Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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fearl es s pas se s. Once o ut fro nt , he ne ver backed off and pulled away for both motos and t he overall w in. R ESULTS 50 JR: I. Brandon Meye r ; 2. Co le Sheedy ; 3. Kathlyn Wlesenhan: 4. Dylan Goehl; 5 . Tyle r Becke r. 50 SR: I. Zach Loe hr; 2. K ynon Johnson : 3. Damon Storttum; 4. Tyfer Hitch ; S. Kalee Meye r. 65 BEG : I . Jaco b Smo thers; 2. Dustin Block; l . Jo hn Foe rste r; 4. KaIee Meyer; S. Austin Cory. 65 : I. Qu entin Jo ne s ; 2. Tyler Littl e: 3. Za ch Loeh r; 4. Da vid Howan:l; S.josh Hough. 80 JR: I. Mitchell Ho ugh; 2. Tyler Lttle; 3. Josh Paris: 4. Brandon Brill; 5. Trevor Lawrence. 80 SR : I. Brent Stan ley; 2. Danny Rocke ; 3. Dillon Hall; 4. Brian Jaeger; 5. Dalt on Foe rst er. MINI I : I. Mitche ll Hou gh; 2. Josh Paris; 3. Mith Britt ; -4 Caleb Wilson; 5 . Josh Ho ugh. . MINI 1: I. Bre nt Stanley; 2. Dillon Hall; 3. Danny Rocke ; 4. Brian Jaeger; 5. Cody Mahan nah . 125 A: I. Cory Schilly; 2. Adam Wright ; 3. Justin Kelly; 4. Thom as Brad ley; 5. Travis Shaffer. 125 8: I. Mike Spadafina; 2. Ted Rogers ; 3. Mike Hutt en locke r; 4. Billy SIlort; S. Oayton Joh nson . 125 C: I. Tyler Pem be rt on ; 2. Gary Beeman; l . C hris Ruble; 4. Blake Young: 5. Matt hew Burton . 125 0 : I. Riley King; 2. Crai g Alexander, 3. [arod Hoo ts; 4. Dan Becker; S. Cory Ring. 250 A: I. Ronnie ford ; 2. Cory Schitly; 3. Th o mas Brad ley; 4. Ryan Tracy; S. Just in Kelly. 250 B: I. Eric Goetz ; 2. Mike Spada.fina; l . James Hays; 4. Shane Leforge ; S. Ryan Brow n. 250 C: I . Ga ry Be e ma n; 2. Tyle r Pe m be rt o n; 3 . Adam Dickerson; 4. Chris Ruble: 5. Heath Wink. 250 0 : I. Troy Camere r; 2. Gary Lacey; 3. Jasan Shields; 4. Joh n Ham blin; S. Clay Ca me. OP EN : I. Ronnie Fo rd; 2. Thomas Brad ley; 3. Ryan Trac y; -4 Todd Sheedy; 5. Nick T ho mas . VIN T: I. . Robert Connolly; 2. Robert Young . WMN : I. Kath e rine Sok acz ; 2. Brian na Maho n; l . Shyla Williamso n; 4 . Cassie Feagans; 5. Tara Stolz. SCH8Y: I. Brandon Burrow ; 2. lvl dy Jon es ; 3 . Jo e Geeki e . 14·24 A : I. Jo sh Dur bin; 2. Sean Kincaid; 3. De rek Birkenkam p. 14·2 48: I. Eric Goetz; 2. James Hays; 3. Shane Lercrge: -4 C hris Petry; 5. Kirt Mon k. . 25+ : I. Rob e r t Mots inge r ; 2 . Ro n ni e Ford ; 3 . Ton y Wiesenhahn; 4. Andrew Brown; 5. Matt Powers. ]0+ A: I. Rob ert Mo t singe r ; 2. Todd Sheedy; 3. Alex Ro sse tt o; 4. Donald Rice; S. Jeff Ford. 30 + B: I. Man Powers; 2. Chris Ru ble ; 3 . Robe rt Co nn oll y; 4. To m Meiers; S . Sco tt Goodman. 40 + A: I. Kerry Stein ; 2. Steven Shank; 3. Scott Rippey ; .. . David We lsh. 40 + 8 : I. Tom Meiers; 2. David Leckrone: 3. Steven Subick; 4. Gerald Harrison : S. C harle s Nice . 4 -STRK A : I. Tom my Rich ; 2. Bryce Walters; 3. James Black; 4. William Lawrance; 5. Drew Jackson . 4 -ST RK B: I. Cory Funk; 2. Chad Ro e h; 3 . Be nja min Dye ; 4. Michael Ste imer; 5. Evan Coombs. 4 -STRK C: I. Brian Loyd: 2. Levi Brown; 3. Allen McNew;". Tyler Funk; 5. Marti n Harmon. American Woods Racing Championship Series Round I: R&D Race w a y Brian Sperle made out like a bandit at the Outlaw Hare Scrambles, alias round six of the Moose Western Regional Cross Country Series. How About a Cold One••• By GRETCHEN ORTON GINGER Hill , PA, APR. 4 T he snow was flying, but so was the gree n nag at the opening round of the American Woods Racing C hampi onshi p Serie s, w hich kicked off on Sunday, April 4, at R&D Raceway in Ginge r Hill, Pen nsylvania. The 10- ro und series takes place in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland and We st Virginia, w ith the ride rs' best seven races co unting to wa rd year-end awards . The AWRCS prides itse lf on challenging, tight, te ch nical wo ods racing and is one the fastestgrowing hare scram bles series in the East. Des pite the w et, co ld, snowy co ndit ions , the tu rnout (79 participants) was bette r than e xp ec t ed , co nsid e ri ng t h e sn o w and a co ncurren t GNCC in South Caro lina. Due to t w o prev io us ra ces t his yea r at t he t rac k, con di tions we re t reac he ro us an d grueling . Be cau se o f ra in and the col d co nd itio ns throughout the we ek, the IO-mile co urse was drastica lly sh ortened to betw een se ven and eight miles. The AWRCS crew was noticea bly o ut in full fo rce , ma king alt ernate lines an d redirecti ng racers through the new sectio ns as necess ary. The track got the best of seve ral riders , and overheated bikes, dente d pipes a nd overall e xhaus t io n w as t he o rd e r o f t he day. The overa ll winner (and no strange r to the AWRCS) was Gas Gas pilot Daryl Co nner. O nly t hree ot her riders finished o n the lead lap. Conn er took the opening ro und's checkered nag over five other entrants in the AA class to w in the Pro purse. j.T: Be nnett, the re igning champ for the past two years , came in secon d; his Five Star KTM 200 had a buckled pipe that was peeling away fro m the cylinder. Benn ett was happy to see those checke rs at the e nd of lap eight, fearing that the bike would not make anot her lap. Jeff Fische r finished in third o n his mighty 'rama ha. For more information on upcoming AWRCS events, including start times, classes, and entry fe e s , ch e c k o ut w w w.a wr cs. co m or AWRCS@yahoo .co m. R ESU S LT O/A, I. Dory! Con ner (GG); 2. J.T. Benne tt (KTM); 3. Jeff Fisch e r (Yam ); .. . Mike Mihali k (KTM); 5. Ron Hartman (KTM). Ak I. Dory! Con ner (GG); 2. ).T. Bennett (KTM); 3. Jeff Fischer (Yam); .. . Mike Mihalik (KTM); 5 . Duane Conner (Yam). OPEN A : I. Michae l 5pilak (Yam) ; 2. Joe Sche re r (KTM). OPEN C: I. Ron KJeineke (GG); 2. Thomas Hayes (KTM). 4 · ST RK A: I. Terry Hanman (KTM). 200 A: I. Russ Cherry (Y ); 2. Ed Lojak (Yam) . 100 B: I. Danny 5. am Haft! (Yam); 2. Darren Bigley (KTM); 3. Nicolas Haft! (Yam); 4. Cameron Marburger (GG); 5. Steven Bell (KTM). 200 C: I. Paul Morrison (5uz) ; 2. Marc Lander (KTM); 3. Dale Caldwell (KTM); 4. Corey McPhe rson (5uz); 5. Eric Lease (Kaw). 250 B: I. Todd Kury (Yarn); 2. Tim Cochran (Y ; 3. am) Kevin Hinderl iter (GG); 4. Shawn Remmington (Yarn); 5 . Ken Szewczyk (Hus). 250 C: I. Brian Guenther (Yarn); 2. David Porter (Yarn); 3. Robert Collins (Han); ... Troy Jeuther (Hon ): 5. Carl Graf (Y ). VET A:. I. Michael Wist (KTM); 2. Gary am Jo hnso n (Hon); 3. David Ash Jr. (KTM); 4. Damn Ekis (KTM); 5. Ron Ste tz (GG). VET B: I. Paul Blane r (Yarn); 2. Ben Coretti (Yarn); 3. Kevin Free man (KTM); 4. Daniel McGinnis (Yarn); 5 . Charles Boyd (Hon ). VET C: I. Gregory Olenic (KTM); 2. Patrick Dwye r (KTM); 3. Mark Vicke r (Yam); 4. Dan Nu di (KTM); S. Brian Lawton (Ha n). SR A : I. Ron Ha rt man (KTM); 2. Randall Hillegas (Suz); 3. T im Prech tl (KTM); • . Mrll.ederle (KTM); S. Do, Bohn (KTM). SR B, I. Dan Wetzel (KTM); 2. Dan Raber (KTM); 3. Brian Haney (Yom); • . John Pappa (KTM); S. Rk h Md Heagy (Hon ). SR C , I. Wayne Toth (Ha n); 2. Le e Stere (KTM); 3 . Jo hn Er be (Yom); • . G.... Ryan (Hon ); S. Tom Gemmell (KTM). S/SR, I. Frank Erbe (Yam); 2. Timothy Coc hran (Yam); 3. Herve Anderson III(KTM). Moose Western Regional Cross Country Se rie s Round 6: Outlaw Hare Scrambles Sperle Makes a Getaway at the Outlawl By CHRIS GHIONE LAKEPORT, CA, APR. 4 K TM rider Brian Sperle once again show ed w hy he 's t he defen d ing Mo ose Wes tern Regio nal Cross Co untry Se ries Champion, by taking the win at the O utlaw Hare Scrambles. This victory was the first of t he year for t he Fox/Scoll Goggles-backed Sperle, w ho st arted t he se r ie s slow ly but has co me o n strong in recen t races. 78 MAY 5, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS The start time was pushed back mo re than two ho urs wh e n a gro up o f re negad e four whee l-drive vehicles cut open a locked gate and drove out onto the cours e. After chasing them for hou rs, law-e nforcement officers and course officials were finally able to appre he nd the m and move t hem 0 (( the co urse. T he So nom a C o unty Spo rt Mo to rcycle Associat ion put together an exce llent co urse close t o 37 m iles in le ngt h th at in clu d e d eve ry th ing imagina b le , inclu di ng a fu n grasstrack, fast fire roads, tight single-track, and an e pic 3 ~ m il e- long rocky rive rbed . When race t ime finally arrived , KTM ride r Patrick Garrah an was the quickest off the line, tak ing the holeshot. Garrahan charged forwar d, but his time ou t fro nt wa s quickly cut sho rt w he n he suffe red a race -e nd ing high-speed c ras h in on e of t he deep cr e e k crossing s. Although he d idn't suffe r any major injuries, Garrahan lo st his goggles and wa s una ble to continue in the dusty co nditions. As the first lap progressed , Sperle worked his way out in front of the field. Close behind wa s KT M jo cke y jor dan Brandt , in se co nd . Afte r a poo r start, the ride r on the move was MPC/ Dic ks Ra cin g/Sp e c t r a - ba c ke d Bryc e Olse n. who challenged for the lead ear ly. " It took me a while after a bad start ," said O lsen, "but I caught up to t he lead pack within the first few miles. I passed jordan Brandt and we nt to pass Spe rle and cras hed 0 (( th is jump on the downhill." Afte r Ols e n fell off th e pac e , Spe rle and Br o ughto n Fire Prote c t io n/Fa ultli ne Suspens ion /Cyc le Gea r-sponsored Brand t mo ved away from the rest of the field. Sperle wen t on to take the win and even had time to spare after a late-race incident slowed Brandt. While r id ing th r o ugh the final stretch o f riverbe d about 300 ya rd s fr om t he finish , Bran dt to ok a fall in the m iddle o f a water c ros sing, and his bike e nd ed up comple tel y su bme rged in a deep section of wate r. After being unable to start his bike , Brandt began pushing it toward the finis h, but just before he got there , Olsen was able to sneak by and steal sec ond. As the rest of the pack was far behind, Brandt was able push his bike home in th ird. T he ne xt racer to cross t he line was Fox/Maxxis/Smith rider Biiiy Russe ll, w ho also got a slow start, but he eventually moved all the way up to the fourth spot. Finishing in fifth was Kaw asaki-m ounted Da mian Galford. The Moose-bac ked Galford rode co nsistently all day to take the fift h spot , just a few seco nds ahead of his Team Green teammate Craig Wesne r, who moved t hrough the pack to finish sixth. RESULTS O/A : I. Brian Sperle (KTM); 2. Bryce Olsen (KTM); 3. Jordan Bra ndt (KTM); 4. Billy Russe ll (KTM); 5 . Dam ian Galford (Kaw); 6 . Mason Harrison (Yam): 7 . Luke No ble (Hen); B. Greg Ghione (Han) ; 9. Alex Gragg (Kaw); 10. John Mason (Yam). A 200: I. William Roussel (KTM); 2. Jareed 40th Anniversary Orrock (KTM); 3. Charles Rand (Kaw) . A 250 : I. Brian Sperle (KTM); 2. Bryce O lsen (KTM); 3. Billy Russell (KTM). A OPEN , I. jordan Brandt (KTM); 2. Alex G _ (Kaw) ; J. Dere k Steahly (KTM). A 4· STRK: I. Craig Wes ner (Kaw); 2. Greg Ghione (Han); 3. Joh n Mason (Yam). A VET: I. Ronald Day (Han ); 2. Eric DuCray (Yam); 3. John Sidey (Han) . A SR : I. Ross Uberty (Yam); 2. Dave Wood (KTM) ; 3. John Haaker (KTM). A SlSR: I. Bob Bowers (KTM); 2. Robert Hershey (Han); 3. Pete Prichard (KTM). A WMN : I. Jessica Ghione (Hon). A GENT: I. Eugene Price (Suz); 2. William C raig (KTM). 8 200: I. Jason Je nso n (KT M); 2. Rodney Spencer Jr. (Yam); 3. Joey Notaro (Han) . B 250: I. Kevin Porter (Kaw ); 2. Wafet Lunn (Yam): 3. Jona than La Fountain (Hen) . B OPEN: I. Craig Hill (Hon); 2. Kelly Knipe (KTM); 3. Matt Mariol le (Hon). 8 4 -ST RK: I. Ben McKee (Han); 2. Seth Carpenter (Hen) ; 3. Jason Orrack (Kaw). B VET: I. Robert Puno (Hon) ; 2.Jce Paz(Hen ); 3. Jim Frasie r (He n). 8 SR: I. Ron Miner (KTM): 2. James Roberts (KTM); 3. William Hansen (Ho n). B S/SR: I. Michael Schultz (KTM); 2. James Brindo s (Yam); 3. Mike Edwa rd (Suz). B WMN : I. Jenna Pinto (KTM): 2. Michele Eidam (KTM); 3. April Joyce (Hon ). C 200 : I. Jesse McWilliams (Suz); 2. James White (Hen); 3. Steve Kaluga (Kaw). C 250: I. Jason Applegate (Kaw); 2. Eric Barboza (Han); 3. Wesley Kennedy (Hon) . C OPEN : I. Joe Cook (Han) ; 2. Robert Mills (KTM); 3. Austin Morri s (Hen ). C 4-STRK: I. Michael Cole (Suz); 2. Travis Rock (Hon) ; 3. Mike Morret ino (Yam). C VET: I . Troy Taylor (KTM); 2. Brian Dean (Ho n); 3. Jaso n Ravelh (Ha n) . C SR : I. Bob Pilgreen (Hon); 2.Tyrus Wilson (Hen) ; 3. Will Evans (Ho n). C S/SR: I. AI Reasner (Ha n); 2. Ro bert Rousseau (KTM); 3. Greg Loscher (Hen) . C WMN: I. Nico le Menvielle (Han ); 2. Jessica De La Garza (Kaw): 3. Stacy Clegg (Hon ). Dix ie MX Cook's Still the One By HUGH GATLIN OZARK, AL, APR. 4 A t Dixie MX's first race of the year, Brantley, /"'\AJabama's Jad y Cook proved he's st ill the track's number-one minicycle racer. Competing on a reve rsed course, Coo k piloted his Ward's Yamaha YZSS to a six-mote sweep of the SScc ( 12- IS), Yout h ( 12- 15) and Supe rmini classes. In t he first co m bin e d 8 Scc (7- 1 1)/8 Scc ( 12- 15) mota, Justin Woo dfin and Cott ondale, Alabama's Josh Brown got the jump on Cook, but by th e e nd of lap one, Coo k was out front, and Br o w n w as lo oking fo r a w a y past Wood fin's RM. Cook coasted to a IS-seco nd w in, while Woodfin held to ugh and kept Brown at bay unt il th e fina l lap. Jonathan Woo dfin place d third , over Hunt e r Edward s, th e first 7- 11 rider. Cook nailed the holeshot in race tw o and clicked off a bliste ring I;38 lap on his way to the w in. Bro w n was a so lid sec o nd t he entire distan ce . jo nathan closed in on just in at t he halfway mark and then followed him to the flag. T he 250c c C -c1as s w inne r, C lay Be c k, grabbed th e holeshot in t he first co m bined