West Side Series
Round 4: Weatherford MX Park
USGPRU Na tional Championships
Ro und 2 : Jennings GP
Dickey Dazzles His Way
to the Win
Aitken-Cade, Wenner Winners
at Jennings GP
T he USGPRU National I25cc GP and 250cc
I GP co nverged on Jenn ings GP in Je nnings,
Florida , for the second rou nd of the Nation al
C ham pionshi p. C CS Sout heast w as th e host
organizat ion for the weeken d and put on an
outstanding even t at the "motorcycle only" Jennings GP tra ck.
O n Saturday afternoo n, 2002 125cc GP
Cham pion Brian Kcraget set the faste st time
during 12Scc qualifying, his I:2 1.4 a lull second
ahead of John Klara s and Dale Gree nwood.
Stewart Altken-Cade completed the Iront row.
Pourteen-year-cld rising sta r Josh He rrin was
fast enough to lock in fifth. In an une xpected
twist , local favorite Steve We nner locked his
transmission on the first lap of qualifying and
would have to start on th e back row of the
main event on Sunday.
In 2S0cc qualifying, Wenner rode his e xDiSalvo Honda RS2S0 to the Iront 01 the grid.
Kcraget rode his Honda RS 125 like a man
possessed and claimed second place , closely
fo llow e d by another last lo ca l rider, Mark
Brow n. And just like in the 125cc qua lifying,
Aitken -C ade rounded out the front row o f
the gr id.
For Sunday's main event, 3 1 12Scc GP bikes
assembled on the grid . When the green nag
d ropped , Aitken -Cede charged Ir o m the
outside ro w to lead the pac k int o turn one.
Kcraget, Greenwood and Herrin were right on
his rear wheel. Kcraget wasn't content to watch
and made the pass on Aitken-Cade belore the
first lap was complete. Greenwood made a
minor mistake in the back section and allowed
Kcraget and Aitken-Cade to break away.
O n the last lap, Aitken -Cade passed Kcraget
only four turns from the finish and was able to
hold that lead until the end . Apparently, neither
aving the way in his Pro debut, Team
Gre en's Cody Dickey pulled off perlect wins in both the 125cc and 250cc A
categories th roug hout the inaugural West
Side Se ries, which took its final bow at
Weathe rford MX Park. The final round 01
the West Side Series was postponed due
to rain and rescheduled , w it h 103
entered riders in attendance .
On ly a handl ul 01 riders ended th e
series with perfect points . Joining Cody
Dic ke y wit h 100 perfect poi nts
throughout t he four-round series were
Bryan Jackso n 01 Eastland, Texas. in the
O ve r 4 0 class : David Jen se n, who
traveled all the way from New Mexico to
take the overall perfect win in the 250cc
Intermedia t e ran ks; and Miss Charlene
Randle 01 Weatherlord , who took the
Cody Dickey raced to perfect 125cc
win at each round in the Women's 10See
and 250cc Expert tallies throughout the
and Up class.
four-round West Side Series in
While Jackson and Mar k Cornel ia
Weatherford, Texas.
batt led each othe r throughout the series
in the O ve r 40 class , finishing first and
Mo nks (Suz) ; 1. Michael Kasberg (Han); 4. Justin Hasty (Yam);
S. Chase Hackett (5oz). 125 OPEN: I. Ch ase Hacke n (Suz);
second, respectively. their sons competed in
their own events. Mark 's son Matthew Cornelia
won the overall series in the 125cc Novice with
a 1-8-2-2 overall win record lor 73 points, just
one point in front of Logan Melton . Matthew
also took filth overall in the 12Scc Open with 2J 1-4-8 overall finishes. Bryan's son Tye Jackson
finished filth overall in the 85cc Open class via a
7-6-8-7 score and sixth overall in the 8Scc (1213) class with a 7-S-7-4 tally lor th e se ries.
The Potter fat he r-a nd -so ns tr io from
Midland rallied to some fair overall resu lts in the
series. The re was no doubt that Russell Potter
was kept e xtremely busy at each round, with
one son, Rusty, racing 60s and 80s and the other,
Corey, finishing th ird overall in the series in the
51cc Open class. Rusty won two 01 his classes
overall, the 65cc Junior Supennini and the 85cc
(7-11) classes. Russell finished second overall,
be hind BryanJackson, in the Over 30 class.
The closest points race was actually a tie, in
the 125cc Open. Melton and Michael Kasberg
each collected 56 points, but it was Melton's
fou r-race attendance th at beat ou t Kasbe rg's
th ree-out-of-four showing.
51 SHAFT: I. Hunter Hull (Yam) ; 2. Jo r d an Kelton
(Yam) . 65 (7.9): I. Aus tin Co x (Kaw); 2. She a Doherty
(Sul ). 65 (10 · 1 I) : I. Beau Hudson (Kaw); 2. Weston Brooks
(KTM); 3. T,.... Monk> (Sm) ; ~ . Chad Scott (Kaw); 5. T.......
Vaden (Kaw). 65 OPEN: I. Beau Hudson (!ty
Pott er (Suz). 85 BEG: I. Lonnie Thompson (Suz); 2. Dustin
Best (Suz); 3. Brent Skaggs (Suz) ; 4. Dustln Williams (Suz); 5.
Austin MaunU (Hen) . 85 (7. 11): I. Ryan Eppe rs (KTM) 2.
Rusty Pott er (Suz); 3. Tyler St~ (Suz); 4. Chad Scott (Kaw).
85 ( 12. 1l); I. J
--tin D;ekey (Kaw); 2. Chaz Holladay (y",,);
3. Joshua Godfre y (KTM); 4. Cody Vaughan (! (Kaw). 125
BEG : I. Jerry Lumsden (Hon ); 2. bc Smith (Kaw); 3. Robert
Helle (Yam) ; 4. Blake Scott (Kaw); 5. Brad Warli ck (Hon) .
125 NOV: I . logan Melt o n (Yam); 2. Bran d on Nichols
(y"",); 3. Nice Dollar (50,); ~. Rowdy Pope (KTM); 5. JO>hua
Gomez (Kaw). 125 INT: I. David Jensen (Yam) ; 2. Trevor
MAY 5, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS
2. Logan Me lto n (Yam); 1. Justin Hasty (Yam); 4. Michael
Kasberg [Hon]: 5. Nrcc Do llar (Suz) . 12 5 EX : I. Cody
Ddey ( Kaw). 250 BEG; I. D""'l' Peel (KTM). 25 0 NOV;
I. logan Cason (Yam) . 2 50 INT: I. David Jensen (Yam) .
250 OPEN: I. LAnce Orso (Hon ); 2. logan Cason (Yam ).
25 0 PRO: I. Cody Dickey (Kaw); 2. Jesse Zambon (Yam).
W MN JR 0- 105 : I. Rhonda Vaughan (Kaw). WMN 105+ :
I. Charlene Randle (Han ). 30 + : I. Russell Potter (Han) : 2.
Bryan Jackson (Yam); 3. Brian Winiams (Hon) ; 4. Trey Dam
(Yam). 4 0+ : I . Bry an Jackson (yam); 2. Mar k Cornelia
Series Ov e rall Po int s Standings
5 I SHAFT: I. Jord an Kelton (96); 2. Hunter Hull (25) .
5 I OPEN: I. Scott ie Kelton (86); 2. C hase Dale (70): J .
Corey Potter (4 1); 4 . Mor gan Bate s (30); S. Paxto n Short
(25). 65 (7.9): I. Au.tin Cox (53); 2. J.D. Reed (51); 3.
Chase Rumsey (46); 4. Shea Doherty (29); 5. Bryce Dozier
(25). 65 (10 -11 ): I. Beau Hudson (92): 2. Weston Brooks
(82); 1. Gregory Geh rer (25); 4. Zach Henry (24): 5. Chad
Sco tt (23 ). 65 OPEN : I. Be au Hud so n (9 6) ; 2. We ston
Brooks (88); 3. Aust in Cox (24); 4. C hase Rumse y (23); 5.
Zach Henry (2 1). 65 ·112 1ft S/MINI: I. Rusty Pott er (8-4);
2. Ryan Eppen (15); 3. 8r.lndon G5enn (25); 4. Danny KinsaJl
(25); 5. Zeb Smith ( 15). 85 BEG; I. Duwn Wilh."" (56); 2.
lonnie Thompson (SO); J . Garin Mason (46) ; 4. Bren t Bible
(25); 5. Dustin Best (2 1). 85 (7 - 11): I. Rusty Potter (86 ); 2.
R,.." Eppe rs (71); 3. lYl"- Stee l (40); 4. Ch ad Scott (23); 5 .
B.-.ndon Glenn (2 1). 85 ( 12-1l); I. Chaz Holl>d", (92); 2.
Joshua Godf rey (55); 3. Cory Perdue (46); 4. Justin Dkkey
(<0) ; 5. Cody v.up
(3~ ) . 85 (I~- IS ); l. Dillion W""",,
(7B); 2. Matth ew Lemoi ne (SO); 1. Richar d Wh ite (50); 4.
Blake Bivins (2 1). 8 5 OPEN: I. C hu Ho lladay (84) ; 2.
Matthe w Le mo ine (75); 1. Cod y Vaug han (55 ); 4. Justin
Dickey (J4) ; 5. Tye Jackson (28) . 85 ·1 12 Sft S/M IN I: I.
CI'laz Holladay (78) ; 2. Matthew Le moine (75); 1. Cody
Vaughan (54): 4. Cory Perdue (1 1); 5. Je rfrey Fisher (25).
125 BEG ; I. zae Smith (86); 2. Je rry w moden III (75); 3.
Blake Scott (52); 4. Brad Warlkk (24): 5. Sam Louder (21).
125 NOV: I. Matthew Comelia (73); 2. logan Melton (72);
3. Rowdy Pope (40) ; 4. Nico Dollar (J4 ); 5. De rrick Brister
(25). 125 INT: I. David Jensen (85); 2. Tre vor Mon ks (56);
1. Justin Hasty (46) ; 4 . Mich ael Kasbe rg (44); 5. Ch ase
Hackett (19). 125 OPEN: I. logan Mekon (56); 2. Michael
"'berg (56); 3. T"""" Monk>(55); 4. C..... Hackett (45); 5.
Muthew Corne lia (~). 125 PRO; I. Cody Dd ey ( 100) ; 2.
Cody Drewek (2 1). 250 BEG: I. Ch VKe Dorris (40) ; 2.
Russe ll Stana land (J 5); 3, Richard Maninez (25); 4. Danny
Pe el (25); 5. Cas e y Sherman (2 1). 250 NOV: l. logan
Cason (86); 2. Justin Stille (42); 1. Jeremy Sharp (25); 4 .
Micho>e1 .......r (25); 5.
McOeMy (15). 250 INT; I.
Davkl Jensen ( 100); 2. Collin Gosse tt (21); J. Chanc e Worrell
( IS). 250 OPEN; I. Logan c..on (88 ); 2. Chance Dorris
(30); 3. LanceOrsc (25); 4. M"'F" McC,""'Y (25); 5. T""""
Parks (25). WMN IR 0 -105 : I. Rhond a Vaughan (90); 2.
Melissa Ballard (2 5) ; J . Brenany Brumble (2 1). WMN
105 +: I. Charlene Rand le ( 100) ; 2. Asht o n Po pe (21) ; 1.
C hrystin Brumble ( I S). 30 + : I. Bry an Jac kso n (8 2) ; 2.
Russell Potter (77): 3. Brian Williams (4 1); 4. Mike Shelman
(30); 5. Ttey Dam (29). 30 + EX: I. Urry Mon on (<0); 2.
Man Spence r (25). 4 0+: I. Bryan Jackson ( 100) ; 2. Mark
Cornelia (18); 3. Sean Knaack (21); 4. Ne al Steinfrec:her (10);
5. Doug CUCCMtt (9). 40+ EX; I. Urry Monon (75).
r ide r saw the checkered lIag , and t he y
continue d t o battle for a no the r lap be fo re
realizi ng the race was over. Gre en wood and
New York rider Todd Pucke tt battled lor the
final podium slot, with Greenwood co ming out
on to p. Wenner started at the back 01 the grid
and spe nt the entire race dest roying the fie ld as
he tr ied to catch the fron t pack; he was o nly
able to pass 24 other riders to claim fifth.
For th e 2S0cc GP race , ironman Wenner
was on po le position and dete rmined to make
up for his troubles in the 12Scc race. He and
Brown led the crowd of 20 bikes into the first
turn , lo llowe d closely by Altken-Cade , T im
Richardson and Kcraget. O n lap two, Aitken Cade passed Brown on the outsi de 01 the very
fast tum one and started closing on Wenner.
On lap three, Wenner made a mistake, and
Aitken-Cad e passed him on the inside of turn
10. That sparked a fire in Wenner, and he put
his head down and retoo k the lead. Brown and
Aitken-Cade stuc k to Wenner until lapped
traffic got in the way and allowed Wenner to
stretch out his lead to about two seconds, and
he mai ntained tha t to t he c heckered flag .
Aitken-Cade le nded 011 Brown to take second.
Meanw hile , Richardson and Kcraget were
battling lor lourt h, with th e TZ250-mounted
Richardson prevailing
12 5 GP : I. Stewart Aitken ·Cade; 2. Brian Kcraget ; 1.
Dale Greenwood; 4. Todd Puckett; 5. Steve Wenner; 6. Josh
He rrin ; 7. Gregor Halend a: 8. Joshua Day; 9. Scott Coccoli ;
10. Michael Santelia; I I. Chris Cosentino; 12. Brian Roach;
13. Paul Hoyt Nelson ; 14. Reet Das ; 15. Dave Deggendorf;
16. Chris Dokt or; 17. De nnis Woods; 18 . Dave Celento; 19.
Ed Chirino : 20. Richard Masiak; 21 . Miguel Ch irino; 22. Philip
&ngIe; 21. Adam Loeffle r; H . Rebecca He nn; 25. Frank Pate ;
26 . Ryan Clay. 250 GP: I. Steve Wen ne r; 2. Stewan AitkenCade ; 1. Mark Bro wn ; 4. Tim Richardson; 5. Brian Kcraget; 6.
John long; 7. Mike Wright: 8. James Hillis; 9. Dave CeJento;
10. Duncan MacDonald; I I. Dennis Woods; 12. J
ustin long;
11. Rebecca Hen n; 14. Ryan Clay; IS. Richard Merhar; 16.
Brian Roach.
Steve We nne r (27) leads Stewart Aitken-Cade (4 ) throu gh turn one d uring
the 250cc GP ra ce a t round two of the USGPRU National Champions hips in
O denton, Maryland.
40th Anniversary