Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Frank Trambina negotiates turn one during the Shootout just after taking over the lead. The Canadian won every closs he entered at th e CCS Florida Region event at Jennings GP. Other multiple wi nners included Steve Wenner, Michael Mills a nd Steve Servis . Wenner won t he 12Scc Gra nd Pr ix and Lightweight Gra nd Prix rac es. Mills won the GT Lights and Thunderbike contests. Servis won the lightweight Supersport and Lightweight Superbike classes. Dave Maney and Eric Lo ng ti ed fo r the most wi ns in t he Amateur classes, each winning three out of four races entered . Lo ng won the Amateu r GTU . Heavywe ight Sup e rspo rt and Middlew e ight Supe rbike races a nd fin ished second in Middle weight Supersport. Mane y wo n Amateur Supertwins. Thunderbi kes and lightweight Superbike categor ies and finished second in GT Ughts. RESULTS AM GTO: I. Carl Cohen (Suz); 2. Clay Adams (Hon); 3. Jose Mor eau (Suz); 4. Donald Hartin II (Hen) ; S. James Molinia (Suz). EX GTO: I. Fran k Trombino (Yam); 2. Scott Ritchey (Suz) ; 3. Edwar d Us (Suz); 4. Trey Yonce (Yam); S. Jim Pihokken (Suz). AM GTU, I. Eric loog (y",,); 2. Jeff M",h (Y am); 1. Garry Holman (Suz); • . Miguel Tomas (Yam); S. Scott McNamara (Y am). EX GT U: I . Fra nk Trombino (Yam 2. Trey Yonce (Yam 3. Jim Pihokken (Suz); .... Michael Rouleau (Suz ); S. James ); ); Chance (Suz). AM GT LIGHTS, I . 19on Del H.y> (Suz); 2. Dave M..,.,. (Due); 1. Jono>th.n Knox (Suz ); • . Steve Leckie (Suz); S. Bruce " Idoka (Suz) . EX GT LIGHTS, I . Michael Milts (Suz); 2. Stephen Bolden (Suz); J . Ste~ Servis (Suz) ; -1 . Russ Bolle (Suz) ; 5. Joh n Costa (Bue). 125 G P: l . Steve Wenner (Hon) ; 2. Scon Coccali (Hon) ; 1. Thonw Go;grtz ... (KTM) ; • . jcsbua lhy (Han) ; S. Reef 0 as (Han). A M LJW GP: I. 19ort Del Haya (Suz); 2. Steve leckie (Sut) ; 3. Jonathan Knox (Suz); .... David Knox (Suz ); 5. Joshua Day (Han) . EX lfW GP: I. Steve Wenner (Hon) ; 2. Michael Mills (Suz ); 1. St.phen Bolden (Suz) ; • . St.phen Servis (Suz) ; S. MM1< Brown (Yam). AM M/W G P: I. Kenny Rodriguez (Hon); 2. Jeff Marsh (Yam); 3. Sarah Irvin (Yam); .... Michael Bouchard ( Kaw); S. Proky Doldjsl (Hon) . EX M/W G P: I. Darren Mulvaney {Suz} 2. Marco Martinez (Hon) ; 3. Chris Hunt (Suz); .... William Sheridan (Yam); 5. ; Robe n OIeski (Suz). U/l GP: I. Frank Trombino (Yam); 2. Scott Ritchey (Suz ); 3. Marco Martinez (Suz); .... Jim Pihokken (Suz); 5. Trey Yonce (Yam). A M ULTRA l/W 5/BK: I. James Hillis (Apr) ; 2. Nicole Hoffman (Apr) ; 3. Karl Loe ffler (Suz); .... John Groov er (Kaw); 5. Gino Angella (Due) . EX U LTRA lIW SlBK: I. Andrew Hamblin (Bu.); 2. 0 aoe 1. LenMduzzi (Apr) ; 1. Dwne Fraocis (Tn). A M LJW5181(, I. Dave Maney (Due) ; 2. Steve l ec kie (Suz); 3. Bru ce Akioka (Suz); -4 C harles . Hopps (Suz); S. Michael Watson (Suz). EX l/W SlBK: 1. Stephen Servis (Suz) ; 2. Mich ael Mills (Suz) ; 3. Stephen Bo ld e n (Suz) ; -4 Jo h n Costa (Bue); S. T homas . Goigitter (KTM). AM H/W S/BK: I. Eric long (Yam); 2. Kenny Rodriguez (Hon) ; 3. J.ffMlU'h (Yam); • . Mogue! TOO"W (Yam); S. Sarah IMn (Yam). EX MJW 5181(, I. Trey Yonce (Yam); 2. Darren Mutvaney (Suz); 3. Marco Martinez (Suz:) ; -4 James . Chance (Suz); S. William Sheridan (Yam) AM HIW SlBK: I. Jose Moreau (Suz) ; 2. . Patrick Erickson (Suz: ; 3. Jame s Molinia (Suz); -4 Andrew Mo ates (Suz); S. Hilto n ) . Geartner (Suz). EX H/W 5/8K: I. Marco Martine z (Suz); 2. Sean McGouey (Suz ); 1. John Bnody (Suz) ; • . jom Pihokken (Suz); S. Scott Rrt

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