Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dylan Jusf us (Kaw)' 4 . Haberlock Hammers Eddieville BY DAVE BR OSIUS A Iter the tough sand track and temperatures I"""\nea,;ng I()()degrees at round three in lake Havasu , Arizona, the WORCS crew brought the ir "traveling road show" to the new venue 01 Eddieville Motorsports Park, outside Goldendale , Washington. The dual-sanctioned event offered nearty a thousand racers the opportunity to race on the "dry side" of Washington State, although racers faced rain and wind on Saturday. The tough track conditions brought out the best in all the riders and showed who had the talent and patience to con quer this awesome GP-style track . Young 5hawn Haberloc k, aboard his Honda eR8S, was testing his skills after a near-careerending back injury sidelined his racing efforts for almost a year. Known more for his motocross background, Haberlock showed his rear wheel to some of the best Mini riders on the West Coast as he posted wins in both the 85cc A and Supermini classes. His lap times matched those o{ many 01 the 125cc A riders, as he made it known that he was back to his winning ways . Jake Bassett and Ryder McDowell battled in the 50cc (4-6) class, with Bassett taking the top spot on his Honda , over KTM-mounted McDowell. Although many of the small- bike dasses were controlled by local riders , Grease Wood Springs, Arizona, racer Clay Gishey rode his KTM to a second-place finish and the series points lead in the 50cc (7-8) class, showing that "desert guys" can ride in the mud . One of the best battles of the weekend occurred in the Over 30 A class. Ted Huskey from neart>y Portland lelt the pressure 01 Eric Ducray, on his Y2;~0 . Huskey took the lead at the start, with Dueray hanging in his roost. On the back side 01 the course, Ducray lell back, and Huskey increased his lead . " I was right on him when the old arms pumped up , so I had to back it down a bit," Ducray commented. "He set a good pace , and I could hold my position, when all ola sudden I started to gain on him. I used the lappers, and when the white nag came out, I put on the charge and went around him to lead onty one lap - the last one." In t he Over 40 A class, Zip Ty Racing/Montclair Yamaha rider Andrew Jefferson scored first place, over Jeff adam and Ned Lowerre. Though Lowerre pulled the holes hol on his Moose Racing RM25 0Z , [efferson used the power 01 his YZ4 50 to make the pass on one of the many long uphills that comprise this great course. Other notable victors included Kelly Yancy, in the Women's A class; Guy Tow from Rainier, Oregon. in the Open A class: and Yamahamounted Don Dennis , in the Over 60 class . The general consensus was that this course was one of the best racetracks most of the riders had ever raced on, so don't miss next year 's event at Eddieville. eN EDDlEVlW MoTORSPORTS P ARK GoLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Ruuus: MARcH 27-28, 2004 "t Hount (KTMj ; $.. Paril;er Krause (Kaw) . 65 C: I. T.J Hinders (Kaw): 1.. (ROUND 4) 50 (4.6): I. Jake Bassett (Hon): 2. Ryder McDowe U (KTM); 3. SlIiam f'eriUns (KTM); 3. RId< McCune (KTl'1); • . Todd Wolfe (Hon): S. Damon Bee (Suz). SlSR 60+ : I. Donn Dennis (Yam); 2. Ken Noms (KTl'1);3. Garry Sc..-.. (KTl'1). EVO 1975-&4, I. Mon ty Price (Yam): 2. Jim C onway (Mai). U /CLSFD: I. Nick. Foister (Yam); 2. Eric F""'*i (KTM ); 3. Poul Nell IGG); • . /<>shu> ""'""" (K.w); S. Slop H",,,,wf (KTl'1). SEMI·PRO: L B' endan Ritzman (Yam); 2. Ch ris Johnson (Kaw); l . Ricky Die trich (K.w); • . Guy Tow (Hon); S. Br.ondon Johnson (Suz). PRO , I. Bobby Bonds (Kaw); 2 . Nathan Woods (Yam); 1. Ty Davis (Yam);4 . Robert Naughton (Hen): 5. Russell Pearson (Y am). RMXA District 25 Series Round 2: Southwe st Nebraska MX A Tale of Two Tylers By DAWN WINCZEWSKI MCCOOK, NE, MAR. 28 TYler Dilley and Tyler Fisher put on an excelI lent showing of riding talent and determination at the second round of the RMXA District 25 Series eve nt he ld in McCook, Nebraska. Th e Mental cked event drew nearly 400 riders from surrounding areas. JS Pro{ormance/RPM/Mental Floss ing/Fox! Mom and Dad-sponsored 85cc ( 12-1 3) r ider Dilley had t o w o rk hard to stay in front of Fisher in the first moto. Th e battle raged back and lorth until Dilley pushed har der to keep his lead. Dilley has been wor king wit h Pro rider Ryan Rozinski to improve his tra ining. " I'd like to than k Rya n Rozinsk i and Matt Cortez of Cortez Racing for helping me with my practice and trainin g," Dilley said. 1he second mo to played out much the same lo r Fishe r and D illey, as th ey m at che d the ir talents against each other. Fisher was determined to make a pass stick and came out the viet or in 64 MAY 5,2004 • CYCLE NEWS moto two , with Dilley nett ing second place and second overall, fo llowed by Andrew Valdez , Zach Armstrong and Nate DeAndrea. RESULTS 5 1 (4.6): I. Koy Bowen (Cob); 2. Trae Dilley (KTM); l . Dylan Cae (Kaw); 4. Michael Sweney (Yam). 5 1 (1 .S): I. Dalton Unkus (Lem ); 2. Dan iel Mc Kune (KTM); l . Bryant Osborne (KTM); 4 . C h rist o p he r Fish e r (Po l); S. N icole W,1co, (Co b). S I P/W JR: I. Ko, Bowen (KTl'1); 2. C¥an Coo (Kaw): 3. Mkhael Sweney (Yam) . S I OPEN (4.B): L Donie! Md Am>wong (Kaw); S. Nzthan DeAnd,... (Hon ). 85 (14.15): L Ryan Thomp.on (Hon ); 2. BWne (Yam) : 3. Joey Ol>on (Hon) : • . [),.,;d Horns (Yam): S. Aunin Moyer (Kaw) . IR SlHINI (0-11), I. Josh Stieb (Sul ); 2. Mike Wadel (Suz); 3. Corey Wilcox (Y am); • . Cam..-on Connolly (Yam): S. )eff"", F...... (Yam). SlHINI ( 11. 15) I DS: I. Bren Preus s (Ha n); 2 . Ryan Thompson H"." Tyler Dilley (8) and Tyler Fisher (72) get down to business right from the start in the 85cc (12-13) class at round two of the RMXA Dist 25 Series in McCook , Nebraska. (Han) : 3. B..... H..... (Yam); • . Joe, Ol>on (Hon) ; S. TyIe< Dille y (Hon) . 115 A: I. Travis Bann iste r (Yam); 2. Dou g Leavitt (Kaw) ; 3. Andy Atkins (Yam); .... Ryan Rozinskl (Yam); 5. Chad Zu lia.n (Hon). 115 B: I. Braden Barnes (Hen): 2. D alt o n D im ic k (Yam): 1. Cody Bo yd (Yam) ; .... Ricky La Montagne (Yam) ; S. Vinny Ramire z (Sul) . 115 C: I. Tro y Bole> (Yam); 2. Br.wJ So"ll" (Yam) ; 3. KeW> Bamaro (Kaw); .. . David Budik (Kaw) ; S. Chad McKune (Y am). 15 0 A: I. R,.,. RorimJU (Yam) ; 2. Doug l.enJ (Kaw) . SC H BY (12.15) , I. Dalton D;mick (Hon) ; 2. Za

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