Tile Winning Balance
Mr. Smith Goe, To Loretta Lynn',.
Everyone EI,e Sing' The Blue,.
Rodney Smith and his Suzuki RM2S0 went to Loretta Lynn's Ranch and came back with a third straight GNCC
victory This time the race was a combinedGNCC/Hare Scrambles event. But the only combination that really
mattered was the one at the front. Smith and his RM250. .
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CAl11 -800-828-RIDE TO LOCATE YOUR LO SUZUKI DEALER OR VISIT US ON THE WE8 AT WWW.SU2IJKI.COM. AISuzuki, wewant every ride tobesafe and enjoyable. So always wear ahelrnet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never ride undel the
innuance 01 ak:ol1ol orothel drugs. Study your owne~s manual and always inspect your Suzuki belore riding. Always supervise young ridelo. The RM seIieS motortydes are lor oosed-coese compeblion use and related practices only. Professional ride!
photographed undel dosed-courne conditions. C2OO4 American Suzuki Molor Corporation.