Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Speed & Sport/Pro-Flo National Vintage MX Series Round 3: Diamond Don's Rlverport National r:i1 a: Planes, Trains and Automobiles m By FRANCENE DEPREZ JEFFERSON, TX, APR. 3 \ A /hat a V Y wit h party weekend! The event began a ro as t ed -pig bar b ec ue , 300 pou nds o f fresh Louisiana cra wfish, and live mus ic by the Skull Creek Band . The Bud Girls we re on hand to se rve the beer donated by Budweise r. The 1880s replica live steam locomotive owned by " D iamond Don" Rainey and his family, an air show prov ided by John Hull in his antique red biplane , and Mark Fort's '32 deuce co upe hot -rod rou nded out the party theme of o ld "trains, planes and automo biles." And everywher e you loo ked, you saw one of the lege nds : Gary Jones, Brad Lackey, Jim and Ro n Pomeroy. Tom Benolkin and Donnie Cantaloupi. It was a Pool e family weekend, as th ree of the four Poo les too k ho me tr ophies. De bbie Poole be at out Terry Gerber for a first- place t rophy in the Women's Inte rmed iate class. w hile Emily Poole took I -I wi ns In her first year In t he Wome n' s No vic e class . Th e Prem ier 500cc gate was special, with mother, fathe r and so n co ming off t he gate toge ther. Wes ley be at o ut his 01 man , Robert, to take ' first in Premie r SOOcc Expe rt , while Debbie rod e off with first place in the Premier 500cc Novice portion. Spectators lined the fences to wa tch the Over SO Expe rt gate d rop , with lege nds Jones, Jim Pomeroy and Lackey on the line . This was Jones' first AHRMA Vintage event, and he had a hoot! In the first mota , Jones, a four-time National Champ io n. got the ho les hot on a '74 Yamaha provided by Hou ston ian John Gerber. Jim cam e out of th e gate in second , with lackey third. Inte rme diate and 80cc (5- 11) co nte sts on his lmoto -backe d KTM. Yam aha rider Joe l Fittro took the Supermini-class w in, over Kawasaki jocke y Velasco an d Yama ha-mounte d Mitch Be lla my. KT M r ider Cody Band in i e arn ed bragging rights in the 80cc Beginner class by w inning ahead of Kawasaki pilot T-Lo White and Honda rider Kyle God rich. Lucy Fre e r wo n the Wom en's class on her new Honda four-stroke, over Honda rider Jolita Ne ve a nd Yamaha ride r Ama nda Asca rr unz . Freer wa s ru nne r-up in mo te one, be hind Step hanie Ca ncilla, who was also riding a new Honda four-str oke. Cancilla was on the gas and see med to be th e rider to be at, but she we nt down in the second mota and was not able to get back to the front. Cancilla ended up fourth on the day, go ing 1-7. Freer won t he se cond mota with a comfortab le le ad ove r Nava and Ascarr un z. Fre e r 's 2- 1 tally se cured her first place, and Nava's 3-2 score was good enough fo r secon d . Ascarr unz , who just rece nt ly returned to racing following an injury, went 4-3 for th ird. RESULTS 50 FfT: I . Hayiee ~r (Han) . 50 P{'tN SHAFT: I. Jake Fle tche r (KTM); 2. Gavi n Tomberlin (Ho n): 1. Jack 60 MAY 5,2004 • CYCLE NEWS (Hus); 4 . Sc ott Anders en (Su z) : S. Tom BenoIkin (Hon) . eLSe 150 NOV: I . Debbie Poole (BSA); 2. Chari s Gomon(Ou). CLSe e o 150 INT: I. Terry Gues (a ss); 2. Andy w 8lackburn (CZ) : 1. LynnWiHiams(CZ); 4. Rick Mer cer (Ric); S. David Piece (Hus) . cisc ~ 150 EX: I. David Boydstun (Ric). CLSC 500 .... NOV : I. Mike Scone (BSA). CLSC 500 INT: I . Cra ig Campbell (Tri); 2. Wayne Mount >- (BSA). crsc SOD EX: I. We< Poole (Tri) ; 2. ~ Kelly Sha ne (Tri) ; 1. Bru ce Kelly (Hus): .... F Jam e s Sm ith (BSA) ; S. We s Willis (H us) . ~ $PTSMN 115 NOV: I. Tim Williams (Suz); 0. 2. Harl (CZ); J . 0._ Bernon (C....); 4. Do n na Kelley (C Z) ; S. Do nna Blac kburn o n t he t hird lap . The first moto (Y am). WMN INT: I. Debbie Poole (CZ) ; 2. ended w ith Cantaloupi first , Hazel T~rry Gerber (Kaw ). OPEN AGE NOV: I . Chris McCarthy (Hus) ; 2. J ~ ff Kalb ( Kaw ) . second, Reid thir d and Ron fourth . Four-time Notionol Chompion Gary Jones OPEN AG E INT, I. Jeff Cunningham (H",); 2. In the second moto, Cantaloup i attended his very first AHRMA Vintage event and Rik Smits (HU ; 1. John Rinkenberg (Hun); 1. l) Bm Agardy (Hus); S. Red Griffll'l (Suz). OPEN again maintained t he lead, with Ron came away with the Over 50 Expert win at AGE EX: I . We s Poole (BSA); 2. Rick Diamond Dan's Riverport National. hot on his tail , Benolkin ma de t he Humphreys (Hus); 1. Jame s Smith (C-A). 40+ NOV: I. Tim Hamilton (Suz); 2. Brian Essary pass o n Ro n o n t he t hird lap bu t (Hen ); 1. Gregg Taran (Yam); 4. Frank Storms DNFed w hen Cantaloupi smacked a (50,): 5. Jerry ~ (Hon) . 40 + INT, I. DIAMOND DoH's RMRPORT NATIONAL Mark Hosback (Kaw ): 2 . J.D . Piper (Mai); 1. Cart Keller ha y bale and spu n it arou nd In fr on t of JEFFERSON, TEXAS (Buf); •. Eric Benson (C -A); 5. G"'I Camey (Ha;). 40 + Benolkin . T he fir st - p lace t rophy w e nt to EX: I . Donnie Cantalou (KTM); 2. Gary Hazel ; 1. Ron pl RESULTS: APRIL 3, 2004 (ROUND 3 Of 18) Pomeroy (Bul); 4. Doug Kad ro vac h (Hon) ; 5. Alex Reid Ca ntaloupi, with Haze l second and Reid third . PREM lIW INT, I. 0", Ileher (Due) ; 2. Don Kelley (Bul). SO+ NOY, I. O..,;d Ed<... (CZ) ; 2. Ridwd Myen (BSA); 1. Tom Boyd (Gre ); 4 . Brian Wenzef. PREH lIW Afte r th e rac e s, the steam lo co mo t ive (Mai); 1. Robert MIllard (Hen); 4. Dalr'kl Eskew (CZ) . 50 + EX: I. David Boydstun (Co t). PREH 500 NOV: I. Debbie INT: I . Oo n Gibbs (Mai) ; 2. Joh n Rinken berg (Ho n); 1. trans ported ride rs t o the hist o ric town of Poole (BSA); 2. Michael Cholar (BSA); 1. Dale Kuykendall Lorry Shope (Hon); 4. Jon Well, (Hon ); 5. RickGame, (CZ). (BSA); 4. Tamm y Ritz he imer Mount (BSA). PREH 500 Jeffe rson for shop ping and sightseeing. O ne of am) 50 + EX : I. Gary Jo nes (Y ; 2. Jim Pome ro y (Bul); 1. INT: l. Don Kelley (BSA). PREH 500 EX: I. We s Poole Jimm y je-r es (Ma i); 4. Rick Willi a m s (C &J) ; S. Dan the oldest towns in Texas, Jefferson is known (Tri): 2. Kelly Shane (An ); 1. Corky Root (BSA); 4. Terry Gr e e nw o od (Yam) . 60 + NOV: I. Max Worth Vide to as the antique and bed-and-breakfast capital of Prom (BSA); 5. Robert Poole (BSA). PREM TW NOV, I. (Hus ); 2. Bill Decker (BSA); 1. Walter Parks (Pen ); .... Frank C....... Gomon (Tn). PREM TW INT, I . Randy .... (Tn ; ) 5pangIe< (H",). 60 + INT, I. '!eddy Landen (Pen); 2. Curt East Texas . D ia m o nd Do n continu es t o KemeJIy(Pen ); J . Bili Gokkby (H",); 4 . Bob Moms (CZ); s. 2. 0", Behe, (BSA). PREM TW EX , I. Dave Janie< (Aj5). surp r ise ra c e participants w ith new CLSC 115 NOV: I. De mpse y Elders (CZ) ; 1 . Debbie ...... McLean (H"'). 60 + EX: I . Jeff Smith (BSA); 2. J ohn Huegel (Yom J. jean Ramsey (Mao); 4. Cori(Pen); 2. Andy adve ntures . This is one race you won't want to Gary Anderson (CZ) . 70 + NOV: I . larry Smith (Hus). IlIad

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