Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PHOTO B Y ERICK AVERN NSENSATIQN PHOTO Maxxls/VP Racing Fuel s Western Fou r-Stroke Nationals Round 2 : I-S MX Brown Blazes! Bess Is Back! By DON SCHNEIDER GORMAN, CA, MAR. 27-28 A t the second ro und of the Western Four/'"\stroke Nationals, Rusty Holland took the holes ho t in th e 2S0F Pro c lass, with Mike Brown, Jeff Willoh , Justin Herman and Ti m Weigand rounding out the top five. Levi Reid, Shane Bess and Rory Sullivan had Mike Corder and Shane Smith in their roost. Brown passed Holland on lap two and he ld that po sition to the chec ke rs. We igand and Sullivan passed Willoh on lap three, and Bess passed Willoh on lap four. By lap eight, Weigand had succumbed to the thumper train of Sullivan and Bess. Weigand reta liated as the white flag waved and new by Bess, and then he pulled an impressive pass on Sullivan through the J.w. Sutter Cavern , doubling to the inside for fourth . Sean Collier too k sixth after starting 16th. In moto two, Brown, Weig and, Holland , Bess and Reid took the ear ly lead . Laughridge, Matt Karlsen , Reif and Collier tra iled. The front five held strong right up until the white nag. Reid passed Bess for fourth and held it to the finish . Bro wn prevailed over Weigan d and Holland . Bess was fifth. In the Premie r class, Rusty Holland was the quickest of the 67 riders off the line. Following closely w e re Cameron Weave r and Shane Smith , w ith Europeans Finbaar Kneafsey and Fran kie Mecono fourth a nd fifth. Josh Cox, Matt Burris, Le ighton Lillie, Coll ier and Mike Metzger rounded out the top 10. Behind the leaders , a bunch of riders went down, racing action wasn't confined to the Pro ranks. The bes t of the batt les took place in the Mini Exp e rt class, w it h young Cameron Ishmae l riding his KX I 00 to victory for the second time this season, beating run ner-up D.J. McMillon by just 22 seco nds over three laps of racing on the sandy, whooped -out course . But tha t was as close as the racing got fo r th e fast est of t he fast ride rs. Judson Hunter creamed t he 2S0 cc Expert c lass , finishing almost 10 minutes ahead of second place with a n average la p ti me of 26 : I I . Jam es H ill co nt inued his do minance of t he O pen Expe rt field w ith his t hird win in as many t ries ; Hill took the chec kered flag almost fou r minutes ahead of second place with an average lap time of 26 :44 ove r five lap s. In th e 12Scc Expert class, Caleb Ramsay charged to victory with a m a rgin o f I :34 o ver secon d place a nd an average la p t im e o f 26 :45 , w h ile Jason Brisendine too k to p honors in the Four-Stro ke Expert class wit h an ave rage t ime o f 27:2 1. Laure n Powe ll rou nded out the ran ks of top Amateur finishers, t ur ning laps at an ave rage pace of 29:40 in th e Ladies Expert class, and Eric Hess sco re d his first win in the Sem i-Pro class this year with an average lap time of 25:57. RESULTS P/W 50 BEG: I. Shelby Fry (KTM); 2. Kaidyn Fanner (KTM); 3. Jacob Hall (KTM); 04. Colton Caplinger (KTM): 5. including Jaso n McCormic k, Brandon Morgan, Chris Gosselaar, Weigand, Gordon Ward and Matt Gaines. Turbo Reif, Metzger, Mike Corder, Danie l Blair, Matt Karlsen and Dusti n Nelson began the ir charge toward the fro nt. Mecono took third on lap two, behind Bess , who was now behind leader Holland. Then Bess blitzed past Holland for the lead on lap four. At halfway, it was still Bess, Holland, Smith , Metzger and Reif. Brown was sixth . On lap e ight, both McCormick and Corder took soil samp les. O n lap 10, Nelson was fifth, over Metzger, Smith and Burris. Ho llan d recaptured the lead over on lap I I, but Bess grabbed it back on the next lap. Reif passed Brown for third on lap 12. At the end of 14 laps, it was Bess , Holland, Reif, Brown and Nelson , followed by Metzger, Burris, Smith , Sullivanand Laughridge. In mota two, Holland again nailed the start, foll o w e d by Brown , Bess , Mecono , Reif, Gosselaar, Co x, Nelson , Karlsen, Daniel Blair, Co rder, Metzger, Wea ver and Ch ris Barrett. Brown took the lead on lap two. Bess passed Holland on lap five. At ha lfway, Re if passed Bess for second . Holland hung in third . Gosselaar and Metzger were fourth and fifth. Brown crossed the checkers fir st, becoming only the th ird rider ever to w in a moto on a 250F in the Premier class. Reif was runner-up , with Bess th ird , Holland fo urt h, Weigand fifth and Metzger sixth . By virtue of his I ~ 3 scores, 5hane Bess. in Dane G a llaghe r (Hon). P!W SO NOV: I . Mason Se th Bow land (KTM): 2. Wyatt Sadler (KTM); 3 . Blake G ustin (KTM); 1. Bradley Williams (KTM): 5. Tyter Wiggins (KTM). P/W 50 IN T: I . zachary Barton (KTM): 2. Gaston Johnson (KTM): 3. Alexand ra Sptr Holland «2); 7. Matt Karl"'" (35) : 250 F P RO: I. Mike Brown; 2. Tan Weigand; 3. Rusty Holland ; 04. levi Reid; S. Shane Bess: 6. SeanCollier; 7. Rory Sullivan; 8. Turbo Reif; 9. Mike Corder, 10 . Je ff Willoh ; I I. Evan Laughridge; 12. Kelly Tedder, 13. Matt Karlsen ; 104. Carlos Gonzales; 15. Germ Ordelman: 16 . Mike Metzger, 17. Mike Mea dows ; l B. Bra n d on Mo rga n : 19 . Just in He r ma n; 20 . Shane Sm ith : 2 1. Kyle Ph e n ix: 22 . Trevo r Brooks; 23. Michae l Horban: H . "ftIer Duncan : 25. Shawn Bush n ell ; 2 6 . Rya n Or r; 27. Jason H o w ard ; 28 . Travis MacD on ald; 29. Just in Sane ben; 30 . Brian Mor gan; 31 . De vin Wauon: 32. Clint Martin; n . Bobby Garrison; H . St eve N el son : 35. Craig Smit h: 36 . Da rin Chisholm ; 37 . Brandon Staddan: 3B. J ames Manhall; 39. Nate Hawiey : -40. Josh Cox . PR EM PRO: I. ShaneBess: 2. Mike Brown; 3. Tur bo Reif; 't . Rusty Hollan d ; 5_ Mike Metzger; 7 . Chris Gosselaar ; B. Shane Sm it h ; 9 . T im Weigand; 10 . Sean Collier, I I. Dan iel Blair: 12. Dustin Nel son ; 13. Fran kie 8. (TIE) Shane 8 Juvrud (Yam); 5. ~ ra Rafael (Yam). LDS 35 + INT: I. Dawn Befmler (Kaw ): 2. Tina Yarbrough (Kaw); 3. Usa Lo we (Hon); 4 . Lynn Sellers (Hon) . LDS 3 5+ AM : I. Jennifer Webb (Suz ); 2. Tammi Needham (Hon); 3_ Robin Visniski (KTM): 04. SorayajoyaI (Kaw): 5. Rose Beunier (Yam ). 30 + NOV: I. Kelly Braddock (Han); 2. Derek Neumeyer (Hon ); J. Billy Rodgers (Yam): 04. Doug Farmer (Han); 5. Eric Robinson (Yam). 30 + INT: I. Jeff Bowland (Hon); 2. 5tephen Tucker (Hon): 3. Steve Raveling (Y ; 04. am) Mike Esposito (Sul ); S. Jar-ed Matthews (Yam). 30 + AM : I. Brian Keith (Hon); 2 . Jeremy Matthiessen (Yam); 3. Billy Mosely (Ho n); 4 . Steve Avila (Hon) : 5. Hank Griffin (Yam). ]0 + EX: I. Jim McQu e ary (Hon): 2. Ch risto phe r Mart in (Kaw): 3. C nlig Thompson (Suz) : 04. Jess Roberson (KTM); S. Christophe r Leonard (Yam). 35 + NOV: I. David Needham (Hon); 2. Bubba Reeves (Hon): 3. Randy Hancoc k (Hon) : 4 . J.B. Ogden (Kaw): S. Geron Birm ingham (Yam) . 35 + INT: I. Mike Fry (Yam): 2. Vaughan Johnson (Kaw): 3. Tracy Genore (Kaw); 04. Bruce Bevan (Hon) ; 5. Joey Marc om (Yam). 3 5 + AM : I. Neil Jones (Kaw ); 2. Gary Phillips (Yam); 3. Alex Schuenemann (Hon ): 04. Scott Dawson (KTM); 5. Rick leipsic (Hen ). 35 + EX: I. Rkk Hade (Suz): 2. Gayle Hoyt (Suz); 3. Mike M. Davis (Suz); 4 . Vernon Davidson (Kaw): S. Robert Smith Jr. (Hon) . 40 + NOV : I . Tom Eaton (KTM); 2. Terry Harmon (KTM); 3 . Billy McW ho rte r (Hon) ; 04 . Richa rd Dumais (Kaw); S. Rusty Cooner (Hon ). 40 + INT: I. Rodney Wallace (Yam); 2. David Groff (Hon); 3. Rkhard Brow ning (Yam): 1. Mark Coetzer (Yam): 5 . Buddy Tarver Sr. (Hon ). 040 AM: I. Tommy Fugitt (Hon ); 2. RanceWalker (Yam): 3. + Jim Yeager (Ho n); 04 . William W ilky (KTM); S. Rickey Pott s (Yam). 40 + EX : I. Dany1 Smith (Hon) ; 2. Rob Riner (Hon) ; 3. Jimmie Wh itener (Hon); 1. Randy Williams (Yam): S. Glen Eiland (Yam). 045+ INT: I. Ronny Donald (KTM): 2. Barry Jones (Suz): 3. Henry Leavert on (Hon) : 04. Thorn Kuhns (Suz): 5. Rene D_ Beunier III (Yam). 45 + AM: I. Mic.hae1 Vaugt'ian (KTM); 2. Charlie Bridges (Ho n); 3. Kenneth Brown (Yam): 04 . William Autry (Kaw); 5. David Bickel (KTM). 45 + EX: I. David McKe lvy (Suz) : 2. Mark McDonald (KTM) ; 3. G len Boyett (Yam); 04. Don Fitzsimmons (Suz); 5. Matt Trimmier (Hon ). 50 + lNT: I. Rick Hinton (Yam): 2. Don R. Whitten (Kaw): 3. To m Mc Elvain (KTM); 04 . Skip Go'W'e (Yam ): S. Donald Card (Kaw). 50 + AM : I. Ronald Beck (Hon ): 2. Bill Burney (KTM); 3. Rickey Fletche r (Yam); 04. Ron Davis (Yam); S. Tom Hall (Kaw). 50 + EX: I. Dan Burch (Hon) ; 2. Mark Moore (Yam); 3 . Dennis Wilman (KTH); 04 . Ruben Martin (So2): 5. Loyd M<>

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