Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Wild We st Nationals
Round I: Mesquite Moto-X Park
Olsen Obliterates
Opening-Day Opposition
amron Olsen th rew a dou ble wham my at
his loes , as the lightning-last Yamaha minicycle pilot smoked the BOcc junior ( 12- 15) and
Supermini classes at the season- opening round
01 the Wild West Nat ionals at Mesquite Moto X Park in Mesqu ite, Nevada. Gat es were full,
and first-round excitement swirled in the air.
In Supermini action, O lsen jum ped out in
Iront 01 Josh Flo re s and Chandler Monks to
start t hings o ff. Tre He iner and Curtis
Jorge nsen were right there in the lead group.
O lse n began to stretch It ou t, w hile Flore s
lought to keep him in sight. As O lsen, Flores
and Heiner began to spre ad out, Monks and
Jo rge nse n engaged in a bar-to- bar brawl for
fo urth. Olsen won easily. leading Flores and
Heiner through the pipes.
Dylan Hacking ripped the holeshot, ahead
of Olsen and Flores, as the second half cra nked
up. Flores went dow n in a co rner, dropping
(ro m contention , and Olsen passed for the
lead. Olsen and Hacking raced t ightly unt il
Ol sen even t ually cap tur e d the o verall
Supermini title. Hacking would have to settle
lor third overall, be hind Heine r. jorge nse n
finished lourth overall, ahead 01 RudiWilliams.
Gray Davenport, the hot Pro ride r who's
been scintillating in rece nt races at Mesquite,
lined up to do battle in the big 250cc Pro class.
Squaring off against him was star Suzuki rider
Kyle Partridge. When the gate dropped, it was
Partridge leading Davenport, Kipp Posey and
t he rest of the fie ld ou t onto the cou r se .
Brandon Barnes and Jason Lenz were also in
the lead pack that was carving up the course.
Partridge and Dave nport grad ually se parated
the mselves fro m the field, while Levi Jense n
made a charge up into filt h. Pa rt ridge and
Daven port stayed nose to tail until the final lap,
w he n a bobble by Daven port gave Partridge
the easy win. Davenpo rt recovered for seco nd,
leading Bames , Posey and Jensen through the
Posey showed the youngsters how to spike
the ho leshot , ahead 01 Da ve npo r t a nd
Partridge , to sta rt the second half . Posey
loo ked strong until he went down in a comer,
whi ch is when Davenport to ok the lead .
Panridge hounded him and pressured him, but
Davenport wou ldn't crack, eking out a narrow
win - and the overall 250cc Pro title. Partridge
finished a close second overall, leading Barnes,
Jensen and Bo Kasper in the final res ults. eN
RESULTS: MARCH 27, 200 4 (ROU 1)
P/W PP : I. Tone Williamson (Kaw); 2. Ashlee Byrge
(Lem ): J. Am""" Maheu (KTM): 4. lysJee )ones (Hon): 5.
Hunter Sampson (Kaw). HEADS UP SHA FT: I. RianTerry
(KTM): 2. Karter Machen (Kaw); J . Ashton Parke r (KTM); 4 .
Jayce Baldwin (Yam); S. Christian Warren (Yam). P/W (4-6) :
I. Ben Lammers (KTM); 2. Austi n Jorge nsen (KT M); J .
Benton Haye s ( Le m) ; 4 . Rian Ter ry (KT M) ; S . St one
Ho llima n (Ya m) . P/W (7~8) : I. J.D . Elliott (KT M) ; 2.
Chaisson Conens (Pol); J . Prest on Whitehouse (Pol); 4. l Y.
Lea (Cob): 5. Bra yden O xborrow (KTM). P/W HEADS
UP: I. Jett Smith (Kaw); 2. Kade McKell (Yam). P/W MO D:
I . J.D. Ellio tt (KTM); 2. Pres ton Whitehouse (Pol) : 1. J.Y.
Le a vitt (C ob); 4 . Bro d ie La rs e n (Lem); S. Mo rgan
Mackintos h (lem). 60 (6.8) : I . Braide n Hartz e ll (KTM); 2.
J.D. Elliott (KTM); J. Conner Mon k (KTM); 4. Ruger Hen rie
Erik Anderson went 1-1 for first overall in the 250cc Pro class a t ro und
three of th e CMC Co p persta te Classic Motocross Championships.
CMC Copperstate Classic Moto cro ss Championsh ips
Round 3: Pima Motorsports Park
Leach Learns from the Locals
ust in Leach too k t he 250cc Junior overall,
w hile local Erik Anderson took top honors in
the 250cc Pros at the t hird roun d 01 the CMC
Co pperstate Classic, pre se nted by Jim Bogard
RY, Franklin, Gordy 's, FMF AEO, Dr. Wick and
Team Apache at Pima Moto rspo rts Park. The
locals fro m the southern part o f the state
showed the CMC regulars the last way around
PMP. Adding color to the even t was a visit by
(Suz ): S. Ryan Imon di (Kaw). 60
(9- 11): I. zachary Fusse 11 (KTM);
2 . Levli Hall (KT M) ; J . Caden
Had ley (KTM); 4 . Bracke n Hall
(KTM); 5. Slade Sobotka (KTM).
60 OPEN : I. Z a c h a ry Fussell
(KTM): 2. Caden H""ley (KTM): J .
Br a c k e n Hall (KT M); 4. Slade
Sobotka. (KTM ); S. Kegan Maghen
( KT M) . 80 BEG : I. 80 Eat on
(Hon ); 2. Brett McClellan (Suz); J.
Mason Rodriguez (Yam) . 80 JR
(8- 1I ) : I. Zachary Fusse ll (KIM);
2. Lev ll Hall (KTM) ; J . Dylan
H.,k;ng (Yam BO IR ( 12-15): I.
Cam ron Olsen (Yam ); 2. Josh
Flores (Suz): J . La nd o n Powell
(Kaw). SlM IN I: I. Camron Olsen
(Yam ) ; 2. Tre He iner ( Ha n); J .
Dy lan Hac king (Yam); 4. Curtis
Jo rgen sen (Yam) : S. Rudi Williams
(Ya m) . 115 BEG: I. Jo sh Flores
(Suz) ; 2. Edd ie Aguilar (Ha n); J.
Brandon Campbell (KTM). 12S IR:
I. Andrew Bris k ( Ho n) ; 2. Kyle
Rienstra (Suz) ; 1. Brennan Stewart
(KTM); 4. Bron son Angu lo (Yam);
5. Ch ris Powe ll (Hon) . 125 INT: I.
Michael Parker (Hon); 2. Benjamin
Evam (Hon) : J. Colby Caple (Y :
4. Ryan Richardson ( Ha n): S.
Daniel John>on (!