Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Zach Thurstan (1 7) won both the 250cc Band Fau r-Strake classes at Lazy River MX Ranch, site of round four of the AMA Southern All-Stars Tour. am bulance never moved. In the Fou r-Str o ke division, Thurston moved his Kawasaki past front-runner Hank Gran t in moto one and go t past Neil Hale in mo to two , nett ing a perfect score. Grant and series leader Hale had to settle (or secon d and thir d overall, res pect ively. T hurston was the leader o f a fast-paced trio in both 250c c B motos and again won ahead o f even tua l runn er-up Randy Jarvis and Brae Hinckley, who claimed the bronze . Series leader Jack Brooks was fourth . Michael Haw k rounded out th e to p five. KTM/ Maxima's Horne won t he ope n ing 12 5c c B m ota, followed dosely by Thurston. In moto two , Thurs ton too k over .~QualltYCheCked , Ce r t ified Pre -owned the point pos ition during the early laps, o n ly to find Horne breathing down his neck at the halfway mark. O n the ne xt lap, Home passed Thurston in mida ir at the jum p in front of the main grandstands and held on to win the moto, netting the overall, ahead of Thurston. Cameron Stone had the initial lead in both 12Scc B metes, but spills in both motos held him to an eventual seventh overall. Stone had much better luck in che 125cc Youth division, in wh ich he led TMeA both motos from stan to finish, desp ite pressu re (rom eventual runner-up Hor ne. The 65cc (7-9) class was do m inated by out-of-state r ide". some of whom were on hand to get in so me t rack t ime in prepa ration for the upc o ming AMA So ut heaste rn Regiona l Championsh ip here on June 19 and 20. Floridians Donald Diperna and Cliff Sanders claimed the top two positions, re spect ively. Kenton Braswell o f North Car o lina finished 2-3 to earn the final podium position. Tennessee 's Tyler Nutter was fourt h, over Kyte Gibso n of Alabama . In the 65 cc (10-1 I) division, Georgia's Price Martin won both metes, over Shane Cunningham. Josh Wa lker cam e fro m beh ind in both 125cc C mo tos and garnered top honors via his 2-2 sco re . Han k Gram claimed both ho le sh ots and eve ntually finished w ith a 4 - 1 tally, w h ich was go od e no ugh fo r the ru nne r- up slot , ahea d of po ints lea der Chase Beck ( 1-6). Kris Swaney and Phillip Mye " had a day-l ong de bate in th e 125cc and 250cc A divisions and came away with a class win eac h. The track's builde r. Gle nn Bates, tried out the co urse under live racing con dit ions and came away with 2-2 finishes, behind C huck Palmer, in the Over--40 divisio n. R ESULTS 50 SHAFT; I. Rae Doney (Y .... om); 2. John Du peee (Yom); 3. G<>yson Graham (Yam): 4. Jos hua Guffey (Yam) ; 5. Patrick Bilfstrom (Yam). SO OIL~ INJ : I . Alan Sporiu (Cob); 2. Colton Font (ICTH); 3. Wooley H ui, (KTH) . SO (4-6); I. Donny Bro w n (KT M) ; 2. Hayd e n Follett (KT M) ; 3. Rachel Do rs e y (KT M ): 4. Tre vo r Campbell (Cob) ; S. Chmtw. Thom;o, (KTH) . 50 (7-8); I. Toyle' DMlson (Cob); 2. Jo rd an Quarles (KTM): 3. Colton Fo rd (KTM); 4. Ryan Cunning ham (KTM) : 5. H~ter Wesd all (Po/). ~ WHN: I. Shelby RDlen (Hon); 2. Kayta l ym Boswell (Yam); 3. Le;b Hull'", (5u,); 4 . Gabby BiIbm (ICTH); S. Shelby Doney (50,). 65 (7 •• ); I. Donald Di"..,.. (KTH) ; 2. CIdI Sanden(KTH); 3. ",,",on _ _ (Se C"""",""",, (ICTH); 3. Z>ch Hyatt (ICTH); 4 . T""ton M We;, (KTH) ; 5. H ichaol GIonn (Kaw) . 8S B EG; I . Jo$I'«a Womack (Hen) ; 2. 5ponc... Panon ($ch Hyatt (ICTH 4. Kn. Hanly (Yam); 5 . T"""on McMochon (Hen ). 8 5 ); (' · Il); I. UIeb Gaineo ('"'); 2. Jonathan F", ' ey ('"'); 3. Caleb Pmon ($

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