Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMP Spring Series Round 3: Hollister Hills GP Track No Fadin' for Braden BY JIM AND FARRIHN ENOS HOLLISTER, CA, APR. 4 erseverance usually pays off, and for Mar k Braden. two solid mot os in the 60cc Op en class nabbed the KTM pilot victo rious bragging rights at ro und t hree of t he Swift Dod ge o f Sacrame ntolYamaha of Modesto/ DH Cycles/ A1pinestars-sponsored AMP Spring Se ries. Amo ng a IS-ride r field , Braden fou nd the Ho llister Hills GP Track to his liking, taking a co nvi nci ng flrst -moto win . ahead o f Je sse Andrews and Jake Mohnike . Braden gra bbed the first-mo ta holeshot and never looked back as he ke pt Mohnike at bay throughout the mot a and finished unchallen ged for t he win . Wit h rougher track co nditions a factor in mota two , Braden still toughed out a solid runner-up spot to Mohnike, and the result was a class-winning 1-2 score on the day. t-fohnike. who had a solid second-place finish all but locked up in mota one . cross-rutte d and wen t down with just half a lap to go, eventually reboundi ng for the third spot. But in moto two. Mohnike too k a wire-to wire victory. netting him a 3-1 score on the day. whic h was good en ough fo r seco nd ove rall. P Just in Frederick flew to firs t overall in the 85cc (12-15) division at round two of the BP Promotions Pennsylvania State Hare Scrambles Series. BP Promotion s Pennsylvania State Hare Scrambles Se ries Round 2: flying Dutchmen Motorcycle Club Frederick Flying at the Dutchmen By JIM BULL PINE GROVE, PA, APR. 4 he Flying Dutc hme n Moto rcy cle C lub played host to round two of the BP Promo - T tions Pennsylvan ia State Hare Scrambles Series in early April. More than 300 racers from District 6 had to battle harsh weather conditions once again, as Mot her Nature dumped signifi- cant rainfall on the course in the days prior to the event. With the temperatures In the mid30s and the win ds raging up to 20 mph , the Youth racers headed to staging. looking to gain valuable po ints toward the se ries championship. Several of the Youth-class racers made the stop for ro und two of the series on their way home fro m the Big Buc k G NC C , includ ing Supermini-division wi nner An dy Carlson o f Newark, New York. Carlson battled his fellow Suzuki pilot Michael Po laski. (rom Lancaster, Pen nsylvania , almost t he entire race . Po lask i grabbed the holeshot but had troub le staying upright in the slick cond itions. He and Carlson jockeyed for the front spot for close to an hour, with Carlson co ming out on top . In the ascc ( 12 - 1S) d ivis io n, Leisure Equipment/ Reactive Suspension/Bel R3.y/Wiseco rider Justin Frederick had big hopes for the day. Whe n the green flag dropped, Frederick found himself second to last coming off the line. with a huge pack of opponents between himself and the S-foot trophy being offered by the Flying Dutchmen. Frederick has been consiste nt so far t his year, and he wo uld not be denied; he turned up the heat and was running third by the end of the first lap, and he found himse lf in the top sp ot by the en d o f t he seco nd la p. Frede ric k crui sed to t he win in just over an hou r, turn ing in five laps in the mud. Another Youth racer who t raveled though the night from the Big Buck GNCC was ascc (7- 11) sensation Dale "Bugsy" Wakefield, who copped a second in the Mini Junior division in South Carolina and showed up ready for battle on Sunday morning in Pennsylvania. The Rizzon Suzuki-mounted Wakefield took his second win in as many tries in the BP State Series. 76 MAY5,2004 • CYCLE NEWS In the 200cc Expe rt division, motocross racer -turned-hare scram bler Jed Haines le t the res t of the Pe nnsylvania riders know he is a serious threat on his 125cc two-stroke. The Cu m ber lan d Kawas aki/ Off Roa d Cycle Supply /Hobbs Cycle Supply- backed Haine s pulled the ho leshot and neve r looked back. Haines was a little disappointed after the race ; he had set his goals high and also wanted to capt ure t he overall win. He came up a little sho rt again st the top riders in th e distric t : Haines took the 200cc A win but finished third o ve r all - not so bad fo r a first-year hare scram bler. The BP Prom ot ions Pennsylvania State Hare Scram ble Series is sponsored by MSR and Answer Raci ng and is o ffering more than $50.000 in cash and co ntingencies. Round three will be held at t he Hurricane Hills Sports Ce nte r in Clifford , Pennsylvania, and is being sponsored by the Roadwinders Me. Log o n to for series details. RESULT S so OI L.IN) (4.S): I. Walte r Bond ; 2. Joshua Snyde r; 3. Mason Evitts ; -4 . Dawson Evitts; 5. Coleman Davenpon. SO STK (4 -S) : I. Dakota Dunman: 2. Dieter Willenbrock; 3. C h ase Rusd en ; .. . Ala n Karzonowski ; S. Matth e w Yackenchick . 6S ( 7. 9) : I. Danie l Bro mle y; 2. Benj a min Snyde r ; 3. C hristo p her Van Buskirk; .. . William Eat o n; S. Glenn KJinger. 65 ( 10·1 1) : I . Shane Hufford Jr.; 2. Stephen Chapkovich; 3. Jason Chavez . S5 (7 . 11): I. Dale Wakefield Jr.; 2. Ryan Slane ; 3. Drey Boddie ; -4. Zacke ry Smith; 5. Austin Carter. S5 ( 12. 15) : I. Justin Frederick: 2. UoydWildoner; 3. Aaron Mulhem; ... Cody Mumme rt; S. Jeffrey Sullivan. 110: I. Shawn Kozak; 2. Taylor PeciJa ; 3. Brando n Woolf : 4. Trent Noll; S. Coty Earne st. 100/150 4-STRK: I. Charles Len gJe; 2. Ted dy Lynch ; 3. Ian GUire ; .. . Wod dy Fregia Jr.; S. Jesse Eidam. S/MIN I: I. Andrew Carlson ; 2. Michael Polaski; 3. Charle s Thomas; .. . Michael Vilasi; S. DavKf De ven ny. 200 AM: I. Robie Leese Jr.; 2. Robert StaIlton; 3. Timmy Hunt er, .. . Jason Thomps on ; 5. Aaron Grierwn. 100 EX: I. Jed id iah Haines : 2. Jason Hen riksen ; l . Harold Fulme r Jr. 15 0 AM : I. Dan iel Ro st ing; 2. Jo shua Lingle; l . Joseph Ga thercole ; -4. Kevin Simp son ; S. Michae l Pec ika. O P EN NOV: I. Kevin O swald ; 2. Shane Hyser; 3. Torn Stoltzfus ; -4. Cody Smith 5. : Rich Ge chter. OP EN AM : I . David Henn inge r ; 2. Nick Simpson; 3. David Rein e rt : .. . Joseph Cichon: 5 . T ho mas Moyer. OPEN EX: I. C hris Evitu; 2. Philip Wiegand : l . Jason Markowicz; ... Eric Wesner; S. Christopher Radvanyi. VET AM : I . Kevin Evit ts : 2. Michael Carter ; 3 . Ro be rt Herr ington ; .. . Steven Tom linso n; 5. John Shuttleworth. VET EX: I. Bob Walto n; 2. H ike Reichert: 3. Cra ig Stamm: .... Chris Reichert; 5 . Michael Stra use . SR: I. Rick Wychunas; 2. Thomas Cichon; l . Jerry Lynn: -4 . C hris Hun ter; 5. Sean Pe tI1. S/SR : I. Burd Gue rs: 2. Kenne th Rebe r; 3. Ray Szymczak. ~ " on 5 =; >:c Q. Mark Braden topped th e 60cc Open class at round three of the AMP Sprin g Se rie s. Andrews rounded out the to p three with a pair of re latively mistake-free met es, res ulting in a 2-3 effort on the day. Andrews returned in 60cc Novice action and continued h is soli d run on t he da y, swap pi ng mota w ins wit h Brade n fo r the overall Victory While Braden shot out fron t in . t he first mot a . Andre ws . also aboard a KTM . lurked close behind and t railed the speedster all the way to th e checkers, wh ile Ren o Evan s followe d up for the third spo t. Howeve r. in mota two, disaster st ruck fo r Brade n. who wen t down on the first lap. handi ng the lead ove r to Evans, who had Andrews right on his tail. The two batt led for the lead, and Andrews made a pass stick, eventually taking the win and the overall. Evans followed up, and his 3-3 tally jus t o ut did Brade n' s 1-5 sco re fo r second overall on the day. In the 60cc Beginner ranks, Travis Burroughs 40t h Anniversary once again put an orange machine on to p with a pair of wins o n the day. The Madera re sident left no question as to his inten tions on t he day. as he led every lap of both motes. Be hind him, C hase Twoh ig batt led it o ut with Alec Lafano for the secon d spot . Twohig got the nod with a 3-2 effort on the day, while Lafano rounded out t he top three with a 4-3 scor e. RESULTS Pe e Wee Trac k 50 P/W )R (4-6): I. Justin Bye (KTM): 2. Javier Loe rna (Yam); l . Logan Halt (KTM); 4. Owen Whitecotton (Suz). 50 (4- 6) STK: I. Sammy Bell (Pol): 2. Clayton Tucker (Pol); 3. Jayson Lee Harting (KTM): ... Jeff Persons (KTH ). 50 (7 -S) STK: I. J.T. Blatt rnan (KTM); 2. Travis Hancoc k (KTM); l . Kyle Greener (Pol ); -1 Dusty Nunes (Pol); 5. Ashton Redberg . (KTM). SO (l .S) MO D: I. Travis Burrough (Pol); 2. Tyler Burgess (Cob ). SO (0-8 ) O PEN: I. Gunnar Sigler (KTM). Trac k 50 (4 .6 ) ST K: I . Sammy Bell (Pol): 2. Oayton Tucker (Pol); 3. Jayson Lee Hart ing (KTM); .. . Justin Bye (KTM); 5. Jeff Persons (KTM) . 50 (7 -8) STI(, I. GUnnM Slgl., (KTM); 2. Travis Hanco ck (KTM): 3. Dusty N une s ( Po l); -4 . Kyie Greener (KTM); S. J.T. Blattman (KTH) . 50 (0-8) O P EN : I . Travis Burrou gh (Pol). 60 BEG: I. Travis Burrough (KTM); 2. C hase Twohig (KTH); 3. K.J. McKenzie (KTM); -4. William Van Tass el (KTM): 5. Jacob Be cvar (KTM). 60 N OV : I. Jesse And rews (KTM); 2. Re no Evan s (KT M); l . Mark Braden (KTM) ; 4. Blake Buchanan (KTM); 5. Derek Bee (KTM) . 60 IN T: J. Jake Mohn ike (KTM). 60 O PE N : I. Mar k Braden (KTM) ; 2. Jake Mohnike (KTM): 3. Jesse Andre ws (KTM ); ... Blake Budww> (KTM); 5. Gunnar Sigle<' (KTM). 80 FIT' I. Jake Kingston (Suz); 2. Christopher Hughes (Hon ). SO BEG 0 · 1: I. Hark Braden (Yvn); 2. Ben Milner {Yam 3. Anthony ); Rodr igue z (Yam) ; ... Zac h Van Met e r (Yam) ; S. Bra ndo n Newman (Kaw) . SO BEG 0 ·1: I . Blake Buchanan (KTM); 2. Brandon Boswen (Yam); l . Eric Ze pp (Yam); .... Dalton Jones (Yam): 5. Steven Godman (Yam ). SO NOV: I . Michael Parks (Soz); 2. Brandon Reyna (Ya m); 3. Zach Cole (Suz); ... J.J. COl( (Yam); 5. C hris Pu lo s (Yam). 80 INT: I. Zach And ra de (KTM); 2. Travis Bell (Hon): 3. Dylan L1ne (Yam): ... Daniel . Reen (Yam SO EX: I. Dustin Enoc hs (Yam). SO OPEN ). 0 · 1: I. Dust in Enoc hs (Yam): 2. Zach Andrade (KTM): 3. Travis Bell (Hon) ; .... Michael Parks (Suz); S. J.J. COl( (Y am). 8 0 O P EN 0 ·2: I . Co llin Sch wartz (Yam); 2. Chris Spiers (Suz): 3. Dillio n Alexander (Hon): .. . Dylan Lane (Yam); 5 . Cody Hau gen (Yam). SO SlMI N I: I. Dustin Enoch s (Yam); 2. Travis Bell (Ho n); 3. Dylan Lane (Yam): .. . Mich ael Parks (Suz): 5. Daniel Reen (Yam). 8/W: I. Jake HMrison (Ho n); 2. Rafael Loema (Hon); l . Max Pol kinghorn (Suz). 125 BEG D- I : I. Travis Payne (Hon ); 2. Brandon Siebenhaar (Yam); l . Michael W inters (Yam); ... Alex Azar (Hon) ; S. Jo rd an Roiz (KTM). 125 BEG 0 · 2: I. Andrew Dunn (Ho n); 2. John De Silva(Yam); l . Justin McKenzie (Hon ); ... IanAnderson (Hon); S. Brad Kitchen s (Hon) . 125 N OV D · I : I. luke layton (Suz); 2. Kyle Smith (Yam): 3. Matth e w Williams (Yam): .. . Nicholas Swarneodruber (Kaw); 5. Mike Mate lli (Yam). 125 NOV 0 · 2: I. Brandon Bell (Hon) ; 2. Travis Con ley (Yam); l . Sean Morris (Y ; .... Blake Amos (yam); S. A1isa. N ix (Yam). am) 125 (NT: l. Buck Ford (Kaw); 2. Trevor Do niak (Yam); 3. Doug Schmid (Hon); ... Justin Enos (Suz); 5. Krts Trle st (Y am). 12S PRO : I. Eric McCrumrnen (Kaw); 2. Adam Mille r (Hon) ; 3, Den nis Stap leton (Ha n); -4 . Just in Sanders (Yam). 1 50 BEG: I. Nick Pulos (Yam); 2. Jo sh Siebenhaar (Yam 3. Joe y ): Lasiter (Suz); 4. Hick Pemsteiner (Yam); S. Fran ces Roiz (Ya m) . 25 0 N OV : I . Max Sco lari ( Ho n ) ; 2. Ro na ld McCasland (Yam); 3. Jeremy Joh nson (Y am); 4. James Welsh (Yam); S. Mike Po wer (Ha n) . 2S0 INT: I . Doug Schmid (Hon) ; 2. Anthony Maniglia (Yarn); 3. Trevor Doniak (Yam); ... Cary Triest (Yam); 5. Tyson Enzweiler (Yam). 2 50 PRO : I . Adam Miller (Ho n); 2. Eric McC ru mme n [Kaw] : 3. Jeffrey Pe stana (Ho n); -4 . David Gass in (Kaw). 5 0 0 P RO : I. Jeff Pe stan a (Hon ). U/L: I . David Gassin (Kaw) ; 2. Kris Triest (Yam). 4· STR K O PEN : I. Cary Tiede (Yam) ; 2. N ick Saia (Yam): l . Max Scolari (Ho n); 4. N icholas Swa rt ze ndruber (Kaw); 5. Brand on Bell (Hon). W H N : I. A1isa N ix (Yam); 2. [e nna Ellis (Yam) ; 3 . Crys tal Layt on (Suz) ; -4 . Lucy Fre e r (Hon): S. Brenda Burson (Kaw) . SCHBY: I . Justi n Eno s (Suz); 2. Buck For d (Kaw); 3. luke layton (Suz) ; .. . Justin Posey (Yam): 5 . Brad Kelly (Yam) . 2 5 + BEG : I. We sle y Greene (Ho n): 2. Aaro n Graves (Ha n); 3. Ant on io So usa (Yam); ... Nick McKinnon (Yam) ; 5 . Rick Cramer (Hon) . 25 + N OV: I. Ed \Yhiteconon (Kaw): 2. Jason Lauritzen (Hon); 3. Timothy Burkett (Y am). 25 + INT: I. Damico Lutt rell (Hon); 2. Chris Platerc (Hon) ; 3. Gary Curtis (Hon) ; 4. Pete Kasten (Ho n): 5. Steven Storie (Hon) . 30 + BEG : I. Keith Kingston (Yam); 2. Wesley Greene (Hon ); 3. Wes Fred rickson (Hon): .... Jesse Pemste iner (Hon): 5. M an~ Flor e s (Yam). ]0 + N OV: I. Anthony Leimas (Y am); 2. Steven Barchetti (Yam); 3. Don Hudgso n (Hon) ; 4. Jim McCailson (Hon): 5 . Je rry Gage (Suz). ] 0 + INT: I. C hris Platero (Hon) : 2. Joe Spiers (Yam); 3. Gary Curtis (Hon ); ... Steve Storie (Hon ); 5. Robert Becvar (Yam). 3S + NOV: I. Dan Evans (Hon): 2. Don Hod gson (Hon): 3. Jerry Gage (SU ): 4 . Dean Adkins (Yam); S. Joe I Bellmore (KTH) . 35 + INT: I. Gary Curtis (Hon); 2. Matt Elkins (Ho n); J . Ste ve n St orie (Hon): 4. Do ug Eisenbeis (Y ). 40 + N OV: I. Curtis Conner (Yam). 4 0+ INT: Iam Joe Spien (y",,); 2. David Ad,;, (Kaw); 3. Gary Rabe (Hus); .. . Doog Eisenbe is (Yam).

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