Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Briefly... won the 85cc Modified Through I I. In the Pee Wee ranks, Blake Green of Corona, California, put his Cobra on top of the podium in both the 50cc Stock an d Mod ified Th rough 6 eve nts . His stock title ca me by w inning his d ivision as w e ll as Sunday 's run -off. T he Modified class w as o nly one of five classes that d id no t me rit divisio n splits t hrougho ut the four-d ay e vent. Georgia's Colema n Martin be at G reen to the ch ecke red flag in the first mota, but Gree n countered back in mo ta two to ta ke the w in an d the championship. Ty Siminoe of Reno , Nevada, used KTM power to find his w ay to the top of the SO Stock and Modified 7-8, chased cc by California's Michael Maze in both events. Siminoe finished with a respective second in the Super Pee Wee behind jessy Nel son of Temple ton, Ca lifornia. justin Hill nailed six perfect mota wins to take t he titles in the 65cc Stock and Modified 6-8 cat egories. Both jus tin Hill and Jonah Hill (no re lat io n) won their res pective divisions and went head to head in Sunday's Modified run-off. justin nailed a te xtbook ho les ho t and held the lead w ire to w ire for the win . Michael Maze garnered second followed by Adam Cianciarulo. Maze used a 4-2 for second ov erall , but Cianciaru lo's unlucky first mota in his d ivision ra ce , alo ng w ith a sec ond mota w in se nt him to the run -off in 15th place , th e refo re costi ng him a shot at a top-10 ove rall finish. josh Hill w on five o f his six mo tos in his t hree division race s. josh and Mike laPaglia sha red mo ta w ins in D ivision 3 of th e 125cc Modi fied Intermediate class . laPaglia's second-mota win and his first- mo ta th ird sent him to the ru n-o ff with th e lesser po ints . Once the gate dropped in Sunday's run -off, it was an all-out battle be twee n josh and laPaglia. josh got the ho leshot, but laPaglia passed him out of first turn for t he lead . josh had a bead on laPaglia and was where it counted most w hen laPaglia went down early in the final lap on a ste p-up by th e starting gate area. jo sh took over the lead to w in the championship. LaPag lia w as able to remo unt but e nded up finishing near the back of the pack. Californ ia's Daniel Sani used a d ivision w in and second in t he run- off for second overall while Chris Nihan rounded ou t the podium in third. Mike Aless i pulled out seven of eight mota w ins among his Stock and Mod ified I 25cc and 250 Pro division performances. O nly one of his divisions hosted both Alessi and josh Gra nt on the same gate, w hich w as t he 250cc Modified Pro class . Alessi won the firs t mota, bu t Grant won mo ta two . Alessi's performance in the first Pro ou ting Sunday, the 125cc Stock Pro, saw him and Grant go head to head . Grant took the mota w in, but Alessi took the title with a 1-2 to Grant's 3-1. It was a record- breaking World Mini Grand Prix this year with 3084 total entries . The top manulacturer lor the majority 01the 35 championships up for grabs ende d up in a tie between KTM and Honda, both of wh ich had nine titles. Yamaha had a great showing, claiming seven titles while 5uzuki had six. Kawasaki and Co bra shared two each. 5tatistics 01manufacturers had 21 percent 01the riders on Suzuki. Yamahaheld 20 percent 01the entries . while Kawasaki was at 19 percent. Both KTM and Honda held 17 percent each , with Cobra 3 percent. Polini 2 percent and LEM I percent. Californ ia claimed the most titles with 14 out 01 35 top wins. Washington state was the runner-up with five. Ohio. Michigan and Virginiawere alltied with three each . Nevada had two championships while Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Idaho and Missouri each had one. World Mini announcers Erv and Zegin Braun kept the airways busy with news 01 rafflesand donation requests on behalf of long-time amateu r motocross announcer Lynn Nickerson. Nickerson recently under went surgery in Tulsa Oklahoma, lor cancer , 01the esophagus and is without health insurance. Over $5000 was generouslydonated and collected via rafflesthroug hout the week lor L ynn. "We want to thank everyone lor diggingdeep into their pockets for our good friend," said Braun. Lynn is recuperating at home in Fort Worth , Texas. All cards and letters can be sent directly to Lynn at this home address 01 5708 Orval Co urt , Fort Worth, TX 76117-3254. CYCLE NEWS . MAY 5, 2004 41