Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 05 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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On the second lap, a loose rock in section seven forced the organizers to cancel that sectio n because it was too dangerous even for spectators. Al l the scores dropped a lot, although Raga w as careful to dab in the right places w ithout assuming more ri sks. H e carded only five additional poi nts during the lap. Fujinami pro ceeded very well, but a stupid five in section 10 meant that he was only able to climb one position (fro m six to fift h) . Frei xa finished second. Lampkin , who failed section 13, finished thi rd. DAYlWO The temperature dropped considerab ly on Sunday. It had rained duri ng t he night, and a light drizzl e continued to drop in the mo rn ing, making sections on the rocks very slippery. N evert heless, all the top r iders were not scare d by this and improved thei r scores. But Lampkin was t he only one able to reach t he end of section four. All the others sco red a five in the section. And section number six, already difficult on Saturda y, seemed impossible to score less than th ree po ints in during Sunday Raga came close to cleaning it , . dabbing once , but then he put down other feet on the final rock. Cabestany, having failed section two, was a little behi nd, wh ile - to t he sur prise of everyone - Spaniard Jero ni Fajardo was in a splendid form . So, at half com pet ition , Raga w as leading, with 12 points. Behind him w ere Fajardo and Lampkin , w it h 15 each, and then Fujinami w ith one point more! Fujinami was masterful on the second lap, however, as he dropped only eight marks to threaten Raga ( I I points) for the lead, but the Spaniard held fast and was able to duplicate his w in of the day befo re and, above all, gain the lead in the overall standings. Lampkin finished third again, and the surpris ing Fajardo dropped 24 points on the second lap, sliding back to sixth place. eN • GRAND PRIX OF PORTUGAL G O UVEIA, PORTUGAL RES ULT APRIL 17-18, 2004 S: (ROUND 2 OF 10) DAY ONE, I. Adam Rag. (GG) 19, 2. Marc Freixa (Mon) 23 , 3. Doug lAmpkin (Moo) 25; -t. Albert Cabestany (Bet ) 28 ; S. Takahea Fujinami (Han ) ) I; 6. Kenkhi Kuroyama (Bet) -40 7. Jeroni Fa)ardo (GG ) <19; 8. Antonio Bou (Bet ) ; 56, 9. Jonll Pascuet (GG) 65, 10. Graham J"';' (She) 65. DAY TWO , I. Adam Raga (GG) 23, 2. TakahisaFujlnoml (Hon) 24,3 . Doug Lampkin (GB·Man) 25, 4. Albert Cabestany (Bet) 36, 5. M"" Preixa (Mon) 37; 6. [erom f ojo'

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