher. 50 + VINT C: I . Erk McFall. VI NT TW: I. Joe Hooge rhyde ; 2. Robert Scally; 3. Mike Riddell. VINT PS H RD: I. Carter Fisher, 2. Harley Welch ; 3. Clinton Gudo bba: 4. Sonny McDOflne11. VINT A : I . Rick Hoc king: 2. Greg Riddle ; 3. Donnie Darrah. VI NT B: I . Randy Kremlacek; 2. Aaron Kennedy; 3. Dennis King VINT . C: I. Michael Vargas ; 2. Ray Holt Jr.; 3. James Davidson ; 4 . Cha rles King; 5. Jeff Spoh r. O P EN A: I. Danny Casey; 2. Tony Souza; 3. Mark Key; 4. Marl!. Corsetti; S. Stewart Barber Jr. OPEN B: I. Joseph Hernandez: 2. Robert Curry; 3. Toby Trana; 4 . Dann y Giguere; S. Jonathan Curry. O P EN C: I. Danny Knighc 2. john Martin ; 3. Billy Sharp: 4. Chad Valker. PRO·A M: I. Mike Rush; 2. Shawn Raggio 3. Steve Bonsey; : 4. Stewart Barber Jr.; S. TonySouu. Sleepy Hollow Tra ck Champio nship Round 3: Sleep y Hollow MX Park Recla Romps at the Hollow Devin Sheldon (402 ) lea d s Justin Zielilenfus (13) and the rest of the pack in the first XR70!XR80 mota action at Sleepy Hollow MX Park. By JIM BULL FREDERICKSBURG, PA, APR. 10 leepy Hollow Motoc ross Park in Fredericks- S burg, Pennsylvan ia, kicked off its annual pre- Easter race the Saturday be fore East e r, under warm sunny skies and with a record crowd on hand. The Slee py Hollo w Iacll ity o ffe rs tw o co urses: a larger, full-blo wn co urse for all AMA classes, and a smal ler beginne r track for the Pee othe r plans. The tw o raced head to head for a few laps and , as in the earlier XR70/XR80 race, the ir momentu m carried them by th e leaders , with Le ngle snat ching the to p spo t. In moto two, Lengle fired out o f th e gate fo r the lead, followed by Lenig, Carr, Bixby and th e Yama ha -mo u nted Tre vo r Bull. Tho ug h 8ull finished sixth in the first moto, it looked like he had a new agenda to finish o ut his day. Yamaha riders Le ngle and Lenig had the lead , but the rea l race was fo r th ird. Bull waited until the final lap to make his move ; for a moment, it looked like he would pull the thi rd-place spo t going th ough the Ilnish-line rhyth m section. It wasn't to be on this day, though: Both Bull and Carr got tangled up , which allowed Bixby, He ikel and Justin Massar to rou nd out the to p five. Wee and Youth d ivisions. Se co nd -ye ar track owner Je r e Swa rr co nt inues to im pro ve h is facility and is drawing larger crowds eve ry time he ho sts an event. More than 800 racers fro m AHA Dist rict 6 showed u p to do ba tt le on t h is ho lid ay weekend. Th ere were 46 diffe ren t class e s available, plus Adult SOcc minibike racing, an d S-foot trophies were sponsored by West Sho re Suzuki in Mechanicsburg, Pennsyfvania. At the mini track, in the first mo to o f the XR70/XR80 d ivisio n, Devin Sheldo n grabbed the holeshot, fo llo we d by Just in Z iegenfus , Steven Rambo and Cory Recla. Rambo made his move early and got qui c kly by Z iegen fus . Sheldon and Rambo pulled away slightly, w hile Recle and Ziege nfus batt led ove r third. After a fe w laps, the latt e r two had ga ined e nough momentum t hat on the fina l la p they bo t h passed Rambo , and Recla even managed to edg e out Sheldon for th e win. In th e second moto , Aust in Ensor from Forrest Hill, Maryland, riding a modified XR50 , was able to se ize the ea rly le ad against th e bigger bikes , but by the third corner Reela had ta ken the lead , fo llo w e d by Sheldon , Ramb o and Ziegenfus. At the chec ke rs . it was Recla for the overall , and ro und ing ou t the top five were Sheldon, Rambo, Ensor and Michae l Gialloreto. Jam es He ikel grabbed the holeshot in th e first mo to of t he I001l2Scc Four-Stroke class, foll owed by his fellow Ya maha pilot Colto n Len ig and th en Hon da riders Edgar Bixby and Curtis Carr. Series po ints leader Charles Len gle ro unded out the top ff e. Heikel held the lead v fo r a while, but both Len ig and Lengle had RESULTS 50 OIL·IN) (4- 6): I. Wyan Barto (KTM); 2. Doote Grim (Yam); 3, Dawson Evitts (KTN) ; 4 . Trystan johnson (Yarn S. ); Em Wright (KTM). 50 O IL-IN) (7 · 8), I. M

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